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Mar 13, 2023 Mar 13, 2023

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03/13/23 22:20:19:772 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 20788 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:20:19:772 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 20788 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:20:19:772 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 20788 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:20:25:613 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 20788 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:20:52:224 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 33416 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:20:52:224 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 33416 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:20:52:224 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 33416 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/13/23 22:20:52:224 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 33416 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=
03/13/23 22:20:52:225 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 33416 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/13/23 22:21:03:059 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:21:03:060 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:21:03:060 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/13/23 22:21:03:067 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/13/23 22:21:03:067 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:21:03:067 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:21:03:067 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\design_club_Win64_.msi
03/13/23 22:21:03:078 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{8CDA07D1-6F97-4578-A14E-AD1BF8447067}\\{799021C4-7EF8-48DF-83F2-62E068CC25F4}
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{8CDA07D1-6F97-4578-A14E-AD1BF8447067}\\{799021C4-7EF8-48DF-83F2-62E068CC25F4}
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP1_\
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | installDirPath ::
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | installLang ::
03/13/23 22:21:03:114 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/13/23 22:21:03:115 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{8CDA07D1-6F97-4578-A14E-AD1BF8447067}\\{4D78A9E4-6D01-47C1-9E2A-A2541A06959F}).
03/13/23 22:21:03:115 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{8CDA07D1-6F97-4578-A14E-AD1BF8447067}\\{DEDFE0DC-01CD-42F5-AD5C-E66CB86C8110}).
03/13/23 22:21:03:117 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/13/23 22:21:03:117 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/13/23 22:21:03:153 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/13/23 22:21:03:153 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | (en_US)
03/13/23 22:21:03:153 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/13/23 22:21:03:153 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/13/23 22:21:03:153 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | No of updates found (0).
03/13/23 22:21:03:153 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | No of HD products found (4).
03/13/23 22:21:03:157 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:21:03:157 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.17.9)...
03/13/23 22:21:03:159 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:21:03:159 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/13/23 22:21:03:165 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:21:03:165 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.21)...
03/13/23 22:21:03:168 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/13/23 22:21:03:172 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/13/23 22:21:03:172 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:21:03:172 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:21:03:172 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/13/23 22:21:03:172 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/13/23 22:21:03:173 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/13/23 22:21:03:173 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Failed to find ASU folder in package
03/13/23 22:21:03:414 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 31412 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/13/23 22:21:03:418 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 31412 | Event Guid generated is: '8440a0fc-4878-4ba4-b1c5-4a63f04706f5'
03/13/23 22:21:03:426 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 31412 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/13/23 22:21:03:453 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 31412 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/13/23 22:21:03:455 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 31412 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/13/23 22:21:03:455 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 31412 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/13/23 22:21:04:181 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 16276 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/13/23 22:21:04:181 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 31412 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/13/23 22:21:04:181 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 31412 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:21:02 GMT
X-Request-ID : 24494664-bb8a-4d7b-95e4-a44568bc89f0

03/13/23 22:21:04:183 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 31412 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/13/23 22:21:04:183 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 2384 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/13/23 22:21:04:366 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/13/23 22:21:04:382 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 31412 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/13/23 22:21:13:742 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21616 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:21:13:743 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21616 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:21:13:743 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21616 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:21:32:579 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8608 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:21:32:579 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8608 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:21:32:579 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8608 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:21:37:779 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 32800 | Temp path found for log files (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\\CreativeCloud\ACC\PDApp.log)
03/13/23 22:21:44:150 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8608 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:25:47:106 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21616 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:26:53:692 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9768 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:26:53:692 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9768 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:26:53:693 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9768 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:26:55:694 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 9768 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:27:00:235 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5800 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:27:00:235 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5800 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:27:00:235 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5800 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/13/23 22:27:00:235 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5800 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=
03/13/23 22:27:00:236 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5800 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/13/23 22:27:11:282 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:27:11:282 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:27:11:282 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/13/23 22:27:11:290 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/13/23 22:27:11:290 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:27:11:290 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:27:11:290 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\design_club_Win64_.msi
03/13/23 22:27:11:301 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D28B5237-4A52-4639-828B-F8F93ED2AA42}\\{AA9C5DC7-8C63-4E44-9D2F-9B4313598F90}
03/13/23 22:27:11:346 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:27:11:346 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:27:11:347 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/13/23 22:27:11:347 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D28B5237-4A52-4639-828B-F8F93ED2AA42}\\{AA9C5DC7-8C63-4E44-9D2F-9B4313598F90}
03/13/23 22:27:11:347 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP5_\
03/13/23 22:27:11:347 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | installDirPath ::
03/13/23 22:27:11:347 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | installLang ::
03/13/23 22:27:11:347 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/13/23 22:27:11:348 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D28B5237-4A52-4639-828B-F8F93ED2AA42}\\{DC99CCD0-1502-491D-96F0-F4DCCD0C1DF0}).
03/13/23 22:27:11:348 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D28B5237-4A52-4639-828B-F8F93ED2AA42}\\{76D4F70D-AE7A-4314-9317-2A62F3CA31A7}).
03/13/23 22:27:11:353 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/13/23 22:27:11:353 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/13/23 22:27:11:369 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/13/23 22:27:11:369 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | (en_US)
03/13/23 22:27:11:370 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/13/23 22:27:11:370 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/13/23 22:27:11:370 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | No of updates found (0).
03/13/23 22:27:11:370 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | No of HD products found (4).
03/13/23 22:27:11:371 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:27:11:371 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.17.9)...
03/13/23 22:27:11:376 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:27:11:376 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/13/23 22:27:11:383 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:27:11:383 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.21)...
03/13/23 22:27:11:386 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/13/23 22:27:11:392 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/13/23 22:27:11:393 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:27:11:393 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:27:11:393 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/13/23 22:27:11:393 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/13/23 22:27:11:393 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/13/23 22:27:11:393 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Failed to find ASU folder in package
03/13/23 22:27:11:569 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18728 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/13/23 22:27:11:573 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 18728 | Event Guid generated is: '43c074cc-8746-468b-82e2-1cd53120394e'
03/13/23 22:27:11:579 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18728 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/13/23 22:27:11:609 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18728 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/13/23 22:27:11:611 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18728 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/13/23 22:27:11:611 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18728 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/13/23 22:27:13:020 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 22044 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/13/23 22:27:13:020 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18728 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/13/23 22:27:13:021 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18728 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:27:11 GMT
X-Request-ID : bffdfe0e-c8ac-4b3d-a148-6cdf09784b35

