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I cant get the same pencil lightness look with pressure sensitivity

New Here ,
Jan 17, 2022 Jan 17, 2022

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Hi, I never knew that adobe sketch was going to shutdown so the sudden transition towards Fresco has been very rough for me. I draw with my fingers and the normal pencil tool in sketch had this pressure sensitivity that allowed a wider and darker opacity based on pressure from my fingers onto the screen. When I logged into Fresco and tried the pencil tool there was no form of pressure sensitivity in the beginning of lines so when I even lightly grazed my phone it would do a bold strike of a line. I tried changing the Pressure Dynamics Size and Flow and nothing seems to change. I really really want to go back to that old feeling from sketch but it seems nearly impossible to match as of now. The only close way I found to match the pencil is to blend with a light eraser on the ends of the strokes but it seems to much of a hassle compared to what I used to use. Thankfully I was able to import my old art for comparison so heres some photos for reference of the old and new pencil if it helps, thank you. 

Pixel Brushes , Tools






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Community Expert ,
Jun 15, 2022 Jun 15, 2022

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Has your control improved with practice?

Have there been updates to the software since you posted which are now allowing you to achieve the results you want?





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