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Creative Cloud Very Slow

Engaged ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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The company has moved me onto creative cloud. I used the uninstaller to remove CS6 and installed CC.

CC indesign is so slow!  Just scrolling about etc is a total dog.

I am using OSX 10.8.4 with a quad core i7 mac with 16 gigs of ram and SSD drive. CS6 was great but CC is a dog.

Do you think there is reminants from the previous version or something? Do I need to consider a total wipe of the OS and start again?

Creative Cloud




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Explorer , Dec 04, 2016 Dec 04, 2016

Hi, folks

This is coming from a novice user which I really am, weighing all options to start using "Creative" software of the likes of Adobe or Adobe itself. Reading all the comments of unfortunate users I felt sorry for most of you and signed in specifically to post a comment of mine. I came across a blog addressing just the issue of incredibly sluggish InDesign performance regardless of a platform you are on - Mac, Windows. To make long story short the problem (if not fixed still by Adobe) may



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Explorer ,
Mar 28, 2016 Mar 28, 2016

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I am having the same issue with Illustrator and Photoshop. My MAC Pro has 10Xs the needed power and RAM, but every click and save gets a 10-15 Beachball of death. Very disappointed.  Has anyone from Adobe even responded to this. EVERYONE I know also has the same problem. From what I've seen so far Adobe is just ignoring the issue. I updated from CS4 because I needed to go 64bit. My CS4 works 50Xs faster than CC 2015.




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Participant ,
Mar 29, 2016 Mar 29, 2016

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Adobe's getting our money whether their software works well or not and there's currently no real competition. They've just reported record earnings. Why should they care if some of their customers are tearing their hair out in frustration?




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Explorer ,
Mar 29, 2016 Mar 29, 2016

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Don't wipe you machine its just CC. That is the way it works and Adobe has NO intention of fixing it. Go back and reinstall CS6. Most of the Ad Agencies I work with, Saactchi & Saatchi, BBDO, Designory are all going back now because of this. If they won't fix it for BBDO, a Billion dollar Ad Agency, why would they care about us?




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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016

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I literally have a brand new, middle grade Mac Mini and installed Adobe Cloud and my entire computer runs like a snail. Everything is fully upgraded and nothing else installed. This has been a problem for over 3 years and no end in sight. What choice do I have but canceling my subscription? I can't afford to buy the program and I don't know how to downgrade every software that they have available that I intend to use.




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Participant ,
Mar 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016

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Adobe says you only have to access the internet once per month to use their CC software and you can use the software without being connected to the internet. CC programs access the internet, if you are using any of the programs' specific features that access the internet, like the doggedly slow CC Libraries.

However, I spoke to an Adobe tech support rep today and found this out: If you are connected to the internet and not using CC Libraries or other software features that connect to the internet, the software still communicates via the internet. In other words, if you have a slow internet connection or Adobe's servers are overloaded by many CC users at any given time, you will experience slow-downs, even if you aren't using CC Libraries or other features that require you to connect.




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New Here ,
Apr 03, 2016 Apr 03, 2016

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I'm a professional Artist and I'm on a 2009 imac with 1 terabyte and the cloud SUCKS so bad.

1. It took for ever just to get it up and running. On the phone with support for over an hour and a half really?

2. Still not sure how to get the programs on the tool bar where they should be.

3. It takes a very long time for the programs to open.

4. Beach ball nightmare over simple tasks like saving, sending and sharing files within Adobe programs.

5. The latest up grades to PS, Ai, Ae have me scrambling the internet trying to figure out the things I use to know how to do in the older programs.

6. Clients are getting upset because it's taking me a very very very long time to produce art that I use to do that took me half the time and effort.

7. I have to pay over a hundred dollars per year so that I can work in a frustrating, slow, and over priced programs.

8. There is no tech support on weekends. Why is that? So people don't work on the weekends or?




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Participant ,
Apr 03, 2016 Apr 03, 2016

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I was trying to use Muse CC, late last night, to do some simple stuff, and it was a dog. It took forever. There is no way a client of mine would put up with double the production time. Would Adobe reimburse me the discounts I would have to shell out to clients? I am sticking with CS6 and finding new web design software. This is utter nonsense.




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New Here ,
Apr 06, 2016 Apr 06, 2016

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My InDesign was unusable for a long time until I figured out that problem was with the file syncing on Creative Cloud application. After pausing file syncing from CC app my indesign returned to normal.




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New Here ,
Apr 25, 2017 Apr 25, 2017

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May I ask how to Pause Syncing?




