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Creative Cloud Syncing never ending / doesnt stop / continuously going

Enthusiast ,
Nov 07, 2016 Nov 07, 2016

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I have an issue with creative cloud syncing: It never ends. I only have around a thirty PDFs in my creative cloud folder. When I access the PDFs online, they are all there. However, the syncing is ongoing and never stops. It only stops when I delete all my files and folders within the creative cloud folder. I have left my PC on for two weeks now in the hope the syncing would finally come to an end. No chance, it is still syncing. I have a super fast internet connection, so 30 PDFs usually take seconds for me to up- or download.

This is cause for concern, as I am wondering what the hell Adobe is still syncing? It cannot be my PDFs since they are all synced already! Also, this is using my system resources and is putting a strain on my bandwidth!!

Can anyone explain to me:

1.) Why the Creative Cloud App is continuously syncing

2.) What is the app syncing (since my files are all uploaded already)

2.) What I can do to make it stop

I do not want to stop syncing altogether, I just want it to stop after my very minor changes are complete. That said, it does make me wonder if it is a good idea to let Adobe into my system in such a way, if things like this occur!

Any help is greatly appreciated... but please only respond if you know what your talking about!

Don't tell me to reinstall the app - I have done that!

Don't tell me to move files into another folder and then back - I have done that!

No need to tell me how to stop syncing altogether - I know how to do that!

File sync




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jan 19, 2017 Jan 19, 2017

Hey Walter,

I after reviewing your logs our engineering department was able to identify the cause. This issue will be fixed in a future update to the Creative Cloud app. I'm not sure when that will be, but hopefully some time soon.

Thanks for reporting it!

- Dave


replies 106 Replies 106
Adobe Employee ,
Mar 28, 2018 Mar 28, 2018

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Hi Paul,

Although the symptoms may appear the same, we've discovered and released fixes for being unable to sync since the original post here. This issue is not something that everyone encounters and the underlying cause/solution varies from case to case. If you're unable to use sync I'm happy to work with you to troubleshoot or alternatively you can contact and work phone/chat support. If you'd like to me to try to assist these would help me better understand the issue in your circumstance.

  •     What troubleshooting have you tried already?
  •     Has sync worked on the system in the past?
  •     What anti-virus/security software do you use on the system?
  •     What operating system and version are you using?
  •     Is sync failing to start or running indefinitely?
  •     Are you getting any kind of error message?

Please get back to me with additional information and I'll see what I can do to help.


- Dave




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Explorer ,
Mar 31, 2018 Mar 31, 2018

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Hi Dave,

thanks for the reply. As you can read I am not very confident that this

problem will be solved soon since it has been reported many times now.

In my case file sync is running indefinitely. I have only 13Gb left in the

CC folder. Even that amount of data does not sync properly.

I have tried every kind of troubleshooting that I could find,

including restarting several times. The speed is, of course, set to

maximum. My internet connection is 400 down/40 up. That should be enough.

My system is Mac High Sierra 10.13.3. I don't run virus software.

It worked a few months ago in CC with about 40 Gb. That seemed to work.

After I tried to set up an environment with a client with 500 Gb,

everything was stuck. It took me a day for troubleshooting, googling

solutions and moving files around. Then I moved the 500 Gb back to DropBox

and it was synced in a few hours again. After that no trouble.

I hope this information will help you in fixing the problems.

As you can imagine I won't trust CC syncing for the next half year. Then I

will take a peek to see if you have finally solved the problems.

See you at Adobe back in September!

best regards,


Op wo 28 mrt. 2018 om 22:35 schreef David__B <forums_noreply@adobe.com>:

Creative Cloud Syncing never ending / doesnt stop / continuously going created

by David__B <https://forums.adobe.com/people/David__B> in *File Hosting,

Syncing, and Collaboration* - View the full discussion





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 03, 2018 Apr 03, 2018

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Thanks for the additional details and background Paul.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Creative Cloud app? I have seen that help in some cases. Adobe has an uninstaller you can download to assist with the process here: Uninstall the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application

You can reinstall from here: Download Creative Cloud desktop app

If this isn't something you've tried I'd give it a go to see if helps

Kind regards,

- Dave




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Explorer ,
Apr 03, 2018 Apr 03, 2018

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Yes, I did. I will give it another try to do you (and maybe myself) a favour.

After that, I think I have wasted enough time on this Adobe Creative Swamp...

(But I will keep using the tools of course as I have been doing for 25 years.)

