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Library swatches significantly shift colors and 8 bit RGB numbers in Fresco

Participant ,
May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022

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Hi all, hoping for solution to the problem stated in Subject Line:  For me at least, Library swatches significantly shift colors and RGB numbers in Fresco. I created them in a Fresco painting originally, for a project with at least 8 paintings using the same palette, then in order to save them to reuse in the other paintings and later reuse in other CC desktop apps for same project, had to export and open in Ps, save swatches to new Library folder for project and voila - open them in Fresco access to Library folders. However, in Fresco the swatches have transformed into dramatically different hue and RGB numbers. I confirmed their RGB accuracy online in CC Files' Library so somehow Fresco is changing them. Any explanation for the problem and suggested solution?


I also need Fresco to provide the Adobe standard option for reading created swatch names rather than only as swatch colors, since some are similar and thus difficult to identify without names. I imagine I need to request that elsewhere.


Thanks for assisstance solving the Swatch shift problem.

Color , Cross-product




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022

Your first issue would be best logged as a bug, you can do that through the app via App Settings > Help > Report a bug.

Your second statement is a feature request, you would be best to submit that through the app via App Settings > Help > Suggest a feature.


I have seen the colour differences issue bought up in here before though so you're not alone in seeing this.



Community Expert ,
May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022

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Your first issue would be best logged as a bug, you can do that through the app via App Settings > Help > Report a bug.

Your second statement is a feature request, you would be best to submit that through the app via App Settings > Help > Suggest a feature.


I have seen the colour differences issue bought up in here before though so you're not alone in seeing this.





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Participant ,
May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022

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Yes I read another post mentioning it along with other issues. 

This morning I also realized I need to review any and all color management protocols with Fresco for printing in CMYK, since my use of it is currently for multiple children's book illustration and design projects being printed in CMYK. I think I had researched this and llearned to create the swatches in Fresco in CMYK but when cycling them throough that convoluted CC process in order to save them for other paintings for the same book, importing them back into Fresco required me to convert them in Ps from CMYK to 8bit RGB. I did that before confiurming that the new RGB swatches were accurate in CC Library online. So needing and hoping I can create and use a CMYK swatch library for these print books.




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New Here ,
May 20, 2022 May 20, 2022

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Fresco only supports RGB right now. Maybe some conversion is happening with your swatches when you try to move from CMYK space to RGB only color space in Fresco. 


I'm also creating a childrens book using Fresco -- just finished the sketches and I'm ready to move to color. I'm trying to decide if I should work in Fresco in RGB, then do the CMYK conversion later in PS (praying the colors don't shift drastically -- I may use Pantone swatch books to help keep my colors in-gamut for printing)... or work with a CMYK document by running PS on my iMac and use my tablet as a second screen for drawing with the iOS Sidecar feature. 

Good luck with your books!




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Participant ,
May 26, 2022 May 26, 2022

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Hi Michelle! Thank you! Good luck with yours too. I'm ready to start painting today after I spoke with the Fresco team yesterday who confirmed my conclusion of the most efficient workflow from Fresco to InD for CMYK output, with reportedly no expected swatch shifts or issues if converting in the final InD pdf export process:

1. Create illustration in Fresco.

2. Export as Psd file.

3. Place in InD file. (No need to first open in Ps.)

4. The Psd file will still be in the RGB color so if you need it in CMYK to send to Printer for print production, export the InD as PDF/X1a:2001. That is Ingram Spark's file submission direction, adding "Do not modify any of the default settings."  That Preset note explains that it will ensure any objects with embedded RGB colors in InD file are converted to CMYK, but not line art or type.  

5. However, since all the PDF Presets seem to indicate line art and type will not convert, only objects with embedded RGB profiles, I'm now thinking it might be best to do the following:

1. Create illustration in Fresco.

2. Export as Psd file.

3. Open in Ps. Flatten and convert to CMYK there.

4. Place in InD file.

5. When InD file is completed, I will export with PDF Preset PDF/X1a:2001 since that is one of the two specfied options required by Ingram Spark. This is my first time printing with Ingram Spark. In the past, I always did the above steps but exported with High Quality Print preset and there were never any issues. In conclusion, I still need to fully understand all the Preset options and the correct one for my print needs outside of Ingram Spark. I may call the Fresco team again to seek their input regarding line art and type, although I will be creating all my type in InD so can use CMYK colors there. Anyone able and willing to clarify these details further, please do! Thanks!

Good luck to us both Michelle! And meanwhile let's enjoy creating art! 🙂




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New Here ,
May 26, 2022 May 26, 2022

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Thank you for sharing your process! This is what I'm hoping to do as well. I didn't know much about the PDF preset options myself, but did a quick search and I found this guide that really helps!




Happy painting! 🙂





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Participant ,
May 27, 2022 May 27, 2022

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Thanks Michelle! Can't wait to read it and to master all this.  👩‍🎨✌🏼:sun_with_face:




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