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Unable to connect to Creative Cloud .... what is going on?

May 01, 2013 May 01, 2013

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Is anyone else having issues logging in to Creative Cloud?  I cannot access via AAM or https://creative.adobe.com/.  AAM just gives me an error that it cannot contact Adobe, and the web portal just clocks.


Creative Cloud






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

Here's an explanation for the instability, just posted:

Update on Creative Cloud Connection and file sync preview




replies 133 Replies 133
New Here ,
May 16, 2013 May 16, 2013

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My files are gone from everywhere as well. I'm still trying to figure out whether or not this Creative Cloud works like DropBox. Are my files only on the cloud and all I'm seeing locally is a directory?





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New Here ,
May 16, 2013 May 16, 2013

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Pelikanvisconti wrote:

My files are gone from everywhere as well. I'm still trying to figure out whether or not this Creative Cloud works like DropBox. Are my files only on the cloud and all I'm seeing locally is a directory?

I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but the few files I have in the sync folder are physically present on my drive in the local directory, not just links to the cloud server.  I only have a few in their because I can't trust CCC at this time.  If adobe is having a server problem where it is not showing your files, and you manage to get a sync, it will certainly change the files on your local folder to reflect what it thinks is you current situation, namely that you meant to erase the files, so it erased them across all synced files.  In other words, the server thinks you don't want any of those files because it sees it as an empty folder, and the empty folder is the most recent change.  Because that is the most recent change, the sync did its job in making sure the files were the same across all synced folders, i.e., gone.

At least that is my understanding of it.  Not an employee.

--  I should have added that if or when adobe restores those file to the cloud and sync starts working again, you should see all of those files re-downlloaded into your local folder.  And I want to emphasis IF.

Best practice moving forward is to make regular backups of that sync controlled local folder if you are still willing to use it.

Once again, I am not an adobe emplyee, I have just seen this same behavior on other much older syncing file systems.

Message was edited by: Mike.Kroemer





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Mentor ,
May 16, 2013 May 16, 2013

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Simon Jester wrote:

How about this, now i can connect to CC and ALL MY FILES ARE GONE! IT ALSO ERASED THEM OFF OF MY COMPUTER!   i am pushing a deadline and this completly screwed me, half my assets in AE were coming from that sync folder, I managed to replace most of them but this has put me hours behind and I now have no workflow between myself and my wife at home.

Support says my files still exist but cant prove it, a years worth of files all gone, thousads of dollars worth of work and support says "sorry for the inconvienence"  excuse me while I inconvienience you by shoving my boot up your arse!

For a year I have been happy with adobe cc and laughed while the haters complained, I love AE and the cloud has been a real help but if Adobe cant be resposible with my files I am joining the ranks of haters!

I had that happen so many times on the old system I kept a Back of my files to restore So far the new system has Done That but has stayed Grey more than active.  I think it a Big experiment that will never work right. and Now They probably let most of the software engineers go so there will be no updated and new products.





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New Here ,
May 16, 2013 May 16, 2013

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Certainly not an auspicious start for Adobe's move to a cloud-based business model, is it? Maybe it's time to make licensing and boxed versions available again, Adobe. Before it's too late.





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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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There are 2 parts of the Creative Cloud: 1) leasing of the software applications and 2) cloud storage/sync of your data.

You have many other options than using Adobe's cloud storage to store, share, and sync documents.

Whether you're an individual designer, freelancer, teleworker at home, or part of a team, putting your files in someone else's hands will always have disadvantages. "The Sync is Down" means you and your clients are SOL ("s" out of luck). And if you cancel your CC subscription, how do you continue to get access to your data?

You can set up a traditional file server. VPN (virtual private network) can be set up for telecommuters.

You can set up a NAS (network accessible storage) that works like a file server but is smaller, cheaper, and easier to maintain. It too can have VPN for telecommuters.

You can set up an account with DropBox or any of the others with similar file sharing services. They usually give 5-50 GB of free space, plenty of space to share files when working collaboratively on a project.

You can set up a password-protected folder on your website. Use free FTP software to drag/drop files, like CuteFTP or FileZilla.

As a backup, services like iDrive can provide automatic redundant backups of your data, too.

Sorry all of you are having problems. Sounds horrible and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, especially the person who lost his/her files both in CC and on their computer.

But when you get a chance to collect your breath, find a better alternative than CC.





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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Artlandish is right, it's ultimately my responsibility to make sure my files are safe and accessable. The way Adobe has handled communication surrounding this outage is poor. They're proven Creative Cloud is unreliable in it's current form and therefore I won't be using it in the future.