03/13/23 22:27:13:022 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 18728 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/13/23 22:27:13:022 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 16308 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/13/23 22:27:13:716 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/13/23 22:27:13:733 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18728 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/13/23 22:27:45:117 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 10824 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:27:45:117 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 10824 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:27:45:117 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 10824 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/13/23 22:27:45:118 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 10824 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=
03/13/23 22:27:45:118 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 10824 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/13/23 22:27:56:253 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:27:56:253 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:27:56:253 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/13/23 22:27:56:261 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/13/23 22:27:56:261 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:27:56:261 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:27:56:261 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\design_club_Win64_.msi
03/13/23 22:27:56:270 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{2AB623DD-FCC6-46ED-ADE2-7F9366AB8EDC}\\{0AEED3E7-BE2F-4114-8683-ED3521461CDB}
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{2AB623DD-FCC6-46ED-ADE2-7F9366AB8EDC}\\{0AEED3E7-BE2F-4114-8683-ED3521461CDB}
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP6_\
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | installDirPath ::
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | installLang ::
03/13/23 22:27:56:305 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/13/23 22:27:56:306 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{2AB623DD-FCC6-46ED-ADE2-7F9366AB8EDC}\\{65E3161B-D596-480F-AD83-ABA24C0A2F77}).
03/13/23 22:27:56:306 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{2AB623DD-FCC6-46ED-ADE2-7F9366AB8EDC}\\{7A7FF35C-EB1E-452B-93FB-E34CFCC15301}).
03/13/23 22:27:56:309 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/13/23 22:27:56:309 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/13/23 22:27:56:322 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/13/23 22:27:56:322 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | (en_US)
03/13/23 22:27:56:322 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/13/23 22:27:56:323 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/13/23 22:27:56:323 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | No of updates found (0).
03/13/23 22:27:56:323 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | No of HD products found (4).
03/13/23 22:27:56:323 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:27:56:324 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.17.9)...
03/13/23 22:27:56:326 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:27:56:326 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/13/23 22:27:56:331 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:27:56:332 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.21)...
03/13/23 22:27:56:334 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/13/23 22:27:56:338 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/13/23 22:27:56:338 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:27:56:338 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:27:56:339 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/13/23 22:27:56:339 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/13/23 22:27:56:339 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/13/23 22:27:56:339 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Failed to find ASU folder in package
03/13/23 22:27:56:493 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12780 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/13/23 22:27:56:499 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 12780 | Event Guid generated is: 'fd328c2e-555b-4c5d-8718-51fe63075aaf'
03/13/23 22:27:56:503 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12780 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/13/23 22:27:56:522 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12780 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/13/23 22:27:56:525 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12780 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/13/23 22:27:56:525 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12780 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/13/23 22:27:57:467 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 13208 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/13/23 22:27:57:468 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12780 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/13/23 22:27:57:468 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12780 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:27:56 GMT
X-Request-ID : b32d63b7-2a21-40eb-9106-61deb9f58fe0

03/13/23 22:27:57:469 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 12780 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/13/23 22:27:57:469 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 15828 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/13/23 22:27:57:826 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/13/23 22:27:57:842 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12780 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/13/23 22:28:35:918 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 27128 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:28:35:918 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 27128 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:28:35:918 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 27128 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/13/23 22:28:35:919 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 27128 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=
03/13/23 22:28:35:919 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 27128 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/13/23 22:28:45:757 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:28:45:757 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:28:45:757 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/13/23 22:28:45:764 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/13/23 22:28:45:764 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:28:45:764 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:28:45:764 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\design_club_Win64_.msi
03/13/23 22:28:45:772 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{862E908B-3E23-45A2-8DB3-0AE0DD6B34DA}\\{C37F98A2-34C9-4446-B5D8-C8E8EE805882}
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{862E908B-3E23-45A2-8DB3-0AE0DD6B34DA}\\{C37F98A2-34C9-4446-B5D8-C8E8EE805882}
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP7_\
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | installDirPath ::
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | installLang ::
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/13/23 22:28:45:804 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{862E908B-3E23-45A2-8DB3-0AE0DD6B34DA}\\{81048CAC-054A-483F-93B2-63DC8037FA21}).
03/13/23 22:28:45:805 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{862E908B-3E23-45A2-8DB3-0AE0DD6B34DA}\\{757E57AE-3F6B-42D6-AE25-9D83B59B5FC6}).
03/13/23 22:28:45:807 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/13/23 22:28:45:807 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/13/23 22:28:45:819 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/13/23 22:28:45:819 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | (en_US)
03/13/23 22:28:45:819 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/13/23 22:28:45:819 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/13/23 22:28:45:819 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | No of updates found (0).
03/13/23 22:28:45:820 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | No of HD products found (4).
03/13/23 22:28:45:820 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:28:45:820 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.17.9)...
03/13/23 22:28:45:823 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:28:45:823 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/13/23 22:28:45:827 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:28:45:827 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.21)...
03/13/23 22:28:45:829 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/13/23 22:28:45:833 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/13/23 22:28:45:833 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:28:45:833 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:28:45:833 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/13/23 22:28:45:833 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/13/23 22:28:45:834 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/13/23 22:28:45:834 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Failed to find ASU folder in package
03/13/23 22:28:45:979 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 1996 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/13/23 22:28:45:988 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 1996 | Event Guid generated is: '37c412c8-dd0e-449b-8e3e-e89da2ad9388'
03/13/23 22:28:45:993 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1996 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/13/23 22:28:46:013 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1996 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/13/23 22:28:46:015 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1996 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/13/23 22:28:46:015 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1996 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/13/23 22:28:46:696 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 10816 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/13/23 22:28:46:696 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1996 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/13/23 22:28:46:696 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1996 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:28:45 GMT
X-Request-ID : d5e0d6e3-1b40-4d6b-8e34-943f5c6ba8c8

