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Running OSX 10.8.4 mid 2009 Macbook 6 GB ram 256 GB SSD
CS6 for some odd reason fails to open with an error 16. I uninstall it and AAM does not list it so I can't reinstall
Download Bridge CC which does work, but Photoshop CC gives the same error and the same uninstall/reinstall error.
How do fix this and how do I get CS6 cloud version back?
And why does bridge CC tell me I don't have sufficient permissions when I use Help > Update?
I'd be glad to nuke and pave,but I need to know how.
1 Correct answer
I solved the dilemma by going direct download and avoiding the CC installer upgrade.
First I rebooted my Mac using Cmd R and using my Time Machine HDD (I hope you do back up often), re-imaged my Macbook with the latest full backup before this problem. Save all your important work files to another drive before doing this.
After that you can boot into that recovered image and use CS6 normally.
This time avoid updating AAM and proceed to this link for direct CC downloads.
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Run the Creative Suite Cleaner Tool, try again.
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Hi Mylenium
It's been a busy night trying and retrying your advice. I took a long break and I just got back off the phone with tech support.
Long story short: I tried the CS Cleaner tool, Installed and reinstalled numerous times. I even went into OSX's recovery mode and used time machine to restore the hard drive before the CC release. Then I called Adobe tech perhaps thinking they had some workaround.
My problems seem to have started with the AAM. It updated, and my Photoshop CS6 cloud went Error 16, and all further attempts at uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop CC have given me nothing but error 16
A call to tech support did not fix it. I deleted the OSX hosts file, gone to Library/Application Support/Adobe,
renamed OODB folder to OODBold as per the tech's instructions and set permissions for Adobe PCD and SLStore folders. Error 16 back to square one despite carefully following instructions. The case has been elevated, I am awaiting Adobe Tech support's response.
At least CC works in Windows 7 and I have nothing mission critical so I can be patient with this.
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I have the same problem. Once the manager downloaded I tried to download CC. It acted like it is stalled (Mac OSX 10.8.4) and all I got was the Error 16 screen. I tried launching CS6 and the only app that would launch was Bridge. All apps produced the Error 16 screen. I uninstalled everything and used cleaner several times. Also checked permissions on a few folders from advise on anyother thread. Nothing works. Now the manager does not even show CS6 so I cannot even go back and install that. I am dead in the water and this is my work machine with several jobs due. I went from excitment about an update to completely devistated!! I awill have to contact support but was holding off as long as I could to see if anyone here had a solution.
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I rebooted my MacBook...did a Cmd R and from the recovery section found a full backup from the day before on Time Machine. PS CS6 CC works fine now.
I suggest that if nothing else works and do not open AAM until this is fixed. Refuse the update till then.
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Jakshumsky have you tried the steps listed in Configuration error -
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I tried to adjust the permissions and it did not work. I even tried to install the previous CS6 version and it did not work. I am dead in the water. I have tried everything I know how to do. Uninstall, cleaner, reinstall CC & CS6, permissions, etc.
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I solved the dilemma by going direct download and avoiding the CC installer upgrade.
First I rebooted my Mac using Cmd R and using my Time Machine HDD (I hope you do back up often), re-imaged my Macbook with the latest full backup before this problem. Save all your important work files to another drive before doing this.
After that you can boot into that recovered image and use CS6 normally.
This time avoid updating AAM and proceed to this link for direct CC downloads.
Follow the instructions carefully before clicking on the direct download links.
This has worked for me and now I have a fully functional CC Photoshop and Bridge plus the .dmg files to both, no need to keep re-downloading.
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I can't seem to understand how to download DMG files directly. The links on the page you directed people too just bring up the same download page that use the Application Manager. Am i missing something here?
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Rob make sure you are following the Very Important Instructions on the page before you click the download links. If you still face difficulties then try a different web browser.
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Go to : Library - Application Support - Adobe - Right Click and Get info - Sharing & Permission
Choose ( Read & Write ) for All ( system - wheel - everyone )
Now Try and Adobe Application - Good Luck
Respect for all members of this discussion
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Your help is appreciated, but that question was fixed two years ago.