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Explorer ,
May 16, 2013 May 16, 2013

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... after the inconveniences and the impossibility to connect and sync my documents, now it is the turn of Acrobat Pro to giving me trouble.

I can't activate Acrobat license, so I can't use it ... I have deinstalled and reinstalled several times the application without success.

Adobe Application Manager told me that the application is installed, however it's not. Many problems ... What do I mean? No connection to the Creative Cloud, no license?





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Explorer ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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What strikes me most about this, is the fact that 'Support' seems not to be aware of the fact, that the problem lies at Adobe's and NOWHERE ELSE ...

What does this mean? This fooling customers by suggesting the solution is on their hands by reinstalling, updating, reconnecting, etc. etc.

Adobe's sync server is simply down and our 'specialists' don't seem to find a reasonably quick solution.

For anyone to know: there ARE alternatives that work reliable. In Germany Deutsche Telecom offers with a free T-Online account and equally free 25 GB server space with software sync to a local folder. Till now that works fine with me. No problems there. I serve my customers with their photographs over this shared connection, sending links and passworts automatically to my customers.

Don't see why 'foreigners' couldn't also submit there. You should understand a bit of German though... 😉






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Participant ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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I'm loathe to understand why any of you would be storing content on anything less than 2 local disc at your own workstation. What is the point of expecting a corporate entity to care about your work as much as you do? They already have disclaimers in their EULA that state that they really aren't responsible for it anyway. Should it go poof, it doesn't really matter to anyone at Adobe.





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Mentor ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Its getting worse: Now even if you sign it when CC starts up on Mac with Mountain Lion (OSX.8.3)

  1. you have to go to Control panel sign out then Then sign back in.
  2. I've quit CC and removed and trashed the ODBE directory.
  3. I've removed CC by using uninstaller
  4. Then I've reinstalled CC

I think someone needs to go to whoever designed the Cloud thing at adobe and beat them silly with a baseball bat. 

This is one reason I trust CC and all Cloud based services about as much as Politicians.  to be dependent on the Internet when Internet is not all that reliable. and the software that runs the deal is easily corrupted. And nobody knows how to fix it or are incompetent.

Well it just signed off again.  To sign back on I will have to quit and sign in again.  I should never have to sign in again except once a Month or once every 6 months.

went back last night to ask question whether payments could auto deducted from checking so Iwouldn't have to tie up a credit card forever.

And told No! Credit card only! then asked whether payment could be done in one whack once a year?  NOO! Only in Installments. So it looks as if I may be stuck with Web Premium CS5.5 after all. Aodbe wasn't obstinate and uncooperative with ther customers.

It's "Our way or the Highway". Wish some one with the money and nerve would take them to court.





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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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I pay my CC by debit from my business account so its not CC only as you was told





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Mentor ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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It may  or may not be . But I asked point blank coul the payement me direct debt from my Checking? The answer was flat out. NO! CC only.





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Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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@Philip Jones - I was replying to the title of this post which about not being able to connect using the Creative Cloud Connection application.

Forms of payment allowed is covered here http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/adobe-stores-online-order-payment-faq.html#head4.





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Community Expert ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Here's an explanation for the instability, just posted:

Update on Creative Cloud Connection and file sync preview






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Mentor ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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ProDesignTools wrote:

Here's an explanation for the instability, just posted:

Update on Creative Cloud Connection and file sync preview

http://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/update-on-creative-cloud-connecti on-and-file-sync-preview

People are paying full cost for a preview? Terrible move on your part Adobe. Is that the official excuse for the problems, that it is just a preview?

To facilitate the transition from the preview, we are suspending the file sync desktop preview for the next couple of weeks while we finalize the updates for the initial full release.

Were all paying customers collectively informed (email) of this to prepare for it, judging by the forum responses it appears not prior to it. Terrible move on your part Adobe.





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Explorer ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Hey thanks for all the notice Adobe !





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Mentor ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Well I guess I can quit CC for next two weeks since I won't be able to sign in without the sync Server.





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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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I received an email to upgrade my CCC, but nothing about downtime or use suspension.

I've also gotten messages from the support team not knowing anything about this, telling me (despite me having told them I did this) things like turn off sync and turn it on, or maybe reinstall.

The ball is not just dropped but actually trying hard to run away from Adobe, screaming at the top of its lungs in horror.    





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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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All I can say is WOW!!!    I am glad I am just a hobbyist and not relying on this service for a business/livelihood.  I never read anything about being a beta tester.  I bought a one year subscription 3 months ago, and received the same e-mail that everyone else did telling me that I had to download the "preview" or I would not be able to connect.