03/13/23 22:28:46:697 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 1996 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/13/23 22:28:46:698 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 20924 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/13/23 22:28:46:886 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/13/23 22:28:46:902 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1996 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/13/23 22:28:55:997 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 4752 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:28:55:997 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 4752 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:28:55:998 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 4752 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:29:16:217 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23172 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:29:16:217 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23172 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:29:16:217 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23172 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:29:31:919 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 4752 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:31:13:909 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14316 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:31:13:909 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14316 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:31:13:909 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14316 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:31:27:708 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14316 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:31:32:067 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 6792 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:31:32:067 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 6792 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:31:32:067 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 6792 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:31:53:945 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 6792 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:32:55:462 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21976 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:32:55:462 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21976 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:32:55:462 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21976 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:37:19:956 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 24316 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:37:19:956 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 24316 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:37:19:956 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 24316 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/13/23 22:37:19:957 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 24316 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=
03/13/23 22:37:19:957 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 24316 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/13/23 22:37:29:984 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:37:29:985 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:37:29:985 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/13/23 22:37:29:992 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/13/23 22:37:29:992 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:37:29:992 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:37:29:992 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\design_club_Win64_.msi
03/13/23 22:37:30:000 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{623F6AF1-2A7D-4610-AFD0-D8C55033E55E}\\{2DE4DB91-4681-49FB-B286-F0F94B3063E0}
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{623F6AF1-2A7D-4610-AFD0-D8C55033E55E}\\{2DE4DB91-4681-49FB-B286-F0F94B3063E0}
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\_AZTMP8_\
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | installDirPath ::
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | installLang ::
03/13/23 22:37:30:031 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/13/23 22:37:30:032 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{623F6AF1-2A7D-4610-AFD0-D8C55033E55E}\\{C0EEA6CD-1CB9-45FF-BF07-0AD21D80F5B0}).
03/13/23 22:37:30:032 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{623F6AF1-2A7D-4610-AFD0-D8C55033E55E}\\{085F0109-EF73-4A32-ACAF-69D1CDB0A2C7}).
03/13/23 22:37:30:035 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/13/23 22:37:30:035 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/13/23 22:37:30:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/13/23 22:37:30:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | (en_US)
03/13/23 22:37:30:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/13/23 22:37:30:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/13/23 22:37:30:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | No of updates found (0).
03/13/23 22:37:30:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | No of HD products found (4).
03/13/23 22:37:30:049 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:37:30:050 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.17.9)...
03/13/23 22:37:30:053 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:37:30:053 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/13/23 22:37:30:058 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:37:30:058 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.21)...
03/13/23 22:37:30:060 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/13/23 22:37:30:063 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/13/23 22:37:30:063 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:37:30:064 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:37:30:064 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/13/23 22:37:30:064 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/13/23 22:37:30:064 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/13/23 22:37:30:064 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Failed to find ASU folder in package
03/13/23 22:37:30:222 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 1364 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/13/23 22:37:30:228 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 1364 | Event Guid generated is: '79b89565-c5a4-4aef-97c0-540507648a1b'
03/13/23 22:37:30:233 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1364 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/13/23 22:37:30:253 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1364 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/13/23 22:37:30:255 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1364 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/13/23 22:37:30:256 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1364 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/13/23 22:37:30:960 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 27624 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/13/23 22:37:30:961 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1364 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/13/23 22:37:30:961 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 1364 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:37:29 GMT
X-Request-ID : 4fc482bd-d274-46e0-85b9-904ceb6e5e10