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Explorer ,
May 26, 2017 May 26, 2017

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The user thebud answered this:

Go to CC desktop app, click the cc tab and set sync to off




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New Here ,
Apr 28, 2016 Apr 28, 2016

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Why is adobe creative cloud so slow its loading for 1 hour!!! i need to update illustrator!!!




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Explorer ,
May 19, 2016 May 19, 2016

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Time to move on folks. Too many developers out there not to expand into different software. Adobe's lackluster performance shows that they have no regard for the professional user base that is trying to scratch out a living using their product.




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Contributor ,
Jun 22, 2016 Jun 22, 2016

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Absolutely agree




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Participant ,
Oct 06, 2016 Oct 06, 2016

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It doesn't matter how much RAM you have, what you do to your prefs files, which OS you are using, or anything like that. I'm using a simple one page ID document and I can't even type text. It is more than simple. The problem is that Adobe has a monopoly on the graphic design industry and doesn't care to upgrade the code to its software. It's much cheaper (and more money in the executive staff's pockets) to just ignore problems. This, or any problem with this toxic company, will never be fixed until another company comes along to give them some competition. They have no pride in their product. They have no pride in their work. That is the real answer, I'm afraid.





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New Here ,
Nov 15, 2016 Nov 15, 2016

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I agree and the programs don't like to work together. Photoshop when opening keeps jumping in front of my email or whatever else I'm doing. I have lost so much time with this - not worth it!!!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 16, 2016 Nov 16, 2016

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I find it the lack of response from Adobe on these questions really disturbing . They have put a product(s) out there that people are complaining about and seem to be virtually ignoring feedback. I have to use this, I'm not given a choice at work...and my files aren't syncing. Programs load EXTREMELY slow and trying to operate within the programs can take forever. I have checked with our IT department to make sure there are no issues preventing anything on my end...and there isn't, this is an Adobe issue but they don't seem to give a crap about that.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 16, 2016 Nov 16, 2016

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All of my Adobe CC programs are SLOW. Big problem for Adobe if they do not sort it out.




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Participant ,
Nov 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016

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adobe CC is a pretty much unusable in any professional environment in our experience. I tried it 3 years ago and 2 years ago and it was awful. Gave up on it eventually. Tried it again recently and it is even worse. 1 whole week of allowing Adobe and Microsoft remote access to our machines to try and fix it. Got nowhere. 30GB of Adobe folders bloating a hard drive and none of it works.

I have un-installed on my computers and reverted to CS5 Master Collection yet again.

It's a shame because the Cineware plugin in After Effects looks a real boon to 3d and motion graphics workflow.

I freelance all over London and my clients all seem to be ditching it and going back to there old Adobe software or looking for alternatives.

Fusion and Nuke are great compositing tools, better than After Effects. Motion is great for motion graphics and titles but not as versatile as After Effects and not available for PC

Its so true what many people on here have said. Once a company corners the market their sole objective becomes how hard they can shaft their customers.




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Explorer ,
Dec 04, 2016 Dec 04, 2016

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Hi, folks

This is coming from a novice user which I really am, weighing all options to start using "Creative" software of the likes of Adobe or Adobe itself. Reading all the comments of unfortunate users I felt sorry for most of you and signed in specifically to post a comment of mine. I came across a blog addressing just the issue of incredibly sluggish InDesign performance regardless of a platform you are on - Mac, Windows. To make long story short the problem (if not fixed still by Adobe) may lie in corrupt install of Creative Cloud app leading to incorrect read/write permissions being set up during the installation process. The user befuddled in a couple of her comments to the article shared a solution that worked for her and sounded quite reasonable and substantiated. True the solution were for Windows but it's worth taking into account by Mac users too (me myself belonging to the latter).
I post her step-by-step instruction on a possible fix:

