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I have the same problem,
Just yesterday it was everything ok, and today I'm looped to "Sign In Required"...
please help
I tried one more thing that I found in the forums and this FINALLY broke the spell!!!
Dominik Kietla Dec 7, 2016 2:02 AM (in response to droze)
If you have problem with endless "Sign in" loop or "Validating software license" loop or if the message "Please wait for a moment" doesn't disappear after 10 minutes check following steps.
On Windows delete or rename following folders
C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Fi
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Branching to a new discussion.
Adomasb77272268 please use the steps listed in Adobe Creative Cloud signs you out or asks you to sign in repeatedly to allow for a successful login in the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application. Please update this discussion if you have any questions.
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I have tried these steps for Windows 10, and other steps from previous postings. Nothing is working, and I've been locked out of creative cloud for almost 24 hours during a deadline situation. It would take me a couple of days at least to resurrect all of my apps and extensions, so I really don't want to wipe out CC from my machine. Please help.
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I tried one more thing that I found in the forums and this FINALLY broke the spell!!!
Dominik Kietla Dec 7, 2016 2:02 AM (in response to droze)
If you have problem with endless "Sign in" loop or "Validating software license" loop or if the message "Please wait for a moment" doesn't disappear after 10 minutes check following steps.
On Windows delete or rename following folders
C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache
Then right-click the shortcut of CC application (e.g. Photoshop or InDesign), choose "Run as administrator" (or "More" > "Run as administrator"), enter your Adobe ID and password and clicks Sign in.
On Mac delete or rename following folders
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE (in user Library folder)
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLCache (in main Library folder)
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore
Then launch any CC application and Sign in.
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Amazing! Confirmed to have fixed the issue on my computer. Thanks!
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I can Only Find the user libary on my MacBook Pro. Where can i find the main libary. I tried the Go to option in Finder but i doesnt work. Hope you can help me
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Yes it's working but there is a one question: why the hell this bloody loop is coming back in the next day? It's so annoying.
Is there any script to delete those files on Windows startup?
There is also good thing to do.
Right-click on those three folders and re-set permissions to 'Full contol' for all users.
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See my reply below, this finally fixed it for me!
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Thank you so much. This fixed it for me after 2hrs and 10 minutes of troubleshooting.
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None of the things in this thread worked for me. The only thing that actually did work was using the Creative Cloud Cleaner to remove all traces of Creative Cloud, and then re-installation. The tool is here:
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OK, that didn't work afterall -- or not for long. It seems the problem actually is system-wide and relates to the Windows 2010 2004 update, which broke the system for remembering passwords. It definitely affects Creative Cloud, but also my network shared, and Adobe Acrobat. Other applications are also affected according to the 100s of posts about this across the 'net. Thank you Microsoft for breaking my computer.
In case I forget to report back here, this is the latest thing I tried, which (so far) is doing the trick:
The offending application was from HP, and you have to disable it in the Task Scheduler.
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Actually, I'm on a Mac and am having the exact same issue. I've now had 3 Adobe Tech Support agents spend 4 hours a day for three days tying everything to resolve this, and it ended in failure, and they gave up. So I am paying for full Adobe Creative Cloud (for years by the way) and as of last Sunday, it's just completely dead. The only thing the last two agents told me as they hung up was that it must be their back-end servers that are not creating the proper credentials, so they have to have the backend team investigate it... meanwhile, I'm dead in the water.
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The problem was solved for me when I renamed the OOBE folder and also deleted the files inside
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Unfortunately not solved for me. The [now] 4 support agents that had remote access to my computer did just that, literally 30 times between them, over a period of 4 days... still can't log in, but of course, Adobe happily charged my credit card for this month's payment.
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Did you get any update on how to fix the issue? I've tried everything on these forums to try and fix the issue 3 times over and nothing has worked
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assuming you went through, -
procede to:
1. go to the bottom section : "Remove Adobe User and Adobe App Certificates" - and follow the steps.
2. then uninstall the cc desktop app,
3. and reinstall the cc app install the cc desktop app by using the download links at page bottom here,
if that fails, procede to -
if that fails, proceed to these steps -
if that fails,
and if those all fail, below are solutions some users reported:
if those all fail, change your cc language. eg, try international english -
if that fails, change the install location
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thank you so much bro xxx
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