03/13/23 22:37:30:962 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 1364 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/13/23 22:37:30:962 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 17404 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/13/23 22:37:31:151 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/13/23 22:37:31:165 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 1364 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/13/23 22:37:51:026 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 544 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:37:51:026 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 544 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:37:51:026 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 544 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:37:57:993 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 26288 | Temp path found for log files (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\\CreativeCloud\ACC\PDApp.log)
03/13/23 22:40:31:824 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 21976 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:40:33:695 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 544 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:41:45:939 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23296 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:41:45:940 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23296 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:41:45:940 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23296 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:44:33:339 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 23296 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:45:11:167 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 29460 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:45:11:168 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 29460 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:45:11:168 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 29460 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:48:00:590 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 29460 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:48:06:221 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 33556 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:48:06:221 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 33556 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:48:06:222 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 33556 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/13/23 22:48:13:872 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 33556 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/13/23 22:49:45:960 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8896 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:49:45:960 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8896 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:49:46:311 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8896 | Successfully fetched the optionXML content from MSI database ...
03/13/23 22:49:46:359 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 8896 | Path to Process :C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe Process Directory :C:\WINDOWS\system32 arguments being passed : /i "C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\design_club_Win64_.msi" /qn
03/13/23 22:49:48:928 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 14036 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:49:48:928 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 14036 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:49:48:928 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 14036 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/13/23 22:49:48:929 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 14036 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=
03/13/23 22:49:48:929 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 14036 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/13/23 22:49:57:810 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:49:57:810 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:49:57:810 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/13/23 22:49:57:820 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/13/23 22:49:57:820 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:49:57:821 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\design_club_Win64_.msi;installLang=)
03/13/23 22:49:57:821 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\design_club_Win64_.msi
03/13/23 22:49:57:832 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{B2C22C69-63A1-4585-8D03-7AFCCCD84B45}
03/13/23 22:49:57:890 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{B2C22C69-63A1-4585-8D03-7AFCCCD84B45}
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | installDirPath ::
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | installLang ::
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}).
03/13/23 22:49:57:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{210C7B8F-5AB6-4118-9A94-B9E8932C8DE9}).
03/13/23 22:49:57:893 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/13/23 22:49:57:893 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/13/23 22:49:57:911 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/13/23 22:49:57:912 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | (en_US)
03/13/23 22:49:57:912 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/13/23 22:49:57:913 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/13/23 22:49:57:913 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | No of updates found (0).
03/13/23 22:49:57:913 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | No of HD products found (4).
03/13/23 22:49:57:915 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:49:57:916 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY5.17.9)...
03/13/23 22:49:57:918 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:49:57:918 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/13/23 22:49:57:924 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/13/23 22:49:57:924 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.21)...
03/13/23 22:49:57:926 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/13/23 22:49:57:930 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/13/23 22:49:57:930 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:49:57:930 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/13/23 22:49:57:930 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/13/23 22:49:57:930 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/13/23 22:49:57:931 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/13/23 22:49:57:931 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Going to install C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\ASU_5.9.0
03/13/23 22:49:57:942 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Latest AAM version with the package is (
03/13/23 22:49:57:942 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat
03/13/23 22:49:57:943 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\ASU_5.9.0 arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1
03/13/23 22:50:13:790 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:50:13:790 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Build Version -
03/13/23 22:50:13:790 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 22:50:13:790 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The return code from the Bootstrapper Process is (0).
03/13/23 22:50:13:794 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Created file with ACC Panel Masked C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\Configs\ServiceConfig.xml
03/13/23 22:50:13:795 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | Native-Utils | | | 15512 | Skipping custom installs, either path does not exist or not directory (C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\pre)
03/13/23 22:50:19:433 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 15512 | Conflict processes not running or killed successfully ...
03/13/23 22:50:19:486 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 15512 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND
03/13/23 22:50:19:487 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ...
03/13/23 22:50:26:783 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Product Media (COSY, 5.17.9) successfully installed ...
03/13/23 22:50:26:784 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ...
03/13/23 22:50:26:784 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}
03/13/23 22:50:26:785 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}" --tool=EULA --leid=V7{}CoreSync-[BaseVersion]-Win-GM --eulasuppress
03/13/23 22:50:27:186 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:50:27:186 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (6).
03/13/23 22:50:27:186 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product.
03/13/23 22:50:27:205 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 15512 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND
03/13/23 22:50:27:205 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ...
03/13/23 22:50:41:284 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Product Media (KANC, 3.0.1) successfully installed ...
03/13/23 22:50:41:284 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ...
03/13/23 22:50:41:284 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}
03/13/23 22:50:41:284 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress
03/13/23 22:50:41:340 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:50:41:340 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1).
03/13/23 22:50:41:340 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product.
03/13/23 22:50:41:349 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 15512 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND
03/13/23 22:51:21:181 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Product Media (CCXP, 4.12.0) successfully installed ...
03/13/23 22:51:21:182 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ...
03/13/23 22:51:21:182 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}
03/13/23 22:51:21:182 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress
03/13/23 22:51:21:233 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:51:21:233 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1).
03/13/23 22:51:21:233 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product.
03/13/23 22:51:21:241 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 15512 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND
03/13/23 22:51:21:241 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ...
03/13/23 22:52:24:820 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Product Media (LIBS, 3.21) successfully installed ...
03/13/23 22:52:24:821 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ...
03/13/23 22:52:24:821 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}
03/13/23 22:52:24:822 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{F1753573-F669-4462-90BD-75CAC9E8033C}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress
03/13/23 22:52:24:931 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:52:24:931 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1).
03/13/23 22:52:24:931 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product.
03/13/23 22:52:24:940 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | STEP 5: Starting to launch Preconditioning Tool.
03/13/23 22:52:24:940 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Precondition tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{210C7B8F-5AB6-4118-9A94-B9E8932C8DE9}
03/13/23 22:52:24:940 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{210C7B8F-5AB6-4118-9A94-B9E8932C8DE9} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{556853BE-132A-4C79-BAC6-0EDE2B4B205D}\\{210C7B8F-5AB6-4118-9A94-B9E8932C8DE9}" --precondition --install --filePath "C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78690913-BF37-4171-AE52-1F7AC7C1A81C}\\{EDD9E613-E87C-40BC-8A6A-1FB08658C7FB}"
03/13/23 22:52:57:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:52:57:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The return Code from Precondition Tool (0).
03/13/23 22:52:57:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Precondition Tool has successfully precondition the product.
03/13/23 22:52:57:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | STEP 6: Starting to Configure the System.
03/13/23 22:52:57:635 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Customized Trial config file does not exist.
03/13/23 22:52:57:646 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Success: Suppression of Customized Trial.
03/13/23 22:52:57:647 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Success: Suppression of APIP.
03/13/23 22:52:57:647 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Updater config file does not exist.
03/13/23 22:52:57:647 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Success: Unsuppression of the Adobe Updater.
03/13/23 22:52:57:653 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The Update Redirection XML file is not present in the machine.
03/13/23 22:52:57:653 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The Update Redirection XML file is not present in the machine at ACF location.
03/13/23 22:52:57:653 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | RemoteUpdateManager deploy Path is : %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager
03/13/23 22:52:57:654 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Substituting environment variable : ProgramFiles(x86) ,with value : C:\Program Files (x86).
03/13/23 22:52:57:654 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | RemoteUpdateManager deploy Path after processing is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager
03/13/23 22:52:57:795 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Successfully deployed the RemoteUpdateManager.
03/13/23 22:52:57:795 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | WelcomeExperience configuration need not be changed ...
03/13/23 22:52:57:795 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | STEP 7: Starting to apply the updates.
03/13/23 22:52:57:796 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Number of updates to apply is (0).
03/13/23 22:52:57:799 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Invoking GcConsentHelper with JSON string {"consentValue":"No","consentText":"Adobe Genuine Service는 귀사의 컴퓨터에 설치된 Adobe 앱에 대한 정품 상태를 주기적으로 확인하고 정품 앱이 아닌 것으로 식별되는 경우 알려 드립니다. 정품이 아닌 Adobe 소프트웨어를 사용하면 데이터 및 소프트웨어 기능을 손상시킬 수 있는 바이러스 또는 멀웨어로 수정되는 경우가 많으므로 귀사에 위험이 될 수 있습니다.","country":"KR","package":"SDL","segment":"EDU","orgId":"8B727D445372C6960A490D4D@AdobeOrg","adminId":"JJI@INFOMADE.CO.KR","apps":[]}
03/13/23 22:52:58:685 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | GoCart Consent save Successfully
03/13/23 22:52:58:685 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | Native-Utils | | | 15512 | Skipping custom installs, either path does not exist or not directory (C:\Users\ccagg\Downloads\Hanbat_design_club_Windows\design_club_Win64_\Build\post)
03/13/23 22:52:58:688 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | inside updat report
03/13/23 22:52:58:688 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | PkgID node not found
03/13/23 22:52:58:689 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | creating other nodes of report
03/13/23 22:52:58:689 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Inside Get deployment guid
03/13/23 22:52:58:689 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Deployment GUID generated is {9C8F9763-147D-4AD8-9F81-AA570C116136}
03/13/23 22:52:58:689 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | setting deploymetn GUID
03/13/23 22:52:58:689 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | saving report at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\DeploymentReports\20db8ee4-f31d-4ded-a62c-0c4c7cc715c2.xml
03/13/23 22:52:58:893 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15512 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/13/23 22:52:58:903 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 15512 | Event Guid generated is: '5a9d5de2-8ed7-4bc9-96ad-a16c6e000f89'
03/13/23 22:52:58:906 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 15512 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/13/23 22:52:58:941 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 15512 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/13/23 22:52:58:943 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 15512 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/13/23 22:52:58:943 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 15512 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/13/23 22:52:59:645 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 16992 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/13/23 22:52:59:646 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 15512 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/13/23 22:52:59:646 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 15512 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:52:58 GMT
X-Request-ID : cd2e1b27-440a-43ee-b677-d2b22d08d87f

