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How come Fresco works on my less powerful laptop but not the laptop I actually want to use it on?

New Here ,
Dec 13, 2021 Dec 13, 2021

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The best answer I've found on here is that it only supports Direct X version 12.1 and not regular version 12, BUT my less powerful laptop only has regular version 12 and Adobe Fresco installs and works fine, as you can see from the Direct X diagnostic.


The laptop where it works is using a built in Intel graphics processor, yet on my MSI gaming laptop that can run GTA V I can't open a painting app because the graphics card is not supported. It's using an Nvidia 940m graphics card that yes is a little old but it can still run a lot of modern games. It has 16gb of ram, a more powerful processor and more storage space. I've tried changing the Nvidia settings to load Adobe Cloud with both the Nvidia graphics and the Intel graphics built into the processor (both are fully updated) and neither will allow me to install Adobe Fresco, even though I know for sure my machine can run it. 


It's just annoying because I obviously want to work on my more powerful machine and integrate my digital design with Photoshop but instead I have to change laptops, rewire my graphics tablet or use 3rd party apps, all because Creative Cloud is telling me my computer can run Grand Theft Auto V but it can't render some paintbrushes.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 13, 2021 Dec 13, 2021

If both your devices meet all requirements on the Fresco system requirements page I would suggest contacting the developers directly. You can send them an email (frescohelp at adobe dot com)

Through your device which has the app installed you can go through App settings > Help > Report a bug.
That will give details of at least one device. 



Community Expert ,
Dec 13, 2021 Dec 13, 2021

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If both your devices meet all requirements on the Fresco system requirements page I would suggest contacting the developers directly. You can send them an email (frescohelp at adobe dot com)

Through your device which has the app installed you can go through App settings > Help > Report a bug.
That will give details of at least one device. 





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Community Expert ,
Dec 13, 2021 Dec 13, 2021

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Exactly.  it just may be the case that things aren't optimized for that particular laptop and contacting the developers might help rectify things 





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