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For a complete overview of camera support in Photoshop and Lightroom, visit the following article:
Why doesn't my version of Photoshop or Lightroom support my camera?
Note: ETAs for specific cameras are not available.
No one can say (except for some Adobe employees, who are not allowed to say). You should check the list here each time Adobe updates the Lighroom Classic software.
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The Panasonic GH6 was announced on Feb 22. LR usually supports a major-manufacturer camera in the release following the announcement or sometimes the release after that. On average, there's a new release of LR every 8 weeks (57.3 days). LR 11.2 was released Feb 8, so we might see 11.3 early April. Since the GH6 was announced early in the release cycle, there's a good chance it will be supported in 11.3.
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I'm thinking about getting a Fuji XT4 Will Lightroom support this model.
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Lightroom Classic 11.2 (the current version) does support the Fuji XT4. Please read this note aobut HDR RAF support.
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Any ideas on why Lightroom isn't allowing me to view and edit the new Panasonic GH6 .RW2 raw files? Thank you!
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According to this list - - the GH6 isn't yet supported by any version of Lightroom. Looks like it was released just after the current version of LrC 11.2 was released, so if things take their normal course you might expect to see support added in 11.3 (whenever that is released).
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To build on Jim's reply, LR releases a new version every 8 weeks. So we might expect to see LR 11.3 in early April.
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Hi, received my new Lumix GH6 last week and as ADobe Lightroom can't read its RAW files (.rw2), my workflow is broken. Hundreds of people are in the process of getting theirs, posting here in hope you could prioritize its support. Thanks!
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Based on past experience with LR's support for cameras from major manufacturers, LR 11.3 will probably support the GH6, and LR 11.3 will probably be released in early April.
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Hi, I'm currently facing issues importing my CR3 Raw photos file from my new R5C into lightroom/ photoshop. It's saying the file is unsupported or damaged. This doesn't make sense to me, because it's effectively an R5 in photo mode? So shouldn't everything just be compatible? Hopefully there'll be an update soon! Thanks!
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According to this list - - the R5C isn't yet supported by Lightroom.
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The Canon EOS R5 C was announced 1/19/22, just a few weeks before the release of LR 11.2, and it appears to have just started shipping:
Though it's likely very similar to the R5, there's always the possibility of hardware or firmware changes, so Adobe generally won't release raw support for a camera until it has a production version in its hands.
In general, support for a new camera from a major manufacturer usually comes out in the release following the announcement, sometimes in the release following that. LR releases about every eight weeks on average, so we might expect to see LR 11.3 in early April.
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We are a monthly full suite user and have auto updates on all the time - everything is up to date bro - so we wait LOL!!! and hopefully Adobe do the right thing and get going asap LOL!!!
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Hallo, kurze Frage weiß jemand ab wann geplant ist dass ein Update kommt für die GH6 damit man die RAW Bilder in LrC bearbeiten kann?
Ich habe das Problem auf einer Produktion und bin sehr enttäuscht dass es hier kein Update gibt.
danke & vg,
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Adobe does not announce updates in advance.
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Okay thanks, I'm hoping they'll update it soon though.
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Die Kamera ist ja erst gerade mal ca. 1 Monat auf dem Markt !?!
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Und jetzt? Lightroom ist ein Tool für Profis und ich arbeite gewerblich mit der Kamera. Ist ja kein Hexenwerk das in der software zu erweitern. Solange es nicht funktioniert kann ich die Kamera nicht verwenden. FinalCut z.B. hat bereits ein Update und ich kann das Footage der GH6 benutzen.
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Komische Aussage.
Die neue OM1 ist auch direkt, oder sogar kurz vor release kompatibel gewesen. Kam mit dem Februar Update.
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Hi Team,
I just bought Canon R5c and i am having trouble importing .cr3 images into Lightroom Classic and any other adobe product . It gives me error that files aare unsupported or damaged. I tried converting images in Adobe DNG converter but ran into same problem with the error "There was an error parsing the files" .
Camera Raw and Adobe lightroom are up to date .
Please help me out as i have client waiting for the pictures .
P.S.: Images work fine in Luminar Neo.
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According to the Adobe Camera Raw supported cameras table, the R5 C is not yet supported. Only the R5 is currently supported.
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Until Adobe release supported versions of Lightroom-Classic and ACR, you will need to edit with Canon's DPP App (Digital Photo Professional), and export to TIF or JPG. DPP lists the R5c as supported.
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Does PS 23.2.2, ACR 14.2 & LR 11.2 fully support the OM 1 camera?
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The Olympus OM-D E-M1 has been supported for a long time. Is that the model you are referring to? If not, what is the exact model of the camera in question?
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Thanks but the OM Digital Solutions OM1 is the one I was asking about.
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I understand that OM Digital Systems (OMDS) has acquired Olympus so you're asking about the OMDS OM-1 Mirrorless released in Feb 2022?
OM-1 support was added in the latest (7 Feb 2022) Camera Raw updates ACR 14.2 and LR Classic 11.2