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Since Adobe Creative Cloud has been installed on my machine I exceed my profile space every couple of days. I've then spent 1/2 hour hunting down odd files under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming that I feel I can delete.
I changed these paths for testing but still no luck. My roaming profile space was again over the limit.
From ACC Apps:
Install location (from default folder to C:\ Drive (Creative Cloud Files) )
From ACC files:
Folder location (from default folder to C:\ Drive (Creative Cloud Files) )
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock\assets and deleted 85MB of files.
Maybe you guys have a better solution.
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Moving to Creative Cloud Download & Install
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in the Creative Cloud app preferences:
Does it help to get your CC files out of the way?
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Thanks for the reply.
I believe I tried this already but still coming back to here C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock
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Melenciol54523440, to confirm is it the location of the CC Files that is reverting or the location of the installed CC applications?
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Hi Jeff,
Thanks for confirming.
Nope. I was able to change the path from the screenshot provided and leave it that way, however for some reason others files are keep saving on this path still C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock.
Thank you!
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Thanks for confirming, Melenciol54523440. I have moved this public discussion to the File Hosting, Syncing, and Collaboration forum. The community and staff in this forum may have additional suggestions.
Does your organization use a Creative Cloud for Team or Enterprise membership? If so you may want to use the information listed in Adobe Creative Cloud Learn & Support to schedule an Expert services section to review computer and network configuration.
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it is a creative cloud for teams. Thank you.
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My goal is to take out the folders from roaming profile and place them locally so I can eliminate this problem. Because I do have a policy in place the total paging file size is 24567MB only.
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I had to reboot my machine and delete all files from this folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock
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Hi Melencio,
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. A few clarifying questions
I believe the files in this location are part of the installation for the Creative Cloud desktop app for content within the Learn section. I wouldn't recommend removing these files.
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock
Just to confirm, you were able to successfully change the path where the Creative Cloud Files folder is stored in the preferences correct?
- Dave
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Please see my comments below. Thank you!
- 24567MB allowed space on roaming profile. Yes, imposed by our IT Department.
- It's more than the allowable space on roaming profile that is why we manually deleted from this path C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock.
- Server
Yes. I was able to change the path from the screenshot provided and leave it that way, however for some reason others files are keep saving on this path still C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock.
Is there any workaround to avoid this problem? Can we able to change the installation path instead?
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Hi Melencio,
Thank you for the additional details.
Would want to confirm that the Creative Cloud files folder was successfully migrating to a location other than within your user profile. That's the folder I see having the most impact. So long as it is not located here it sounds like you were able to migrate it successfully
C:\Users\username\Creative Cloud files
The entire content of this folder for me is taking up about 1GB on Windows 10
How much space is it taking up for you?
I would probably focus on other non-Adobe files if you have something similar and are allowed 24.5GB
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Thanks for your reply.
It is more than 2GB frequently. My objective is to change the path and saved whatever files from C:\ drive. Most of my end users are engineers and drafting folks.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you much.
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Hi David,
Just checked my Adobe roaming space use: 20.4 GB under Windows 7. With Bridge taking up some space in it's cache folders. And the Common folder taking 12Gb because of "Media Cache Files" coming from Premiere.
My whole AppData take 65 Gb. With Adobe taking also 31Gb in the local folder, mainly because of Camera Raw cache files and "CCP".
This all does not disturb me as my IT does not impose limits on my use there (at least no limits I'm hitting currently) but I wanted just to say that my most important consumer in that optic is Adobe, without me having changed default locations.
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How are you guys? your comments are welcomed and appreciated.
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IT Admin here. I'm working on implementing roaming profiles for my staff and I'm having these sorts of issues. The Creative Cloud Apps are not very IT admin friendly.
Firstly, I would suggest checking the cache path for each individual Creative Cloud app as well as the cache deletion settings.
Then you can check whats taking up the most space:
I'm not sure how this forum feels about putting code into posts but if you are confident with powershell this will give you a good idea of what is taking up the most space in your AppData Adobe Folders
get-childItem $Env:APPDATA\Adobe,$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Adobe -Directory |%{
Select -InputObject $_ -property FullName,@{n="length";e={$_ | Gci -Recurse -File | Measure length -sum|Select -expand Sum}}
} | sort length -Descending
AFAIK, the "AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock" should not be used for cache files. However it might make sense to delete cache files with a logout script.
If your IT is open to it, they can delete the cache files with a logout script. Something like the one below.
Get-ChildItem $Env:APPDATA\Adobe,$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Adobe -Directory -Recurse |
Where name -in "Media Cache Files","Media Cache","Peak Files","PTX" |
Get-ChildItem -File | Where LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) |
Or once you figure out which folders are taking up so much space you can clear them out with a script on each log off.
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Just my two cents.
In practice it seems that roaming profiles over 500MB in size may give you problems, causing all sorts of errors.
I understand that a user likes it if his/her settings/brushes/fonts/etc. move with them to another computer (hence roaming profiles), but it would be great to simply have an option to change the path. This way we can move settings to, for instance, a personal folder and everything works. Both from an Adobe and Microsoft point of view.
For now I had to resort to Group Policies to exclude the biggest folders from roaming.
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I just found 72 GB occupied by over 277,000 files under Adobe in the Roaming Data section. There are entries and cached files from every previous version of Adobe CC - never cleaned up after updating to the new version. What a waste of space, and a complete and utter programming failure. When I contacted Tech Support they said I could just delete the files and directed me here. Complete BS!!
Adobe MUST do a better job of cleaning up after itself or at least informing the user how and where to deal with the FILE BLOAT they are causing.
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I totally agree. I just found gigabytes of useless temporary files in the above mentioned folders that should have been cleaned up after installation. This is very bad (lazy) programming practice. Adobe, you're not at home on my system.
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Today I found again tons of temporary files left over in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\stock\assets. At least, let me specify another partition for storing these files
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Not only that but even when you install a shared device license they still duplicate all those shared basic files every time a use logs in. A duplicate waste of space, a duplicate waste of time, every log in. Really NONE of the bassic files that come with the product should EVER EVER EVER get stuffed in EVERY user's profile. The ProgramData folder is made for programs basic files putting them there means one easy location for basic shared files that come with a program There is also the Programs folder Common directory. Get that stuff out.
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C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\_Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries\LIBS\8053159E4F01A4040A490D4D_AdobeID\creative_cloud\dcx\...
it just eats all my free space.... over 25gb ! but why ?
i try to not install any app on my c drive and adobe just uses it all in temps or whatever.... im always out of space !
what is this ? may i just delete it all ? .... all the \_Adobe folder? ... i dont want any temps on my c drive !?
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Hi, I went through the same problem. In my case, it was Media cache files for Premiere Pro that were taking over 150GB of my C Drive space. I then realised that there is an option is Premiere Pro to delete Media Cache files or set a schedule to delete them after 90 days or if it exceeds over 23 GB (or whatever size value you choose). You can access the setting in Premiere Pro by going to Edit-> Preferences-> Media Cache. I was so frustrated and I just clicked the delete button under Media Cache files, and my C Drive's 150GB free space was restored!