03/13/23 22:52:59:647 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 15512 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/13/23 22:52:59:647 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 22800 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/13/23 22:52:59:851 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/13/23 22:52:59:854 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 15512 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/13/23 22:53:00:989 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 8896 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 22:53:00:989 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 8896 | The return Code from Create Process (0).
03/13/23 22:53:31:184 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 8896 | Setup exiting with return code (0)
03/13/23 23:10:15:532 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17680 | Build Version -
03/13/23 23:10:15:532 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17680 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/13/23 23:10:15:564 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17680 | Error in opening MSI database. Returned Error - 110
03/13/23 23:10:15:565 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17680 | Failed in fetching the package option XML and install language info.
03/13/23 23:10:15:582 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 17680 | Uninstaller location is :: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\Utils\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe
03/13/23 23:10:16:140 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 17680 | Uninstaller launch location changed to temp location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe
03/13/23 23:10:16:140 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 17680 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe" -u
03/13/23 23:10:55:731 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 17680 | Process creation completed.
03/13/23 23:10:55:732 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 17680 | The CCDA uninstallation process return code is (0).
03/13/23 23:12:26:203 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17680 | Setup exiting with return code (8)
03/14/23 00:53:18:916 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14992 | Build Version -
03/14/23 00:53:18:916 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14992 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 00:53:19:024 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14992 | Error in opening MSI database. Returned Error - 110
03/14/23 00:53:19:024 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14992 | Failed in fetching the package option XML and install language info.
03/14/23 00:53:19:170 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 14992 | The CCDA Uninstaller seems to be missing(C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\Utils\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe). Skipping the uninstallation process.
03/14/23 00:53:23:301 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 15064 | Temp path found for log files (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\\CreativeCloud\ACC\PDApp.log)
03/14/23 00:53:52:113 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 14992 | Setup exiting with return code (8)
03/14/23 01:04:15:799 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17520 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:04:15:799 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17520 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:04:15:800 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17520 | Failed to get Build directory path or Windows installer MSI path.
03/14/23 01:04:18:754 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 17520 | Setup exiting with return code (1)
03/14/23 01:08:51:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 19876 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:08:51:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 19876 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:08:51:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 19876 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/14/23 01:08:51:048 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 19876 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=
03/14/23 01:08:51:049 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 19876 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/14/23 01:09:01:625 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:01:625 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:01:625 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/14/23 01:09:01:701 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/14/23 01:09:01:701 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:09:01:701 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:09:01:701 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi
03/14/23 01:09:01:712 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D4690D30-AA78-4DE2-B4B8-2210E5751FED}\\{54DA2762-EC5B-46FC-91CE-49A8807BAD40}
03/14/23 01:09:01:768 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:01:768 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:01:768 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/14/23 01:09:01:768 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D4690D30-AA78-4DE2-B4B8-2210E5751FED}\\{54DA2762-EC5B-46FC-91CE-49A8807BAD40}
03/14/23 01:09:01:768 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\
03/14/23 01:09:01:768 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | installDirPath ::
03/14/23 01:09:01:769 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | installLang ::
03/14/23 01:09:01:769 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/14/23 01:09:01:769 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D4690D30-AA78-4DE2-B4B8-2210E5751FED}\\{6CC7211B-7CAB-4C10-9722-276A382516B9}).
03/14/23 01:09:01:770 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{D4690D30-AA78-4DE2-B4B8-2210E5751FED}\\{587F2277-A531-4D05-BF81-50FDA39A1DB4}).
03/14/23 01:09:01:772 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/14/23 01:09:01:772 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/14/23 01:09:01:823 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/14/23 01:09:01:823 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | (en_GB)
03/14/23 01:09:01:823 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/14/23 01:09:01:823 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/14/23 01:09:01:823 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | No of updates found (0).
03/14/23 01:09:01:823 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | No of HD products found (4).
03/14/23 01:09:01:824 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:09:01:824 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.22.1)...
03/14/23 01:09:01:827 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:09:01:827 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY6.0.0)...
03/14/23 01:09:01:836 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:09:01:836 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/14/23 01:09:01:838 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/14/23 01:09:01:841 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/14/23 01:09:01:841 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:09:01:841 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:09:01:841 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/14/23 01:09:01:841 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/14/23 01:09:01:842 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/14/23 01:09:01:842 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Going to install C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0
03/14/23 01:09:01:850 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Latest AAM version with the package is (
03/14/23 01:09:01:850 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat
03/14/23 01:09:01:851 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18116 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0 arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1
03/14/23 01:09:03:405 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18116 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:09:03:405 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:03:406 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:03:406 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | The Bootstrapper Process return code is (-67).Stopping the installation process.
03/14/23 01:09:03:640 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18116 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/14/23 01:09:03:645 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 18116 | Event Guid generated is: '60c13a8b-86d3-44da-a932-491b37a7084b'
03/14/23 01:09:03:650 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18116 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/14/23 01:09:03:901 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18116 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/14/23 01:09:03:903 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18116 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/14/23 01:09:03:903 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18116 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/14/23 01:09:05:680 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 19896 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/14/23 01:09:05:680 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18116 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/14/23 01:09:05:681 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18116 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:09:04 GMT
X-Request-ID : 7d082e65-0692-4040-a65c-275a7133c86a

03/14/23 01:09:05:724 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 18116 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/14/23 01:09:05:725 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 13708 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/14/23 01:09:06:211 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/14/23 01:09:06:271 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18116 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/14/23 01:09:48:447 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5196 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:48:447 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5196 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:48:447 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5196 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/14/23 01:09:48:447 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5196 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=
03/14/23 01:09:48:448 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 5196 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/14/23 01:09:59:545 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:59:545 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:59:545 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/14/23 01:09:59:552 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/14/23 01:09:59:553 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:09:59:553 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:09:59:553 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi
03/14/23 01:09:59:562 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{82EA24BB-5485-4B62-8448-DB67055AFFE2}\\{035CF1CB-E128-44BF-B135-1948F51C7DD0}
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{82EA24BB-5485-4B62-8448-DB67055AFFE2}\\{035CF1CB-E128-44BF-B135-1948F51C7DD0}
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | installDirPath ::
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | installLang ::
03/14/23 01:09:59:602 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/14/23 01:09:59:603 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{82EA24BB-5485-4B62-8448-DB67055AFFE2}\\{7E7B08C9-D366-40DB-A295-6BCE56FD64FF}).
03/14/23 01:09:59:603 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{82EA24BB-5485-4B62-8448-DB67055AFFE2}\\{41CDB5E1-FA9C-4085-A680-37342A354844}).
03/14/23 01:09:59:606 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/14/23 01:09:59:607 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/14/23 01:09:59:621 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/14/23 01:09:59:621 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | (en_GB)
03/14/23 01:09:59:621 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/14/23 01:09:59:621 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/14/23 01:09:59:621 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | No of updates found (0).
03/14/23 01:09:59:621 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | No of HD products found (4).
03/14/23 01:09:59:624 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:09:59:624 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.22.1)...
03/14/23 01:09:59:626 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:09:59:626 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY6.0.0)...
03/14/23 01:09:59:632 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:09:59:632 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/14/23 01:09:59:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/14/23 01:09:59:638 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/14/23 01:09:59:639 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:09:59:639 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:09:59:639 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/14/23 01:09:59:639 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/14/23 01:09:59:640 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/14/23 01:09:59:640 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Going to install C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0
03/14/23 01:09:59:644 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Latest AAM version with the package is (
03/14/23 01:09:59:645 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat
03/14/23 01:09:59:645 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9396 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0 arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1
03/14/23 01:09:59:862 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9396 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:09:59:862 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:09:59:862 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:09:59:863 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | The Bootstrapper Process return code is (-67).Stopping the installation process.
03/14/23 01:10:00:036 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9396 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/14/23 01:10:00:041 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 9396 | Event Guid generated is: 'c3313875-81cc-4eee-8154-b7b444db50a2'
03/14/23 01:10:00:044 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9396 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/14/23 01:10:00:069 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9396 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/14/23 01:10:00:071 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9396 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/14/23 01:10:00:071 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9396 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/14/23 01:10:01:731 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 3388 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/14/23 01:10:01:731 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9396 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/14/23 01:10:01:731 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9396 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:10:00 GMT
X-Request-ID : 78bfc84b-70fe-4429-be27-ed9dc22c42bb

