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I'm on Windows 10. I tried opening Creative Cloud, but it is stuck at the "Loading Creative Cloud" screen, and error message saying "Creative Cloud is taking longer than usual to load. Relaunch Creative Cloud or restart your computer and try again" (see picture).
I've tried following the link here. So far I've tried:
1. Turning off CC and restarting my computer
2. Restarting my computer
3. Uninstalling and reinstalling CC
4. Deleting the OOBE files (except ANEData.db and filesync.db because Windows 10 says CC is using it), restarting computer and running CC
5. Updating my PC
None of it works.
Is there a fix to this?
first, reset the cc app:
to reset the cc desktop app, make sure it's in the foreground, then press:
Win: Ctrl + Alt + R
Mac: Cmd + Opt + R
if that fails, try to repair
if that fails go ahead and uninstall/reinstall per the above link
if that fails, do a clean cc install following each applicable step:
uninstall every cc app including preferences,
then uninst
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Didn't help me. Too bad.
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I had a similar issue. Windows 10. CC appeared to be running in Task manger but I was unable to open it. Used to work fine. In the end after restarts of windows failed I just reinstalled the creative cloud basic app over the top of the existing ones and it worked again.
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What do you mean by "reinstalled the creative cloud basic app over top of the existing ones"?
I've uninstalled, reinstalled, used the cleaner, shut off firewalls and antivirus, shut down everything in the task manager, restarted, power cycled my PC, cleaned my credentials, basically everything short of letting an Adobe rep take over my computer, which I really don't want to do.
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Do you happen to have any malware/virus software? I had the same issue and turning malwarebytes off, then stopping CC app completely, then restarting it, allowed an update that was running to finish, and everything works now.
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I have had this program for almost 2 years now and have to constantly use repair to reload it. There was another forum with many folks complaining of the same thing and they shut it down and told us to go here. Still no correct answer and it has nothing to do with any malware antivirus or network. We pay alot for this subscription and it would be lovely to have this issue resolved.
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I have it worked out thank you!
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Currently having the same issue.
I tried all, cleaning all CC app, uninstall all CC + programs, deleting the ALL the OOBEE files, updating my PC (currently on windows 10).
I don't see the end of it... Please help me.
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follow each applicable step:
uninstall every cc app including preferences per
then uninstall the cc desktop app, again using the correct uninstaller per
clean your computer of cc files per
check for, and if available, update your os
if windows is your os, repair all ms visual c++ versions that can be repaired (use google if you don't know how to do this)
if windows is your os update your ms visual c++, if it can be updated (use google if you don't know how to do this)
restart your computer (don't skip this)
reinstall the cc desktop app using the "alternative download links" at the bottom of the page at
use the desktop app to install your cc programs/trials
NOTE: win 11 users that have trouble with the latest win 10 installer often have success with the older win 10 installer.
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hello @kglad , i've followed all of your directions, from uninstalling all adobe-related apps to using the cc cleaner app to updating my windows to using the alternative download link, and my creative cloud program still isn't loading its "Apps" page. without access to "Apps," i cannot reinstall the adobe programs i previously uninstalled.
my problem is that my creative cloud program is installed fine, it's just that the "Apps" "Files" and "Discover" pages are stuck on the spinning wheel/loading screen, and i receive the notification of "Your apps are taking a long time to relaunch" or something along the lines of that.
do you have any further advice? 😞
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update: it just loaded to a screen with the message "Not connected to enterprise server. Check the connection to enterprise server. If the problem continues, contact your IT admin."
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do you have a teams or enterprise or education subscription or an individual subscription ?
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@kgladEducation subscription, I believe.
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I also tried Repair, but it still didn't work. 😞
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Sorry to hear that always works for me. Did you wait long enough, I thoughtnit was done repair a few times and it wouldn't work.for me as I was wrong.
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Thanks, you guys. I've emailed my administrator so hopefully they get back to me.
No worries, Roberta. Yeah, I've waited a bit in between attempts, but I'm gonna leave it overnight so hopefully it works out before my admin gets back to me.
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IT just got back to me and said it might be an issue with the VPN we use. I reconnected, and it still took a few minutes to load (still getting that pop-up of Your apps are taking a while to load), but it finally loaded. It looks like while I wasn't on my school's WiFi, I needed to use the VPN we use at school.
Everything's okay now, thank goodness 🙂 Thank you guys for y'all's help along the way ^^
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adobe creative cloud, I won't wait for it to load anymore, and also plans, not free
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if you're seeing the apps tab issue, that's on adobe's end ~july 27-july 29 2024