Kind regards,





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

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Hi Paul,

Thanks for continuing to try to get it working correctly. Once we've done all the troubleshooting, if we're still unable to get it to work I generally collect log files and have the related engineering department review them to see if they can help resolve the issue. I'd be happy to do that in your case too if you have the time and are willing. Please let me know if you'd like to go that route.


- Dave




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New Here ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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I have the same issue on a windows computer, to sync 1 mb takes all day hahaha, Creative Cloud Files is working so bad.




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New Here ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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I already posted such kind of troubles, but since any one did not  answer anything , I try again by your other way ...


I have been struggling with Creative Cloud Files synchronizing for 6 weeks .

  I was wondering to scale up to 1To, but without any solution to my issue, for sure i will prefer OneDrive or other Cloud Storage solutions.

  I only had 1,7 Go to synchronize from my desktop to my CC.

It was very , very, ... long for all the files lower than 10mb, but, nevertheless, at the end  it worked .

   Then, for the last 8 files which are between 10mb and 140mb, I am still waiting and waiting...

However, in having a look on my network flows, I see a lot of mbs that are migrating from my adress to your adress ( located in AWS, like some other cloud hosting providers).

  Is it a limitation ?

  A trouble with consistency check of such " not so big " files ?

     Or a TimeOut limit connection that could be raised by my only ADSL connection ? In such case I am just wondering why it works for the same files with OneDrive  or DropBox

In the log file of CoreSync , I can find few  lines like "20180402-190046.238: t=0dc4: Info: [livetype] longpoll: request timed out at gateway (504). will retry" ..... Hum Hum ?!

  Of course feel free, to propose  any other kind of solutions that may make me happy  and trusty in ACC ! .

Thank you




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

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Hi Fargo66,

It sounds like sync is working in your case but very slowly. I wondered the same thing for in your case as in others

  • Has it always done this or is it something new?
  • Are you using a high speed internet connection, I saw you mentioned ADSL?
  • Is the transfer speed setting in the Creative Cloud app preferences set to Maximum?
  • What is the upload setting on the system? (Can you run a speed test via www.speedtest.net)?
  • Did you have Dropbox and OneDrive also open when you were experiencing the slow syncing?
  • Did you already run the log collector on the system?

Please get back to me when you get the chance.


- Dave




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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2018 Apr 14, 2018

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Hi David

    I just tried again with a 200Mo file ( medium size of PSD photoshop file, or TIF ...) .

   I got exactly the same symptoms :

    • Never ending
    • At least 10 ports are opened in upload to AWS, they load and load, and suddenly they are stopped
    • and few minutes after 10 NEW ports  are opened and restart the loading from the begininng

   It really looks like a time limit that automatically stops the upload process in time_out .

   Have you ever heard about such time limit ? rather than size limit ...

Here below are the answer to your question

  • Has it always done this or is it something new?

               Always for files bigger than 70-100Mo

  • Are you using a high speed internet connection, I saw you mentioned ADSL?


  • Is the transfer speed setting in the Creative Cloud app preferences set to Maximum?


  • What is the upload setting on the system? (Can you run a speed test via www.speedtest.net)?

               Ping : 39 ms

               Download : 8.89 mbs

               Upload : 0.95 mbs

  • Did you have Dropbox and OneDrive also open when you were experiencing the slow syncing?

               NO. Not at the same time.

               But it works much more than better, whatever file size, even with my "small" ADSL internet connection

  • Did you already run the log collector on the system?


               Here below is an extract where you can read  :

        1. "Request timed out at gateway (504). will retry"
        2. Then , the cache file seems to be deleted
        3. Then a poll Timeout parameter seems to be set to 1020
        4. Then the uploade process seems to be reinitialized
        5. and then to be restarted again
        6. NEVER ENDING


20180414-113926.125: t=8cfc: Info: ACSL: Received empty journal (LoggingJournalParserCallbacks.cpp.AdobeACSL::LoggingJournalParserCallbacks::onEnd.41)

20180414-113926.125: t=8690: Info: mon: Begin status success  for 79825A314EFC24E90A490D44@AdobeID.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cclibraries (ChangeMonitorController.cpp.musync::ChangeMonitorControllerImpl::handleJournalStatusHandler.608)

20180414-113926.125: t=8690: Info: mon: End status success  for 79825A314EFC24E90A490D44@AdobeID.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.cclibraries (ChangeMonitorController.cpp.musync::ChangeMonitorControllerImpl::handleJournalStatusHandler.608)

20180414-115535.280: t=1838: Info: [livetype] onResponseHeaders (id=longpoll) {"Connection":"keep-alive","Content-Length":"0"}

20180414-115535.280: t=9f7c: Info: [livetype] longpoll: request timed out at gateway (504). will retry

20180414-115535.280: t=9f7c: Info: [livetype] longpoll: listening immediately given retry-after 60 seconds

20180414-115535.280: t=9f7c: Info: [livetype] longpoll: Sending long poll request to https://polka.typekit.com/subscribe?adobe_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%40AdobeID&entitlement_state=4fce303...

