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unsere Kunden nutzen zurzeit den Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023.
Aufgrund der Ankündigung der Aktualisierung habe ich als Verantwortliche für das Produkt einen Paket erstellt und testweise auf meinem Rechner installieren wollten. Dies klappte leider nicht.
Daraufhin habe ich ein 2.mal ein Installationspaket erstellt(Diesmal ist auch die Lizenzdatei)
im Paket enthalten. Beim ersten Paket wurde die Lizenzdatei nicht vorgefunden
Auch beim 2. Installationsversuch alles fehlgeschlagen.
Der Return code vom Installations log lautet -67.
"The Bootstrapper Process return code is (-67).Stopping the installation process."
Dies ist leider nicht in der Liste der return codes als Fehler enthalten. Bitte helfen Sie mir, was hier schief läuft und
wie ich den Fehler beheben kann.
Danke im voraus.
Hi cv72089397
I had a look at the logs, and they do not give a clear indication as to why the package failed to install, however. if you try installing it on an offline machine, that will not work. PSE needs access to the internet for validation.
Secondly, it looks like the package was not extracted before installation, and if that's true, can you lease extract the package on, say Desktop and try the installation?
Hi cv72089397
Sorry for the delayed response.
Error code 67 is mostly related to the package installer, can you collect the entire set of logs and share - How to collect logs
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from download and install ">
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Leider führt dieser Beitrag überhaupt nicht zu Lösung des Problems. Ausserdem noch findet man nicht mal den Beitrag wieder.
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Hi cv72089397
1. How did you install the package?
2. Can you share the logs, PDAPP.log and Install.log file -
Rohit Pandita
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Hi cv72089397
I had a look at the logs, and they do not give a clear indication as to why the package failed to install, however. if you try installing it on an offline machine, that will not work. PSE needs access to the internet for validation.
Secondly, it looks like the package was not extracted before installation, and if that's true, can you lease extract the package on, say Desktop and try the installation?
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Hello Rohit,
The file was extracted before installation.
the computer had an internet connection, but with a firewall.
However, it should not require an internet connection during installation because
Licensing only takes place via the Internet when used for the first time.
The previous version was installed exactly this way.
I uninstalled the previous version 2021 beforehand.
It starts and then stops at some point.
What does return code -67 mean?
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Hi cv72089397
Sorry for the delayed response.
Error code 67 is mostly related to the package installer, can you collect the entire set of logs and share - How to collect logs
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Hello Rohit,
Thank you very much for your recommendation, unfortunately the logs were not written there.
But I have now come across the solution;
the problem was that I went to update when creating the package.
I would have had to create a completely new package here.
Because it's a Majar version.
The system did not issue any problems or warnings in this regard.
The created package could then not be installed.
I created a new package from the templates and the installation now works.