03/14/23 01:10:01:760 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 9396 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/14/23 01:10:01:761 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 20108 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/14/23 01:10:02:582 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/14/23 01:10:02:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9396 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/14/23 01:10:11:689 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 11952 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:10:11:690 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 11952 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:10:11:792 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 11952 | Successfully fetched the optionXML content from MSI database ...
03/14/23 01:10:11:831 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | Path to Process :C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe Process Directory :C:\WINDOWS\system32 arguments being passed : /i "C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi" /qn
03/14/23 01:10:15:192 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 6596 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:10:15:192 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 6596 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:10:15:192 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 6596 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/14/23 01:10:15:193 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 6596 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=
03/14/23 01:10:15:193 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 6596 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/14/23 01:10:26:517 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:10:26:517 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:10:26:517 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/14/23 01:10:26:526 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/14/23 01:10:26:526 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:10:26:526 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:10:26:526 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi
03/14/23 01:10:26:540 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{47F776E7-9EC4-45A6-B4B0-D1ECD8DB80B4}\\{81F84393-14F4-4B63-BDE6-B130CF0BEBB5}
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{47F776E7-9EC4-45A6-B4B0-D1ECD8DB80B4}\\{81F84393-14F4-4B63-BDE6-B130CF0BEBB5}
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | installDirPath ::
03/14/23 01:10:26:599 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | installLang ::
03/14/23 01:10:26:600 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/14/23 01:10:26:600 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{47F776E7-9EC4-45A6-B4B0-D1ECD8DB80B4}\\{6F0366E6-090E-46AC-9449-4A8FCB6E79B4}).
03/14/23 01:10:26:600 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{47F776E7-9EC4-45A6-B4B0-D1ECD8DB80B4}\\{5C585684-8F7C-4F03-90F5-9475B7E82826}).
03/14/23 01:10:26:603 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/14/23 01:10:26:603 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/14/23 01:10:26:614 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/14/23 01:10:26:614 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | (en_GB)
03/14/23 01:10:26:614 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/14/23 01:10:26:614 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/14/23 01:10:26:614 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | No of updates found (0).
03/14/23 01:10:26:615 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | No of HD products found (4).
03/14/23 01:10:26:617 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:10:26:617 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.22.1)...
03/14/23 01:10:26:619 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:10:26:619 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY6.0.0)...
03/14/23 01:10:26:626 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:10:26:626 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/14/23 01:10:26:630 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/14/23 01:10:26:633 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/14/23 01:10:26:633 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:10:26:633 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:10:26:633 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/14/23 01:10:26:633 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/14/23 01:10:26:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/14/23 01:10:26:634 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Going to install C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0
03/14/23 01:10:26:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Latest AAM version with the package is (
03/14/23 01:10:26:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat
03/14/23 01:10:26:637 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18700 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0 arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1
03/14/23 01:10:28:369 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18700 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:10:28:370 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:10:28:370 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:10:28:370 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | The Bootstrapper Process return code is (81).Stopping the installation process.
03/14/23 01:10:28:373 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | inside updat report
03/14/23 01:10:28:373 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | PkgID node not found
03/14/23 01:10:28:374 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | creating other nodes of report
03/14/23 01:10:28:374 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Inside Get deployment guid
03/14/23 01:10:28:374 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Deployment GUID generated is {059D69B8-87A3-4B8D-9FBA-259FE07B6C86}
03/14/23 01:10:28:374 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | setting deploymetn GUID
03/14/23 01:10:28:374 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | saving report at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\DeploymentReports\4884a5a9-df79-47bd-a996-821bd65cf47a.xml
03/14/23 01:10:28:612 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 18700 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/14/23 01:10:28:616 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 18700 | Event Guid generated is: 'a529116a-0852-499c-bdf5-572e9f28fef6'
03/14/23 01:10:28:620 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18700 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/14/23 01:10:28:647 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18700 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/14/23 01:10:28:648 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18700 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/14/23 01:10:28:648 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18700 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/14/23 01:10:30:313 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 10872 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/14/23 01:10:30:314 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18700 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/14/23 01:10:30:314 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18700 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:10:29 GMT
X-Request-ID : df78d7f4-1068-4021-844e-c528149cfe9f

03/14/23 01:10:30:315 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 18700 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/14/23 01:10:30:315 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 12476 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/14/23 01:10:32:081 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/14/23 01:10:32:097 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 18700 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/14/23 01:10:33:299 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:10:33:299 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | The return Code from Create Process (1603).
03/14/23 01:10:33:299 | [ERROR] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 11952 | Failed to execute the msi
03/14/23 01:10:33:300 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | Uninstaller location is :: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\Utils\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe
03/14/23 01:10:33:335 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | Uninstaller launch location changed to temp location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe
03/14/23 01:10:33:335 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe" -u
03/14/23 01:12:53:365 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:12:53:365 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 11952 | The CCDA uninstallation process return code is (0).
03/14/23 01:13:25:547 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 12748 | Temp path found for log files (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\\CreativeCloud\ACC\PDApp.log)
03/14/23 01:13:36:596 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 11952 | Setup exiting with return code (6)
03/14/23 01:23:24:987 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 20280 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:23:24:988 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 20280 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:23:24:988 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 20280 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/14/23 01:23:24:988 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 20280 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=
03/14/23 01:23:24:989 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 20280 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/14/23 01:23:34:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:23:34:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:23:34:891 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/14/23 01:23:34:899 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/14/23 01:23:34:899 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:23:34:899 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:23:34:900 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi
03/14/23 01:23:34:911 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{ACFF3F18-726A-47BD-ADBB-CB3E40EA4071}\\{1CE78414-4ED0-4A9F-A0DD-0C19545FB441}
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{ACFF3F18-726A-47BD-ADBB-CB3E40EA4071}\\{1CE78414-4ED0-4A9F-A0DD-0C19545FB441}
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | installDirPath ::
03/14/23 01:23:34:949 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | installLang ::
03/14/23 01:23:34:950 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/14/23 01:23:34:950 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{ACFF3F18-726A-47BD-ADBB-CB3E40EA4071}\\{7694C7B6-BB97-48A8-B2C5-253A9451E48C}).
03/14/23 01:23:34:951 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{ACFF3F18-726A-47BD-ADBB-CB3E40EA4071}\\{1B77419A-A1CA-434F-8B87-9022B2D41A08}).
03/14/23 01:23:34:953 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/14/23 01:23:34:954 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/14/23 01:23:34:970 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/14/23 01:23:34:970 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | (en_GB)
03/14/23 01:23:34:970 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/14/23 01:23:34:970 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/14/23 01:23:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | No of updates found (0).
03/14/23 01:23:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | No of HD products found (4).
03/14/23 01:23:34:974 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:23:34:974 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.22.1)...
03/14/23 01:23:34:977 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:23:34:977 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY6.0.0)...
03/14/23 01:23:34:981 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:23:34:981 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/14/23 01:23:34:983 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/14/23 01:23:34:986 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/14/23 01:23:34:986 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:23:34:986 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:23:34:986 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/14/23 01:23:34:986 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/14/23 01:23:34:987 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/14/23 01:23:34:987 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Going to install C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0
03/14/23 01:23:34:991 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Latest AAM version with the package is (
03/14/23 01:23:34:991 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat
03/14/23 01:23:34:992 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9864 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0 arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1
03/14/23 01:23:35:147 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9864 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:23:35:148 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:23:35:148 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:23:35:148 | [FATAL] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | The Bootstrapper Process return code is (-67).Stopping the installation process.
03/14/23 01:23:35:284 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 9864 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/14/23 01:23:35:289 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 9864 | Event Guid generated is: '3015c716-986f-4f2a-a856-8ee35c2a03a9'
03/14/23 01:23:35:293 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9864 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/14/23 01:23:35:312 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9864 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/14/23 01:23:35:313 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9864 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/14/23 01:23:35:313 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9864 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/14/23 01:23:35:987 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 18828 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/14/23 01:23:35:988 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9864 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/14/23 01:23:35:988 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 9864 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:23:35 GMT
X-Request-ID : 7dc7e279-df0b-4ad4-9bee-57dbe412301d

