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Has anybody encountered and resolved this problem? Downloaded CC desktop installer and received this error, even when running as administrator:
"Security zone registry settings is enabled. Please check. Error Code: 708"
I have no idea what this means. Any tips are appreciated!
So after hours of running ProcMon to see what the issue is I found this page on adobes website.
The error itself turns out to be kind of generic, w/ a numbr of restrictions that could be blocking the install. For us its our heavily locked down group policy affecting what, where, and how applications can run.
This is a direct installer that allowed us to run installs using elevated privileges.
I think the alternative installer has the same problem now. Here is the fix that worked for me:
Open elevated regedt32
go to HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
change Security_HKLM_only DWORD from 1 to 0
execute the install
change it back or gpupdate.
Here's the getadmx page for the key in question:
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worked for me thank you!!!
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Solved my problem as well. Thanks for the info.
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Thanks a lot!!!
That worked for me
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Not all heroes wear capes!!! Absolute Legend!
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It works. I NEVER would have figured this out myself. Thanks!!!
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Unfortunately I don't have the Security_HKLM_only key - any ideas why it would be missing?
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Another option was navigating to gpedit.msc. go to Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Internet Explorer and Disable, Security Zones: Do not allow users to add/delete sites. After doing so you can add https://* to the trusted sites which allowed me to install.
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This also solved my issue where all users coudn't use Adobe Acrobat Pro because they could not sign-in. Error was "Update required, your browser or operating system is no longer supported..." . Which was not the cause for use obviously. I remove this setting from a GPO used since years.
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This worked for me as well. Thank you!!!!
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100% Thanks!
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Thank you, this worked.
Just want to know what this exactly means going forward and any risks that I might have since i've changed the value.
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can you share pictures of the steps?
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good answer !
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Hi there, I tried to follow these steps but my configurations seem different. Can anyone advise on what might be my next step here? See screenshot below: I highlighted the folder options for when I get to Internet Settings.
Thank you in advance!
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you went too deep - click on Internet Settings folder and look at the settings to the right. You went two levels deeper (to Zones, and then to 0)
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Infelizmente não tô conseguindo instalar o Premiere.
Isso está acarretando no atraso do meu trabalho.
Peço ajuda sobre o assunto!
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It seriously should not be this damn hard @adobe to provide a simple exec installer to your paying customers. This is unfournately what I have come accustomed to. Having to ask other customers for help because your development team seems to be none existent
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None of these solutions worked for me. The only thing that did was to go into the Windows security registry. Follow these steps.
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Update “Security Baseline for Windows 10 and later”
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer security zones use only machine settings
Save and Re Sync computer from “Access Work or School”, “Info”
Will remove
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Security_HKLM_only
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This guided me perfectly.. works now.
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@dowlingm response was what worked for me.
HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settingschange Security_HKLM_only DWORD
Now I think this policy is inheretit from policies created on my Microsoft Azure Office 365 configuration. I am the admin and modified some stuff, but it took to much TIME to populate, so I just went straight to applied @dowlingm the recomendations. Thank you @dowlingm!
I am using Acronis Cloud Cyber Protection, and it has a "Device Control" option in the Cyber Protect Console in the End Point Management console, that blocks software installations as well, so for some people it might be a problem too.
#acronis #cyberfit #ipthub #adobeDC
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We had this problem when we turned on the security baselines. There is a setting in the security baseline under the internet exporer section. The setting is "Internet Explorer security zones use only machine settings". Set this to disabled and you can install Adobe products as normal.