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For a complete overview of camera support in Photoshop and Lightroom, visit the following article:
Why doesn't my version of Photoshop or Lightroom support my camera?
Note: ETAs for specific cameras are not available.
No one can say (except for some Adobe employees, who are not allowed to say). You should check the list here each time Adobe updates the Lighroom Classic software.
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Support for a new camera from a leading manufacturer typically comes in the LR release following the release of the camera or, less frequently, the second following release. A new version of LR comes out about every 8 weeks, so we might expect to see LR 12.1 mid-December. (I have no inside information on this, and Adobe never announces such things ahead of time.)
Meanwhile, you can use Sony's software to convert raws to TIFFs and import those into LR.
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How long does it generally take for Adobe to support a new camera, like the a7R V? Weeks or months after to camera is released?
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Looking at the track record, updates are roughly every 8 weeks, sometimes longer. The most recent update was in late October.
New cameras that Adobe can acquire and test in that time will usually be included in the update.
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"How long does it generally take for Adobe to support a new camera, like the a7R V? Weeks or months after to camera is released?"
Support for a new camera from a leading manufacturer typically comes in the LR release following the release of the camera or, less frequently, the second following release. A new version of LR comes out about every 8 weeks, so we might expect to see LR 12.1 mid-December. (I have no inside information on this, and Adobe never announces such things ahead of time.)
Meanwhile, you can use Sony's software to convert raws to TIFFs and import those into LR.
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Canon R6 mkII was supported before camera was even released to dealers ... so you never know, sometimes Adobe is an atta-boy
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How long does it generally take for Adobe to support a new camera, like the a7R V? Weeks or months after to camera is released?
By @Paul Tocatlian
Adobe (like most software companies, and I say this as a principal of one), has scheduled release dates.
Let’s pretend that Adobe plans a release every two months on the 15th of that month. Let’s also pretend that it only takes a day or two for them to hack the new unnecessary proprietary raw file. Then a day to make a suite of camera and lens profiles. Now, this has to be coded into three Adobe products on at least two operating systems And each has to be tested internally before it is released to one or more groups of outside beta testers. That takes time but let’s say 3 days (it doesn't it takes a lot longer but we are pretending). Let’s include the documentation that has to be written, installers for more than one OS, and updates to web pages that will go live every 15th of the month of a release. So let’s say the total time is 5 days of work.
Now Adobe plans a release for June 15th. And Sony or Canon or Nikon releases a new camera on June 20th. So guess how long a user who buys that new camera has to wait for support; more than a month and a half!
Of course, it is all unnecessary work for Adobe, the beta testers, etc. On June 20th, customer #1 has access to the camera JPEG. The raw, nope. They get to wait. Thank you (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, etc). Thank you for hijacking MY data and making me wait on Adobe, Affinity, Iridient Developer etc. Yes, some are faster at releases, some have differing release schedules, and some only have one product to support or only one OS to support. But the fault lies with the camera manufacturers for you, the customer, to get raw support from any such product.
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How is "Adobe has a fixed release schedule" an argument at all here - there are so many things they can do to have support for major new camera releases on the day of general availability or shortly thereafter. Adobe can actually work with the camera companies directly. I'm sure Adobe has enough clout that companies like Sony would be willing to send Adobe pre-production units, or near-production units. YouTube reviewers get their hands on these cameras weeks before release, so can Adobe. The argument that Adobe has to wait until general availability to get their hands on a camera makes no sense. Adobe could also choose to do minor releases to Camera Raw / Lightroom to just add hardware support (and no other features/bug fixes). For example a week after major camera X is released, Adobe can push out a minor release which adds support for that camera (and any other pending hardware support like lenses etc.).
There's nothing new in the A7R5 RAW format that's different than cameras that Sony has already released - the lossless compressed RAW format is exactly the same as the A1, the uncompressed and compressed RAW formats are exactly the same as every other recent Sony camera. The A7R5 sensor is the same as the A7R4 so the camera profiles for the A7R4 likely provide a good starting point and probably need minor tweaking for the A7R5. Not having this support on day one for a major camera release that a lot of customers are getting their hands on reflects poorly on Adobe. If other RAW processors beat Adobe to supporting new hardware in a timely manner it's possible for Adobe to lose business over this.