1) Update Creative Cloud
2) Sign out of CC and sign back in. (Just do it. I don’t know why this works. I discovered it by accident. It seems to solve several problems.) Then, uninstall Indesign 2015 from the gear next to it in Creative Cloud, NOT the usual Windows way. If you already used Windows uninstall, you may have to run through this thing twice.
3) Sign out of CC and sign back in. Then, install Indesign 2015. Be sure to uncheck “keep your preferences.”
4) Open Indesign 2015 **from within** the Creative Cloud app. It should open like normal and run at reasonable speed.
5) Double-click on an InDesign file in Windows Explorer. It should open in Indesign 2015 normally if the file association is correct. Mine was.
6) I still could not open InDesign using the Windows 7 Start Menu or desktop shortcuts. If you can, no problem. If you can’t, do this:
7) Press alt+Shift+control and click on the desktop shortcut. This will cause it to delete the preferences file (Yes, I know you just deleted it in Step 3.It will delete it again and this is important.) InDesign 2015 should–at long last–open normally. And after this you can open the Windows 7 Start menu and desktop shortcuts as usual. I should run an normal speed, which is pretty darn zippy.
I think the install software in the Creative Cloud might setting the properties on the preference file to read only. In my system, like many others, it requires admin permission to open a read only file. Apparently, InDesign needs to open it and can’t. CC gets admin permission when it opens, so that is why you can open it from within the Creative Cloud desktop app. By opening InDesign from the a desktop shortcut and deleting the preferences file, it rebuilds a preference file with the proper permissions to open–something CC install should have done and didn’t.
This looks like a bush-league install programming error, to be frank. As much as I love their software, Adobe makes too many mistakes on the install. When new programs came out every three or four years, it was a headache but not a big problem. But I have a whole new batch of updates sitting in Creative Cloud app as of this morning, and I have just barely gotten InDesign 2015 functioning from the last round. No way am I pressing any install buttons for a long, long while. I need my hair to grow back after tearing out so much of it on the last round. I really wish they would up their game on the install. Creative Cloud should have done that and may yet, but so far, not so good.

The link, in case you got interested:


Hope this helps. Would be interesting to know if it does.




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Explorer ,
Feb 07, 2017 Feb 07, 2017

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this is befuddled herself

Oh my gosh. I could not remember where I posted this and was trying to find it. Thanks so much for the repost.

I did catch a lot of flak for this in that other (non-Adobe) Indesign forum where I originally posted, so I have never posted it on Adobe. But it did work for at least one Mac users, but especially for Windows users. Win 7 and Win 10.

Since then, I discovered that it not only sped up Indesign loading, it sped up Illustrator and Photoshop as well, especially if I turn off Creative Cloud syncing. (Go to CC desktop app, click the cc tab and set sync to off.)

I was looking around to find it to help an Illustrator user to see if it worked there too, so it was kind of magic to have it pop up here.




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Explorer ,
Mar 05, 2017 Mar 05, 2017

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Wow, our world is small indeed, so that you emerged here looks like a miracle. True, the pro designers are pretty thin stratum so such path crossing at some point is inevitable. I still didn't make up my decision on using CC though. The old model was better: what is overly complex is never smooth experience.




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New Here ,
Jul 01, 2017 Jul 01, 2017

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Here is what I did to fix that "without" turning off sync with the help of 2 tools on Windows system:

1. Downloaded Ccleaner from filehippo
2. Downloaded Latency Optimizer from https://www.badosoft.com/latency-optimizer.php
3. Clean everything you can with ccleaner and keep your autostart apps on a needed minimum. You can do that via ccleaner tools.
2. With Latency Optimizer I balanced my system memory... freeing up extra resources before I start the cloud and the main app.
4. I optimize computers and internets latency with the latency test tool.
5. I applied slight internet connection tweak and tune settings.
6. I gave system priority via the control panel of Latency Optimizer to Creative Cloud.exe

I notices that during download of new adobe updates or tools turning off my virus scanner temporary improved the performance as well. Just turn it back ON afterwards. Please dont forget to do so!!!

All that above improved the performance of creative cloud and photoshop, dreamweaver and so on for me.

I hope that helps the one or other suffering from performance loss without turning off cloud sync!




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Explorer ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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too bad Adobe doesn't take responsibility for its core products any longer. seems they are distracted with more important things--advertising and marketing ventures.

design and creativity are an afterthought.




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Explorer ,
Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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2020 and it is still painfully slow. 




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New Here ,
Feb 19, 2020 Feb 19, 2020

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We've been doing advertising, design and pre-press support for 25 years and Creative Cloud is the worst it has ever been performance wise.


As I understand it, Adobe simply write a spec of what they 'want' and contract out the programming.


Adobe, you need to have a very serious look at your product quality. Expecting (in partnership with Apple?) people to be buying ever faster computers ever more frequently is not sustainable.


Before Christmas, a client had CC 2018 and they thought things were fine. No changes to their network of 15 machines, but everyone updated to CC 2020 (because one person updated and files can't be shared) and now they're ALL complaining about ID load and scrolling performance.


Garbage software Adobe. Get your act together.




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