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I am a publisher currently running Mac OS X 10.6.8, using Adobe Creative Suite CS4 and QuarkXPress 8.5.1.
I wish to bring myself up to speed with the current versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat.
The problem is I wish to test run the iCloud to familiarise myself with these programmes as I feel their layouts will be very different given the time difference, but I need to continue working with my familiar CS4 programmes and Quark while I re-teach myself.
I have spoken to Apple's phone service, who told me that my computer is too old to run macOS High Sierra (their latest) and suggested I upgrade to OS X El Capitan (the previous version) which they assure me will run iCloud.
Unfortunately, they didn't know if installing El Capitan would block me from using CS4, thus stopping me from working while I learn how to use iCloud.
Q: Do you know if I can still use CS4 with El Capitan?
Q: If not, what is the latest Mac upgrade that will support CS4?
Q: Will this upgrade also support iCloud?
Thanks for any advice you can offer – Keryn
1 Correct answer
CS4 is not compatible with the El Capitan version of Mac OS.
There are known issues with CS4 from version 10.7
Known issues with Adobe CS products on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion)
System requirements | Adobe Creative Suite 4, Point Products
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CS4 is not compatible with the El Capitan version of Mac OS.
There are known issues with CS4 from version 10.7
Known issues with Adobe CS products on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion)
System requirements | Adobe Creative Suite 4, Point Products
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My Issue has to be primitive to you experts.
I’m an 82 year old novice dependent on my Adobe InDesign CS4.
During my training material design & development years we stated with PageMaker 4,
then PageMaker 6, then 7, then CS2, then CS4. I have dozends of valuable docs,
that I no longer can access and manipulate due to my current OS 10.13.6 High Sierra.
I need a temporary solution, but can’t afford, nor need a new suite of programs.
Of course I’m long retired, but putter and am in the process of developing one more final program -
‘What I wasn’t taught in school, but should have been’.
How can I still use my CS4? Or, what other desktop publishing program opens and allows me to modify CS4 docs?
Thank you ever so much.
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Since you've upgraded your system and not your apps, you are stuck. Apps and system need to be from the same time, you can't have the cake (new system goodies) and eat it too (not pay for new apps). It's part of the Joy Of Mac.
Maybe you can get hold of an old Mac. Maybe someone has one in a loft...
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You can get an external usb HDD and load it with which ever version os OS X will work (usb thumb drives are available on eBay with full installs of most of the old operating systems) for you and then install CS 4. That will give you the ability to start up your computer with either of the OS X versions by holding down the "option" button on startup when you hear the chime. Hold the button until images of HDDs appear on the screen THEN click on the one with CS4 on it and then click the arrow below it and then it will start the computer from that HDD and you can work with your old files because all of the HDDs should show up in the finder and you can navigate to the other HDD and open the desired file.
I run CS4 under 10.6.8 and have seen usb installers of it on eBay for pretty cheap. If you hit a wall on this try to locate and contact a local MAC users group by google-ing " Apple users group near me (insert your location here)"
Good Luck
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I'm running CS4 on Mojave with no problems on a 2017 Macbook Pro
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Is CS4 running on Catalina as well, anyone?
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Actually, I'm running CS4 on a 2009 Mac Pro tower running El Capitan. I've had zero problems in 3 years.
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So do I : I'm using Photoshop CS4 on a Late 2009 iMac running High Sierra. Works just fine.
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Perhaps you can create a partition on your hard drive to install Snow Leopard and CS4 and keep the rest for the later software. I am not 100% about this. I have a separate computer to run older software.
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Yes cs4 work with el capitan I use this operating system