03/14/23 01:23:35:989 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 9864 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/14/23 01:23:35:989 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 19924 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/14/23 01:23:36:165 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/14/23 01:23:36:179 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9864 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/14/23 01:26:39:777 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 15492 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:26:39:777 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 15492 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:26:39:800 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 15492 | Successfully fetched the optionXML content from MSI database ...
03/14/23 01:26:39:831 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15492 | Path to Process :C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe Process Directory :C:\WINDOWS\system32 arguments being passed : /i "C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi" /qn
03/14/23 01:26:41:749 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9948 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:26:41:749 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9948 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:26:41:749 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9948 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
03/14/23 01:26:41:749 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9948 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=
03/14/23 01:26:41:750 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 9948 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
03/14/23 01:26:49:450 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:26:49:450 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:26:49:450 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Executing the deferred custom action.
03/14/23 01:26:49:456 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
03/14/23 01:26:49:456 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:26:49:456 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | (mode=install;sourceDir=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\;installDir=;origDB=C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi;installLang=)
03/14/23 01:26:49:457 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Original database path is : C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105.msi
03/14/23 01:26:49:465 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{BF38BF20-8F35-46F0-A798-0D6E8D6BBCD0}
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | CustomAction Parameters obtained...
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | optXMLPath :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{BF38BF20-8F35-46F0-A798-0D6E8D6BBCD0}
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | setupBasePath :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | installDirPath ::
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | installLang ::
03/14/23 01:26:49:498 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
03/14/23 01:26:49:499 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF}).
03/14/23 01:26:49:499 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Preconditioning Tool path is (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{EBFB7CC6-370C-4A27-ABB1-011E9B594206}).
03/14/23 01:26:49:501 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
03/14/23 01:26:49:501 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
03/14/23 01:26:49:510 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Install language fallback contains following languages :
03/14/23 01:26:49:510 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | (en_GB)
03/14/23 01:26:49:510 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The target architecture of the package is WIN
03/14/23 01:26:49:510 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
03/14/23 01:26:49:510 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | No of updates found (0).
03/14/23 01:26:49:510 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | No of HD products found (4).
03/14/23 01:26:49:511 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:26:49:511 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (LIBS3.22.1)...
03/14/23 01:26:49:514 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:26:49:514 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (COSY6.0.0)...
03/14/23 01:26:49:519 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to get value for conflicting processes...
03/14/23 01:26:49:519 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to parse the conflictProcessInfo for HD media (KANC3.0.1)...
03/14/23 01:26:49:521 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Custom deployment path doesnt exist in options XML
03/14/23 01:26:49:523 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
03/14/23 01:26:49:523 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Found the AppsPanel attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:26:49:523 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Found the AdminPrivilege attribute info (true)
03/14/23 01:26:49:524 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Number of Medias found = 0

