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Cannot upload and use Captivate File in Blackboard

Community Beginner ,
Oct 08, 2020 Oct 08, 2020

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I created a software simulation using automatic settings.  When I published it for scorm the .zip file will not upload and work in Blackboard.  The failure log shows:

Oct 8, 2020 11:46:36 AM - Fatal: An error has occurred. The error recorded is:
The provided file could not be identified as a supported package format and therefore can not be processed.
For more information, see the detailed log.Oct 8, 2020 11:46:36 AM - Debug: blackboard.apps.cx.papi.PackageException: The provided file could not be identified as a supported package format and therefore can not be processed.
at blackboard.apps.cx.papi.PackageSupportFactory.getReaderInstance(PackageSupportFactory.java:83)
at blackboard.apps.cx.papi.CxPackage.prepImport(CxPackage.java:1500)
at blackboard.apps.cx.papi.CxPackage.<init>(CxPackage.java:149)
at blackboard.apps.cx.Importer.setCxPackageProperties(Importer.java:373)
at blackboard.apps.cx.Importer.execute(Importer.java:186)
at blackboard.apps.cx.Cx.invoke(Cx.java:378)
at blackboard.apps.cx.BaseCxQueuedOperation.execute(BaseCxQueuedOperation.java:108)
at blackboard.platform.queue.QueuedTaskManager.processTask(QueuedTaskManager.java:457)
at blackboard.platform.queue.QueuedTaskManager$WorkerThread.doRun(QueuedTaskManager.java:899)
at blackboard.db.LeakCheckThread.run(LeakCheckThread.java:38)Oct 8, 2020 11:46:36 AM - Status: The operation import did not complete.Oct 8, 2020 11:46:36 AM - Information: The operation took 0.11 seconds to complete.

Thank you for any help you can provide.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 09, 2020 Oct 09, 2020

I haven't used Blackboard lately, did use it when I worked in a university college as professor.

There used to be two ways to upload a course:

  1. As a SCO, which means that you have set up Reporting under Quiz Preferences. When publishing Captivate will automatically zip the course and add the necessary files to become a SCO.
  2. As a package: in that case you do not set up Reporting. You will need to check the option 'zip file' in the Publish dialog box, or zip the output folder manually. When upload



Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2020 Oct 09, 2020

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Can you confirm the version of the software you are using? Can you also share the settings you used to create the SCORM file?





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 09, 2020 Oct 09, 2020

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I am using Captivate 2019 and Blackboard Learn + version 9.1 (something).  This is an installation at my University which is Texas A&M San Antonio.

I have uploaded scorm to Blackboard from Captivate 8. But the publish options have changed and it seems very unfamiliar to me now.  I have found that Blackboard does not recognize html4 as video files, so that may be part of my problem.


I did "publish to computer" Publish as HTML5/SWF (flash player 10) checked the zip files box, 

I also went to Quiz Preferences chose Other Standard LMSs SCORM 1.2 and the default template. (although my tutorial does not have any quiz function). 

It works flawlessly in the SCORM cloud and I have no trouble viewing the SWF output.

But.  I does not upload and unpack into Blackboard.

Sorry about the verbosity.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 09, 2020 Oct 09, 2020

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I haven't used Blackboard lately, did use it when I worked in a university college as professor.

There used to be two ways to upload a course:

  1. As a SCO, which means that you have set up Reporting under Quiz Preferences. When publishing Captivate will automatically zip the course and add the necessary files to become a SCO.
  2. As a package: in that case you do not set up Reporting. You will need to check the option 'zip file' in the Publish dialog box, or zip the output folder manually. When uploaded to Blackboard it will unzip the file, and find the index.html file which is needed to launch the course. 

I don't know which workflow you used (has nothing to do with the version you are using, this has been the same since many versions).. You talk about a software simulation, but not which mode you used. If it was Demo mode, no need to set up a SCO, since nothing is scored. Or you may have chosen to set up the criterion only based on slide views. If you have used a training or assessment mode, it is possible to have a score and to set up a SCO to transfer the final score to the gradebook in Blackboard.

Extra: the server needs to support JSON since some CP-versions for HTML output.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 09, 2020 Oct 09, 2020

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Hello Lilybiri,

I did set the SCO format, although my file does not have any quiz slides. 

I also set the output for slide views at 100%.

The package fails on the upload and unzip in Blackboard.  I tried my University's help desk, but I swear that they were stumped at "Blackboard."  Most probably I will have to find help from Blackboard.  But if you have ever attempted to get any information from Blackboard, you understand why that is a last resort.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 10, 2020 Oct 10, 2020

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Setting Slide views to 100% is not a good idea. It depends on the LMS, but not all of them consider a slide to be viewed if not all frames on the slide have been visited. Do you need a SCO? Why not upload a package (non-SCO) since you can see in BB if the course has been visited. Unless you are dealing with small kids,


Since it works well on SCORM Cloud, you probably need indeed to talk with the people who did set up BB.





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