Seems like someone has decided to put some spin on the situation with this announcement.  What happened to good old-fashioned honesty.  I would be fine with an announcement saying that things went wrong, we are trying to fix it, we don't have an exact time frame, but we anticipate it being back up and running by xxx, but that is just an approximation.  To take a problem and spin it in a way that makes it sound like we all knew we were just testing things out is insulting, condescending, and intellectually dishonest.





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Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Mike.Kroemer wrote:

Seems like someone has decided to put some spin on the situation with this announcement.  What happened to good old-fashioned honesty.  I would be fine with an announcement saying that things went wrong, we are trying to fix it, we don't have an exact time frame, but we anticipate it being back up and running by xxx, but that is just an approximation.

That is exactly what the blog post says:


We had initially planned to take the preview offline next week for these updates, but some updates this week have caused instability in the service.


To facilitate the transition from the preview, we are suspending the file sync desktop preview for the next couple of weeks while we finalize the updates for the initial full release. We plan to bring it back online prior to release, in order to allow additional testing.


mike chambers






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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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If I read this correctly, you are telling me that the information in the blog post you are referring to was common knowledge when I signed up in February.  When I signed up, there was no "preview" attached to the CCC.  The preview update was this week (at least when I received an email) along with a notice that the older working software was not going to connect after 16 May.

I have been around the IT industry long enough to appreciate that testing and load testing has to be done on a product roll out.  I appreciate the importance of that and support it.  I also understand that I may have missed something in the fine print where this was stated.  If this is the case, I would appreciate a link to that document so I can read it more thoroughly and will apologize for my mistake.

My point is that the blog post you are defending was posted after the fact, and in a manner that attempts to make your customers, who were told repeatedly that the problem was on our end, that this was a planned interruption of service that we should have know about.  It also attempts to blame shift responsibility for adobe's lack of proper communication on the customer.

I appreciate you stating that some updates this week caused instability.  That is a step forward in accountability.  The assertation that this is nothing more than a planned outage that came a bit earlier than planned is what I have a problem with.  I am not saying that it wasn't a planned outage, but I am saying that if that information was available prior to this late breaking, after the fact blog post, it was not made easily available to your subscribers.  That information was obviously not openly available to your tech support team or they would not be insisting that customers continuously remove and reinstall software implying that is was the users problem when it obviously was not.

I don't pretend to speak for all of your customers, but I will state that we deserve better than this.  Communication is key, especially when rolling out new products.  Problems are going to happen no matter what, and most customers will understand that and work with you to help you produce the best product possible.  I don't think the majority of us are against you, but speaking for myself, I am disappointed that we were not deemed worth enough to constructively participate in this unannounced testing.





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Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Mike.Kroemer wrote:

If I read this correctly, you are telling me that the information in the blog post you are referring to was common knowledge when I signed up in February.  When I signed up, there was no "preview" attached to the CCC.  The preview update was this week (at least when I received an email) along with a notice that the older working software was not going to connect after 16 May.

Here is the original blog post from last November when it was launched:



Today, we’re excited to release a preview version of the Creative Cloud Connection. It’s available to every member of the Creative Cloud, and you can download it here.


mike chambers






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Mentor ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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MikeChambers wrote:

Mike.Kroemer wrote:

common knowledge when I signed up in February - When I signed up, there was no "preview" attached to the CCC.

Here is the original blog post from last November

So are you saying then a "blog" post is the only way paying Cloud subscribers would have been able to know the Cloud Storage was a "preview" and informed of such by Adobe (If so, does everyone read the blog)? By contrast was there nothing direct and formal for every paying Cloud subscriber to be informed it was a "preview" version and perhaps a disclaimer because it was not yet a full release? Thus then allowing anyone with sensitive job file requirements to perhaps think twice before counting on Adobe's Cloud Storage initial reliability and access (as the last 4 days have shown by numerous users)? A blog post was all there was available to be informed of this?





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Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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W_J_T wrote:

So are you saying then a "blog" post is the only way paying Cloud subscribers would have been able to know the Cloud Storage was a "preview" and informed of such by Adobe (If so, does everyone read the blog)?

No, I am suggesting that perhaps Adobe was not being as devious and coniving as you are suggesting.

mike chambers





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Mentor ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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MikeChambers wrote:

No, I am suggesting that perhaps Adobe was not being as devious and coniving as you are suggesting.

Obscure information (a blog post) is not common knowledge information is all I am saying, were customers informed? Did the desktop app, or web connection state anywhere "preview", was it part of the agreement, elsewhere for subscribers to know, etc.? Was Adobe forthright and upfront about the "preview" status to the paying subscribers?





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