20180414-115535.280: t=9f7c: Info: [livetype]  downloadToFile (id=longpoll) => 34

20180414-115535.281: t=9f7c: Warning: GUDE: Delete the sqliteResumeTransfer cache for file : C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CoreSync\plugins\livetype\c\entitlements-downloading.xml (ChunkedDownload.cpp.ChunkedDownload::~ChunkedDownload.127)

20180414-115535.283: t=49d0: Info: [livetype] onAddParameters

20180414-115535.283: t=49d0: Info: [livetype] onSetTimeout

20180414-115535.283: t=49d0: Info: [livetype] longpoll: setting poll timeout to 1020

20180414-115535.285: t=49d0: Info: [livetype] onAddHeaders (id=longpoll)

20180414-115650.588: t=85b0: Always: RetroEnvironment: reportAppVersionString: CoreSync v. x86 (RetroEnvironment.cpp.musync::reportAppVersionString.48)

20180414-115650.589: t=85b0: Always: RetroEnvironment: reportDetailedOsVersionInfo: OSVer: 10.0.0; AppVer: (RetroEnvironment.cpp.musync::reportDetailedOsVersionInfo.69)

20180414-115650.589: t=85b0: Always: RetroEnvironment: reportHostVersionInfo: kHostVersion: 34 (RetroEnvironment.cpp.musync::reportHostVersionInfo.78)

20180414-115650.589: t=85b0: Info: Loading plugins from folder: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins'

20180414-115650.590: t=85b0: Info: Loading plugins from folder: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\DesignLibraryPlugin'

20180414-115650.594: t=85b0: Info: Plugin loaded: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\DesignLibraryPlugin\DesignLibraryPlugin.dll'

20180414-115650.594: t=85b0: Info: Loading plugins from folder: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\ExchangePlugin'

20180414-115650.603: t=85b0: Info: Plugin loaded: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\ExchangePlugin\ExchangePlugin.dll'

20180414-115650.603: t=85b0: Info: Loading plugins from folder: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\LiveType'

20180414-115650.606: t=85b0: Info: Plugin loaded: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\LiveType\LiveType.dll'

20180414-115650.606: t=85b0: Info: Loading plugins from folder: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\SynKit'

20180414-115650.608: t=85b0: Info: Plugin loaded: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Sync\CoreSyncPlugins\SynKit\SynKit.dll'




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 09, 2018 Apr 09, 2018

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Hi Jesus,

Sorry to hear sync is working so slow for you. All day to sync 1MB definitely sounds like something isn't working correctly. A few additional questions to better understand the situation.

  • Has it always done this or is this something new?
  • Are you using a high speed internet connection
  • Is the transfer speed setting in the Creative Cloud app preferences set to Maximum?
  • What is the upload setting on the system? (Can you run a speed test via www.speedtest.net)?
  • Did you have any other bandwidth intensive applications open at the time?

Please let me know when you get the chance.


- Dave




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 21, 2018 Jun 21, 2018

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hello dave,

I have had a similar problem and you seem to be the only one caring enough to answer so I thank you in advance for your assistance.

My Adobe Creative Cloud is continuously syncing files non stop. I have left the computer on for so long and I have a good internet connection and still the syncing keeps mentioning that few seconds are left to finish syncing then it starts all over again.

I have checked the files in my CC libraries from within the apps, no files seem to be syncing.

I have checked my online files, all files seem to be perfectly synced.

However in my market downloads folder on my mac there is an unknown file that keeps syncing. its name is "b86ac7621064e30ec2df41e684dd4bd7._gstmp"

I have tried to repair the creative cloud app, but the problem remained unsolved.

I have posted in forums but I had no reply, I also have tried to customer chat but nobody answered.

Please how can I resolve this issue?




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 21, 2018 Jun 21, 2018

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Hi Euuop,

Sorry to hear about your difficulties. I haven't heard of that issue before. I wondered if there was some kind of issue saving the market asset. Maybe try turning off sync from the Creative Cloud app preferences, then moving the "b86ac7621064e30ec2df41e684dd4bd7._gstmp" to the desktop and then turning sync back on. See the file reappears and is able to be downloaded successfully

Let me know if that helps,


- Dave




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 22, 2018 Jun 22, 2018

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Hello Dave,

Thank you for answering me.

