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Bonjour, je souhaite me connecter à Adobe Admin Consol afin de bénéficier de l'offre 3 moi sgratuits pour les étudiants durant le confinement mais je n'y arrive pas, vers qui puis-je tourner ?
J'ai bien un compte te un mdp mais lorsque je clique sur me connecter, un message me dit qu je n'ai pas les droits.
Hi there,
Since you are a student you don't need access to the Admin console, your Admin will have to request access for you by filling in the form here:
Please contact your school admin for the same, to know more please read the following help document:
Or, you can share your school's name with me and I can check if a request has been placed or not.
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Hi there,
Since you are a student you don't need access to the Admin console, your Admin will have to request access for you by filling in the form here:
Please contact your school admin for the same, to know more please read the following help document:
Or, you can share your school's name with me and I can check if a request has been placed or not.