03/14/23 01:26:49:524 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
03/14/23 01:26:49:524 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
03/14/23 01:26:49:524 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Going to install C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0
03/14/23 01:26:49:527 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Latest AAM version with the package is (
03/14/23 01:26:49:527 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat
03/14/23 01:26:49:527 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0 arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\ASU_5.9.0\Set-up.dat" --mode=silent --action=install --edtWorkFlow=1
03/14/23 01:26:52:141 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:26:52:141 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Build Version -
03/14/23 01:26:52:141 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
03/14/23 01:26:52:142 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The return code from the Bootstrapper Process is (0).
03/14/23 01:26:52:145 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Created file with ACC Panel Masked C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\Configs\ServiceConfig.xml
03/14/23 01:26:52:145 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | Native-Utils | | | 12512 | Skipping custom installs, either path does not exist or not directory (C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\pre)
03/14/23 01:27:00:336 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | HDPIMWrapper | | | 12512 | Conflict processes not running or killed successfully ...
03/14/23 01:27:00:369 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | HD STI Media (LIBS, 3.22.1) is Async and already installed. Skipping installation.
03/14/23 01:27:00:376 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 12512 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND
03/14/23 01:27:00:376 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | No Conflict Process defined, skipping the conflict file creation ...
03/14/23 01:27:02:128 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Product Media (COSY, 6.0.0) successfully installed ...
03/14/23 01:27:02:128 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ...
03/14/23 01:27:02:128 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF}
03/14/23 01:27:02:129 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF}" --tool=EULA --leid=V7{}CoreSync-[BaseVersion]-Win-GM --eulasuppress
03/14/23 01:27:02:367 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:27:02:367 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (6).
03/14/23 01:27:02:367 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product.
03/14/23 01:27:02:373 | [ERROR] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | PIMDBHandler | | | 12512 | Failed to fetch Status from PimDB with error RECORD NOT FOUND
03/14/23 01:27:04:094 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Product Media (CCXP, 4.13.1) successfully installed ...
03/14/23 01:27:04:094 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Starting to launch Provisioning Tool for EULA suppression ...
03/14/23 01:27:04:095 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Provisioning tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF}
03/14/23 01:27:04:095 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{CCBF78AF-8AC5-492A-9351-3DA57C6D35BF}" --tool=EULA --leid= --eulasuppress
03/14/23 01:27:04:142 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:27:04:142 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The return Code from Provisioning Tool (1).
03/14/23 01:27:04:142 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Provisioning Tool has failed to suppress EULA for the product.
03/14/23 01:27:04:255 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | HD STI Media (KANC, 3.0.1) is Async and already installed. Skipping installation.
03/14/23 01:27:04:259 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | STEP 5: Starting to launch Preconditioning Tool.
03/14/23 01:27:04:259 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Precondition tool launch location is :: C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{EBFB7CC6-370C-4A27-ABB1-011E9B594206}
03/14/23 01:27:04:259 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Path to Process :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{EBFB7CC6-370C-4A27-ABB1-011E9B594206} Process Directory :C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6} arguments being passed :"C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{78ACE69A-AA24-4378-9AB1-AE017D8F4EB6}\\{EBFB7CC6-370C-4A27-ABB1-011E9B594206}" --precondition --install --filePath "C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\{4F919AB2-785C-4B2B-9B18-13F8797042B7}\\{2FC9CF98-0461-450B-A9D1-C954DEB8B479}"
03/14/23 01:27:34:963 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:27:34:963 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The return Code from Precondition Tool (0).
03/14/23 01:27:34:963 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Precondition Tool has successfully precondition the product.
03/14/23 01:27:34:963 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | STEP 6: Starting to Configure the System.
03/14/23 01:27:34:964 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Customized Trial config file does not exist.
03/14/23 01:27:34:968 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Success: Suppression of Customized Trial.
03/14/23 01:27:34:969 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Success: Suppression of APIP.
03/14/23 01:27:34:969 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Updater config file does not exist.
03/14/23 01:27:34:969 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Success: Unsuppression of the Adobe Updater.
03/14/23 01:27:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The Update Redirection XML file is not present in the machine.
03/14/23 01:27:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The Update Redirection XML file is not present in the machine at ACF location.
03/14/23 01:27:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | RemoteUpdateManager deploy Path is : %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager
03/14/23 01:27:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Substituting environment variable : ProgramFiles(x86) ,with value : C:\Program Files (x86).
03/14/23 01:27:34:971 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | RemoteUpdateManager deploy Path after processing is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager
03/14/23 01:27:35:166 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Successfully deployed the RemoteUpdateManager.
03/14/23 01:27:35:166 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | WelcomeExperience configuration need not be changed ...
03/14/23 01:27:35:166 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | STEP 7: Starting to apply the updates.
03/14/23 01:27:35:166 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Number of updates to apply is (0).
03/14/23 01:27:35:170 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Invoking GcConsentHelper with JSON string {"consentValue":"No","consentText":"Adobe Genuine Service는 귀사의 컴퓨터에 설치된 Adobe 앱에 대한 정품 상태를 주기적으로 확인하고 정품 앱이 아닌 것으로 식별되는 경우 알려 드립니다. 정품이 아닌 Adobe 소프트웨어를 사용하면 데이터 및 소프트웨어 기능을 손상시킬 수 있는 바이러스 또는 멀웨어로 수정되는 경우가 많으므로 귀사에 위험이 될 수 있습니다.","country":"KR","package":"SDL","segment":"EDU","orgId":"8B727D445372C6960A490D4D@AdobeOrg","adminId":"JJI@INFOMADE.CO.KR","apps":[]}
03/14/23 01:27:36:009 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | GoCart Consent save Successfully
03/14/23 01:27:36:010 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | Native-Utils | | | 12512 | Skipping custom installs, either path does not exist or not directory (C:\Users\ccagg\Desktop\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105_en_GB_WIN_64\Adobe_Win64_SDL_20230105\Build\post)
03/14/23 01:27:36:012 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | inside updat report
03/14/23 01:27:36:012 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | PkgID node not found
03/14/23 01:27:36:012 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | creating other nodes of report
03/14/23 01:27:36:012 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Inside Get deployment guid
03/14/23 01:27:36:012 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Deployment GUID generated is {A0972E5E-5699-4425-9169-9C9CCEEFD8EB}
03/14/23 01:27:36:013 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | setting deploymetn GUID
03/14/23 01:27:36:013 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | saving report at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\DeploymentReports\4884a5a9-df79-47bd-a996-821bd65cf47a.xml
03/14/23 01:27:36:177 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities | | | 12512 | The output of process received in execWithOutput :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2604]

03/14/23 01:27:36:183 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 12512 | Event Guid generated is: '0d2d6da9-03d8-4ec2-910f-be6c89d5aa60'
03/14/23 01:27:36:190 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12512 | Sending HTTP request message: Method: POST || URL: na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest || Timeout: 30 || Compression: false || Request headers: Content-Type : text/xml

03/14/23 01:27:36:213 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12512 | Proxy detected: WPAD
03/14/23 01:27:36:213 | [WARN] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12512 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12180
03/14/23 01:27:36:213 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12512 | No default proxy present on the user machine
03/14/23 01:27:36:856 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 2096 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
03/14/23 01:27:36:856 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12512 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
03/14/23 01:27:36:856 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | HTTPConnector | 12512 | Received HTTP response:
URL = na1e-acc.services.adobe.com/hsmessaging/rest
Response code = 200
Response headers:
Connection : close
Content-Length : 165
Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:27:36 GMT
X-Request-ID : 76208ba2-4d7f-404c-af0f-da7df3a8fd5c

03/14/23 01:27:36:856 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 12512 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
03/14/23 01:27:36:856 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | | | | 12260 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
03/14/23 01:27:37:058 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | Analytics sent to ingest successfully
03/14/23 01:27:37:061 | [INFO] | | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager | | | 12512 | The install workflow is terminating.
03/14/23 01:27:37:745 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15492 | Process creation completed.
03/14/23 01:27:37:745 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | AAMEEUtilities | | | 15492 | The return Code from Create Process (0).
03/14/23 01:29:20:913 | [INFO] | | ASU | MSIInvoker | MSIInvoker | | | 13464 | Temp path found for log files (C:\Users\ccagg\AppData\Local\Temp\\CreativeCloud\ACC\PDApp.log)



I can't installation completed 





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Mar 14, 2023 Mar 14, 2023

@Lee28852965s4r9 Error code P81 indicates that another Adobe installation might be running in the background. This might be causing a conflict, thus resulting in this error.


Community Expert ,
Mar 13, 2023 Mar 13, 2023

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Hi @Lee28852965s4r9  are you installing with an Enterprise or Teams account package?




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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 14, 2023 Mar 14, 2023

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@Lee28852965s4r9 Error code P81 indicates that another Adobe installation might be running in the background. This might be causing a conflict, thus resulting in this error.




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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2023 Mar 14, 2023

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ie, restart your computer and retry installing.




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