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VDI SSO user experience

Community Beginner ,
Oct 04, 2019 Oct 04, 2019

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Another question on VDI/SSO/Activation etc.


Non-persistent Citrix VAD\XenApp environment.  Windows 2016.  AcrobatDC latest version 2019.  Roaming profiles (FSLogix).  Forty servers in a delivery group (pool).  Users randomly assigned a session on any one of the forty servers at logon.


We have Adobe Federated IDs configured (named user licenses) using on-prem ADFS.  All working.


So to clarify what our expectations should be of the user experience (and align it with reality).


  1. When a user opens AcrobatDC for the first time, they are prompted to sign in.  They need to click the EnterpriseID link on the sign-in page, and then on the Enterprise sign-in page they enter their corp email address - at which point they do the ADFS redirect and are signed in to Acrobat without having to enter their password.  Activation\license details are stored in the user profile at Appdata\Roaming\Adobe and are roamed.
  2. The next day the user happens to be logged on to a different server in the forty-server pool, they open AcrobatDC, the roamed license information is used and the user is not prompted for any sign-in details.  AcrobatDC 'just opens' and the user can use it.
  3. The next day the user hits a third randomly-assigned machine, roamed license info is used but the two-device activation limit is hit, so the user is presented with a screen requiring them to 'deactivate' one of the Citrix servers they happened to be using on the previous two days.  (The user rings IT, moans, inevitably clicks the wrong button somehow, and complains that IT is cr*p).


Joking aside, is that a fair summary of the current summary?


Can i ask:


1. Another forum post here in early 2019 mentioned that the auto-sign-in user experience that, say, MS Office utilises is a much-requested feature and Adobe are working on providing this in a future solution.  Is that still the case?  (and the inevitable follow up question on timescale?).

2. Two-device activation limit for Enterprise customers.  Is there a method of product deployment or licensing that will effectively remove the two-device activation limitation for customers in our scenario?


I have looked through https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/VirtualizationGuide/index.html but might be missing something.






Acrobat , Enterprise , Identity and SSO , Licensing




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Oct 11, 2019 Oct 11, 2019

Thank you for responding Alister.


I appreciate you can't comment on future dates, but it is good to know it is on your roadmap.


I spoke to support about the activation issue and those reg keys seem to have done the trick.


I can also confirm that a user can enter their FederatedID email address into the 'normal' sign-in email address box (ie. they don't actually have to click the 'sign-in with EnterpriseID' link) and they will start their ADFS drive-by and get auto signed-in.  Which is good.





Adobe Employee ,
Oct 11, 2019 Oct 11, 2019

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1. Sorry, it is difficult for us to comment on unreleased features as dates and feature sets can shift. We do have this on our roadmap however.

2. These keys should stop the activation limitation issue

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Licensing\UserSpecificLicensing]"Enabled"="1" (REG_SZ)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Identity\UserSpecificIdentity]"Enabled"="1" (REG_SZ)




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 11, 2019 Oct 11, 2019

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Thank you for responding Alister.


I appreciate you can't comment on future dates, but it is good to know it is on your roadmap.


I spoke to support about the activation issue and those reg keys seem to have done the trick.


I can also confirm that a user can enter their FederatedID email address into the 'normal' sign-in email address box (ie. they don't actually have to click the 'sign-in with EnterpriseID' link) and they will start their ADFS drive-by and get auto signed-in.  Which is good.








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