Adobe CS4 taking FOREVER to install
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I have a 2013 Intel based Mac (I'm poor and can't afford to upgrade) and had to reinstall Mavericks after upgrading from Sierra to Catalina due to Norton not supporting anything earlier anymore. Unfortunately, this led to the incompatibility of CS4. After struggling to get this done I finally succeeded yesterday morning.
I started to install my physical copy of CS4 yesterday afternoon and it is STILL downloading! I remember it taking some time to do when I installed it before, but not 15 hours to be only halfway. I noticed the flashdrive I connected yesterday is flashing as though the Mac is reading from it but there shouldn't be any reason for the Mac to do that, and there's nothing on there anyway. Any thoughts? I might have this installed before I get a response but I doubt it.
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don't bother. the most you can get is 30 days of use because activation is no longer possible for cs2, cs3 or cs4.
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What @kglad said.
You can no longer reinstall Creative Suite 2, 3 or 4 even if you have the original installation disks. The aging activation servers for those apps had to be retired."
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you can install. you can't activate.
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Just quoting the text verbatim from the Adobe link.
I agree it seems misleading when you can run the software for the trial period. "reinstall" should read "activate".
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whoever is the source is incorrect.
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Unless it has changed recently, the last I heard was that CS4 can be reactivated for fresh installs on a different computer.
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