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Nous somme une petite entreprise possédant un compte d'équipe VIP, ne trouvant aucun moyen de contacter le support (chat inexistant, numéro de téléphone non référencé...), je pose la question ici:
Nous aimerions prendre pour une petite équipe (7 personnes), la suite Substance 3D texturing. Or cette suite n'existe pas dans les options d'achat pour les équipes, il n'y a que la Substance 3D collection, beaucoup trop chère pour notre structure et incluant des logiciels dont nous n'avont aucune utilité.
Est-il possible de prendre 7 licenses individuelles 3D texturing sur des comptes individuels rattachés à un compte équipe ? Et sous quelles conditions ?
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You can contact Adobe Support using the options in your Admin Console > Support tab. Or use this option to Chat with support.
I checked around on the website, and I don't think that the texturing bundle is available for Teams.
I wouldn't recommend purchasing using the personal plan. At a time users can only be signed into one plan at a time. So, to use the Substance, users will need to sign out of their teams/VIP apps and then sign back into the personal plan. Cloud Storage associated with each account will also be different.
Also note, that if your VIP team uses Business IDs/Business Storage, you won't be able to assign a personal plan to the same ID. They might have to create new Adobe IDs. I haven't been able to test, but I don't think that it'll allow purchasing a personal plan under a Business ID.
Probably not the answer you were looking for, but this is what I know and recommend.
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Thank you for your answer, I have managed to reach the support via the link you gave me. It didn't work before, weird...