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"Adobe has a fixed release schedule" isn't an argument at all here; it's a fact! And the answer to the question.
The other fact you don't understand: IF there is nothing new in the A7R5 raw format (you state “exactly the same“) that's different than the cameras that Sony has already released (untrue), unlike the JPEG, why can't they be processed like the JPEG? Why do ALL software companies list all the camera models they support and update that list?
You state the Sony raws are the same, then state they need minor tweaking; do you understand what the word “same” means, or does tweaking (whatever that assumption is) need to be made? Please make up your minds.
Adobe can actually work with the camera companies directly, and they do, but they can't force them to give them cameras or their raws prior to release, and if what you say is true (it isn't but a further assumption on your part), if the raws are the same, why would they need to? No need to attempt to answer with more assumptions on how this process really works.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." --Mark Twain
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I have bought the new Sony A7RV and the RAW-files can't be read by Photoshop or Lightroom.
Does anyone know when their will be accepted?
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Perhaps some of the previous 500 replies will give you an estimate. 🤔
We're all waiting.
Merry Christmas 🎅🏻
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501 will break the camel's back ( or neck or whatever has to be broken ) !
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Just contacted Adobe support regarding this issue and received the following super lame response: "Thank you for your patience. I checked with my leads and they informed me that an update for Camera Raw comes out every 3-4 months. The last update was in October and the next update should be available very soon [3-4 months means very soon?]! I cannot provide a concrete date for you but you should have it working in Adobe applications soon." That means thousands of Sony A7RV users (tens of thousands of users?) will not be able to process A7RV raw files for MONTHS while they meanwhile pay expensive subsription fees. My guess is that the programming required to permit processing of A7RV files is a matter of someone at Adobe spending two hours of time to write/adapt existing code. That versus the cost of all the subscribers who won't be able to process their photos. In my book that's called extraordinarily and ridiculously poor customer service. Time to find new photo processing software, perhaps with no monthly subscription?
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"I checked with my leads and they informed me that an update for Camera Raw comes out every 3-4 months."
Support is wrong as usual. LR and Camera Raw have a new release about once every 8 weeks (not counting patch releases like LR 12.0.1). This doesn't address your other points, but it's important to have the correct information.
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Wann ist ein Update für die neue Sony Alpha 7 R V geplant? Ich besitze das Modell jetzt seit dem 12.11.2022 kann aber leider damit noch nicht arbeiten, da das Raw Format noch nicht von Adobe unterstützt wird!
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Suggest you read this discussion from top to bottom. Your question has been discussed extensively.
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I have to laugh at the same couple of "Community Experts" regurgitating the same stock reply to every person asking when Adobe will finally make their software work for them. This thread must be great for your community reputation, building up all those Adobe points! 🤣
Meanwhile a lot of users are wasting their subscription money each month until Adobe finally deigns to support a new camera in their software. Truly a sad state of affairs.
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When someone asks when LR will support a camera, I give them the best known information about Adobe's release policies with respect to new cameras. Would you rather that I didn't provide that information?
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I have to laugh at the same couple of "Community Experts" regurgitating the same stock reply to every person asking when Adobe will finally make their software work for them.
By @loco27057486xady
"Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes." -Jawaharlal Nehru
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Creative cloud just got updated.
Could this be a sign 🎅🏻🙏🏻👍🏻
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When will we see Adobe release a LR/PH update for the Sony A7RV RAW files?
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No one can say (except for some Adobe employees, who are not allowed to say). You should check the list here each time Adobe updates the Lighroom Classic software.
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I just upgraded from the Sony A7c to the Sony A7V and the ARW files don't seem to be supported by Lightroom (or at least I can't figure what to do). I haven't had this problem on the A7c. And I also tried the Adobe DNG converted which says the ARW files aren't supported either. Any ideas?
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Just as an FYI. I tried it with all the differnt forms of RAW compressed, uncompressed and with two different cards that were each freshly formated. Thanks!
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Adobe has not yet provided support for this Sony model. It will most likely be added to support with the next .dot release of Camera Raw for ACR, Ps, LrC, Lr, and DNG Converter, etc.
In the meantime- Shoot RAW+JPG and view the JPG files, or edit the ARW files in software that Sony may provide to support this camera.
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is there a beta version of camera raw that will allow import of sony ar7 v images?