I have already tried that but it didn't work.

Yesterday I had a remote session and an Adobe Agent solved the problem luckily. I didn't understand exactly what was the core problem, but after several trials we knew the unknown file that wouldn't sync correctly, it turned out to be a set of brushes and we deleted it. That solved the syncing problem.

I am grateful for your concern.

Best Regards,





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New Here ,
Aug 03, 2018 Aug 03, 2018

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I've had this issue before and uninstalling CC and reinstalling it did the trick. The issue came back and I didn't want to have to do that every time. So I tried a number of the tips here (including quitting CC, deleting the CoreSync folder, restarting CC) but none worked. Of course, I also tried restarting, updating the OS and all of the CC apps.

That said, I did restart into Safe Mode, launched CC and it synced just fine. Then I restarted again but not in Safe Mode, and the problem went away. (Though perhaps the OS has to be restarted after deleting the CoreSync folder?)

Here's some answers to some of the staff's questions.

  •     Has sync worked on the system in the past?
    • Yes, for years
  •     What anti-virus/security software do you use on the system?
    • None
  •     What operating system and version are you using?
    • macOS 10.12.6
  •     Is sync failing to start or running indefinitely?
    • running indefinitely
  •     Are you getting any kind of error message?
    • No

The files in question were PNGs. They were created months ago, but viewed a few days ago. They may have been open when the sync was attempting to resync. Starting in Safe Mode wipes out all open windows, so perhaps having the files open was the culprit.




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New Here ,
Apr 05, 2021 Apr 05, 2021

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3 years later - now in 2021 - the infinite syncing issue is still happening!!!




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Explorer ,
Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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I'm having the same issues with the CC2018 versions of the application.




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New Here ,
Feb 06, 2018 Feb 06, 2018

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Mine syncs, deletes and re-syncs nonstop




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New Here ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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Same issue here - 'Creative Cloud syncing' forever even though there's nothing to sync.

Don't laugh, but the issue began after I emptied a can of coke into my Lenovo latop which then died. (Yes, I'm an idiot.)

So I had to get a replacement. It's exactly the same as the previous laptop, but uses the old hard drive. Runs exactly as before perfectly, EXCEPT for this weird syncing issue which has appeared.


endless c cloud syncing.png




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 11, 2018 Mar 11, 2018

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same issue
There eat alot of bandwidth

help pls




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New Here ,
Mar 18, 2018 Mar 18, 2018

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When bro?




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Explorer ,
Mar 28, 2018 Mar 28, 2018

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Same here. David_B promised an update in January 2017.... 




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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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I have the same problem since two days ago, Syncing never ending.

. What troubleshooting have you tried already?

Uninstall & reinstall CC ,not work. close firewall, anti varus and run CC, still syncing . ..

. Has sync worked on the system in the past?


. What anti-virus/security software do you use on the system?


. What operating system and version are you using?

   WIN 10.

.  Is sync failing to start or running indefinitely?

   Can pause or stop sync function by custume but never end itself.

. Are you getting any kind of error message?


Hope this problem will fix at the coming update very soon. I pretty sure its Adobe's problem.





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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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I dont know is it something related to win os?

The CC Sync seems working fine after update Win 10 new patch...

Will keep watching and hope it dont happen again.




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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2018 Apr 14, 2018

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I finally found a fix for this issue. Seriously Adobe, you need to get your act straight with CoreSync because it's poorly implemented. Very slow and unreliable, feels more like an afterthought than a proper service developers could use.

I had the exact problem mentioned by the original poster two years ago: moving the Creative Cloud Files folder completely broke sync. I certainly won't uninstall and reinstall 15GB of applications, so I found another way to fix sync:

  • First, stop syncing and shut down the Creative Cloud app
  • Second, just in case delete all temporary files in AppData\Local\Temp
  • Third, delete the {hash}.db, {hash}.db-shm and {hash}.db-wal from AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Coresync
  • Finally, launch the Creative Cloud app and start syncing

At least in my case, it was just as simple as deleting the CoreSync database files. Maybe Adobe could do this preemptively when moving the folder.

Hoping this works for the rest of you.




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Explorer ,
Apr 14, 2018 Apr 14, 2018

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Hello Agustin,

Thanks for the fix. But where can I find these files? I am just an average user with limited technical knowledge.

I tried to search with Spotlight but can't find them.






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