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Perhaps the solution that I am proposing to you faster does not take more than 20 seconds and probably watching from new members in the present time in 2015
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That procedure does not fix the damaged subfolder permissions the updater bug caused. That takes a Terminal command to get at those folders. That bug has been fixed.
The above answer did not work for that reason.
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Ok i understand you But :
when i try mavericks for the first time i want to move files or folders from my hard disk to another location in the samr hard disk
I saw a message for authentication password
i go to may hard disk and change permission for it
my computer crashed down and i cannot do any thing
looking for solution on the web found some command in the terminal
to fixes this error messege like ( caller id ........ )
now i reboot to my mavericks good
after that i tray to open photoshop appear the message ( error 16 )
in the solution is not fixed the problem
but when i tray to change the whole folder ( Adobe ) permission its working
this is my experience
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Ok, I understand that. You did something else that caused the Error 16. You got the correct answer and it fixed your problem.
In all fairness I did not get the correct answer until someone else showed me several days later. It's done by opening Terminal and copy/pasting this command:
sudo chmod -R 777 /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe
-R 777 means full permissions for all subfolders and files in the Application support folder.
Again, thanks for your help, I only meant to explain the unique situation of this bug. I spent a long time with Tech Support taking over my screen and they couldn't even find out why. It took another forum member who knew console commands better than I did.
Other than that, have a nice afternoon
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I use a standalone copy of Lightroom 6 on a Macbook Pro running Sierra 10.12.3. Some time ago I began to get Error 16 when attempting to open Lightroom. At the adobe support site I found a zipped script to insert into terminal to update all permissions, and that fixed the problem for a while. Had to do that 2 or three times over the course of a few months though. Yesterday I got the dreaded Error 16 again though even that failed to fix the issue. Found your -R 777 command and tried that and it fixed the problem. I was able to open Lightroom several times.
Today I again get the Error 16 and niether the zipped commands not the -R 777 will allow me to open the program. I'm stuck. Should I uninstall and reinstall the program? What are the issues with doing that and maintaining connection to my libraries? Help?
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This (sudo chmod -R 777 /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe) worked right on! Thanks buddy.
- Mani
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sudo chmod -R 777 /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe
This worked for me. Thank you!
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seems dangerous
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I tried everything to solve this problem but nothing worked. But then one simple thing solved everything.
I noticed that when I created a new user with administrator rights, only then this problem started, so I simply took off the administrator rights from that user, and my Adobe products started working fine as normal. So if anyone recently created a new user with administrator rights, or gave administrator rights to a existing user (which didn't have administrator rights before), simply take away those administrator rights and this problem should be solved.
I hope this helps.
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Similar solution by turning off the Guest Account. One click and it is back to normal.
Thanks for the hint CreativeCores
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Thanks for this advice 'dcastilda'. I am using Dreamweaver CS6 on a MacBook Air. Turning off the Guest Account was simple and it worked for me. DW is back up and running again. Happy days!
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I am constantly plagued with permissions problems using Adobe CC and separate user accounts on MacOS, both Error 16 and otherwise. This is a massive, critical problem with Adobe's software that is seriously impacting my workflow. After spending hours upon hours of researching, troubleshooting, trying fixes from forums, resetting permissions over and over again on Preferences, Cache, Application Support, Etc, Etc on every individual user and the root user, allowing Read/Write for "everyone" (can't believe Adobe considers this a "fix"), installing/reinstalling the apps, installing/reinstalling the CC app then the individual apps and the utterly soul crushing experience of the endless loop of checklists and restating the same information to Adobe's well-intended but totally unhelpful "support" loop of phone banks in India I have completely given up on trying to solve this problem. Its depressing.
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One crucial element I'm not seeing in many of these unsuccessful solutions is restoring your old user preferences from a backup made before the error occurred. Reinstalling or fixing permissions won't do this! For my own problem, I first had to restore a folder where I had unwisely inserted a file manually. Then, In your home folder's Library > Preferences, restore everything in the Adobe folder and the folder for your specific version. That fixed it for me.

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