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Hi All
Looking for some advice please 🙂
My son is 14 and has the Creative Cloud subscription which gives him access to all the Adobe apps.
He is also doing the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and wants to learn how to use Adobe (particularly Photoshop) as his 'Skill Learned' module.
He has 6 months to complete the module and is willing to put in the work.
I've looked at the tutorials and some of them do look a bit dry. He is NOT a reader so videos is the way to go.
He has done a lot of 'tinkering' with various bits of free design software downloaded from the internet and has brought a XP-Pen Artist Pro tablet so is definately keen to learn.
So, I guess my question is, if you had to start from scratch, where would you start?
He has never used his Creative Cloud account btw so I wondered if it would be a good way of recording his learning for the module?
Ideally, I'd like him to learn, then demonstrate his learning to get the module signed off each week/month.
Reall long post I know - I would be super grateful if you guys could let me know your thoughts?
Oh, one last thing - and this is pushing it a bit - I don't suppose Adobe have assessors already for this type of thing? His assessor will be his school form tutor as I can't think of anyone else to sign off the work - faily certain she know as much about Adobe as me though!
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i'd recommend googling the tutorials for each module/adobe program and use to start with the free adobe listed tutorials.
eg, here are the adobe photoshop tutorials, Photoshop tutorials | Learn how to use Photoshop (
if you want more opinions, for each module/adobe program of interest, post in that forum. all of us that have adobe expertise were once beginners and my guess is that a lot of us have strong opinions about what helped us the most when we were starting to gain our expertise.
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>learn how to use Adobe (particularly Photoshop)
You might want to ask in the specific program forums
To find a forum for your program please start at
Here is some tutorial information for Premiere Pro
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That's good advice. Thanks John - when we are further down the track I think the photoshop forum will be really handy 🙂
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Hi @Suzanne5F97,
To give you some perspective, I've been using Photoshop for 25 years and I've still barely scratched the surface.
Suffice to say, learning Photoshop is a lot like learning to play a musical instrument. It takes hundreds even thousands of hours of dedicated study and practice, practice, practice. I don't expect a 14 year old with short attention span to master everything in 6 months. I think the best we can hope for is that he'll stick with it long enough to learn tool basics with emphasis on the Pen tool because that's the most challenging tool to master.
Aaron Nace of PHLEARN has a 10 hour course just on Photoshop Tools (60 videos in all).
Also see this 30 min intro video on the Pen Tool by Unmesh Dinda of PiXimperfect
Tell your son Happy Learning and Have Fun!!
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Thanks so much Nancy! That is invaluable advice - I absolutely hadn't realised the depth of knowledge and training that is required to master this. Comparison to learning a musical instrument is a very good idea and will help me guide his learning in a more realistic way. Thanks for the video links too. I'm undecided whether to set him on the course of the adobe tutorials or the Phlearn course - I expect he will decide which is more fun.