Don't hold your breath for CS7....
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Seems there won't be a CS7 ever.
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I know some might not whole heartily believe in running software via virtual emulation, but here is one older example of one of the Illustrator competitors directly addressing the topic:
Xara products available for Apple Mac?
I myself run Parallels and have been quite happy, if your Mac is new enough you should be fine for most things. Also note that article was from 2006, virtualization and computer specs in general have come a long way since then so now days it's a real viable option for alternatives. So even though there are no "Mac" versions for some, using virtualization or Boot Camp will get you up and running with alternatives on your Mac.
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I appreciate the other developers wanting to break into the Mac market by piggy-backing on some other software. In the end, that is not a real solution. I have Parallels, and yes I can run Windows-based software through it. However, adding an OS platform is simply undue overhead. I can not fathom spending my day in Parallels to work. That's silly. I use a Mac because I like the Mac OS. If, due to Adobe's anti-customer policy, I'm going to have to move to Windows-based solutions, in the long run, it will be less expensive and performace will be better by simply moving to an actual Windows-based platform. Windows 7 is actually a pretty nice OS. But there are still a mountain of items I dislike about Windows in general.
Perhaps the other software developers are now kicking themselves for ignoring the Mac Platform? Who knows. I've been a Mac user for more than 30 years, I seriously doubt I'll suffer through Windows for creative software. There are solutions which ARE Mac-based. Maybe not as good. But I just can't see spending hudreds of dollars on software only to run it via a "emulator" for another OS. (I realize it's not really an emulator in the strictest sense.)
Even on the Mac Inkscape is annoying due to the X11 platform need. Well that and the svg core.
The sad truth is, for Mac users, there's Adobe at the top of the pyramyd, then there's all the others in the stone pits below. There's nothing mid-pyramid. And there is no substitute for Photoshop if you need CMYK support.
I'm sticking with CS6 until it will no longer run. Or until an actual Mac solution is developed. On the bright side there's at least another year, if not two or three, before CS6 is no longer a viable solution. We've all passed on an Adobe upgrade before and not suffered because of it. I'm simply choosing to pass on Adobe's current upgrade offer because, contrary to Adobe's apparent belief, I have a brain and understand it's a poor choice for my business. If, at some point I need some special CC feature for a client, then I'll subscribe for 1 month, get the project done, back-save to CS6, and pass along costs. I won't be a perpetual source of monthly income for Adobe EVER.
I'd jump at the chance to install Draw or Xara on my Mac and run it as a Mac application. But If I'm forced to jump through hoops for those developers, how is that bettering my position? It's merely changing who owns the hoops.
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Scott, have you downloaded the Mac trial of PhotoLine? CMYK support is just fine.
I do agree--other than a want to upgrade at every opportunity, CS6 will serve my true needs for some time to come and no one really needs to switch "now" if CS6 is meeting needs.
Best regards, Mike
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It's good to see that Adobe has heard, and is considering options.
No specific word on the issues, but at least they acknowledge there are issues which need to be resolved.

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That's a bit of wishful thinking scott; Adobe promises nothing. It emphasises that the vast majority (allegedly) has signed into Creative Cloud.
I am glad to hear that CC subscribers will continue to have access to their work even if they cease their subscriptions. I wonder how Adobe will go about achieving that.
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Wishful thinking where? I posted that they've offered no solutions. In fact, they've merely recited the issues I've seen voiced by users.

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>It's good to see that Adobe has heard, and is considering options
Oh, I guess there is an element of sarcasm in your post.
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I still contend that Adobe is making up these numbers.
In the spin, Adobe attempts to paint CC move in a positive light, here:
""We launched Creative Cloud a year ago and it has been a runaway success," said David Wadhwani, Adobe SVP and general manager of Digital Media"
Hmmm... runaway success? Let's move on to what almost sounded like a paid advertisement in CNET:
The author includes this nugget: "Adobe said it's got an installed base of 8.4 million customers using CS suites and 4.4 million using point products. For the Creative Cloud subscriptions, the number is 479,000 for the end of the first quarter and Adobe projects an increase to 1.25 million by the end of 2013." In his zeal to support Adobe, he fails to even think about what he is writing.
So... a 6% transition over 1 year is considered a runaway success? Or is it a 3.7% transition? Is the 479K the number signed up for the FULL monty? 479K out of 8.4 million? Or is it 479K out of 12.8 million COMBINED CS and individual product users?
And, I wonder how many of those folks would've TRIED this program if they knew that their actions were going to be used a evidence of support to what is now (in it's current form) a LIFETIME financial committment?
Adobe gets 39,000 per month to sign up in the first year... and they realistically think this is going to DOUBLE now that they've made this announcment? They don't even have any idea what the renewal rate is going to be after the first year... it's barely 1 year old! What if people were thinking that they'd try it, not knowing that there was no going back? I've got to believe some of them are having buyers remorse, knowing that they contributed to this mess!
I think Adobe and it's devotees are missing the point. It's not about the cost per year, or the cost per revision cycle. And it is not about some imagined insatiable need to have the updates the minute they are released! It's about the mandated lifetime committment to Adobe.
This is really worth a look:
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Kopy-Rite wrote:
This is really worth a look:
Right there with you.. and great link.
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thanks for the update Scott...makes me think if the response has been so overwhelmingly in favor, why bother posting this kind of letters...
...with over 80% of people purchasing on selecting Creative Cloud.
shouldn't it be 100%? after all, why are 20% of customers buying a soon to be outdated software?
If you have any questions or comments, please post them in our forums, where we are continuing the conversation.
I don't think there was a conversation, the only response I saw in the forums was the same scripted answer "sorry for the misunderstanding, please refer to the our FAQ"
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...with over 80% of people purchasing on selecting Creative Cloud.
I've decided to go into the rental business. All I need is one taker; then I can claim that I have 100% buy-in from my suckers customers!
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Brilliant, Jet. But I would raise the price after the first couple months out of general principle. And besides, I could always get a new (uh, updated) t-shirt before the image begins to fade and I would always feel as if it were new all the time. Even if there were no changes...
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That's a special introductory price.
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...I want to BUY that T Shirt
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Sorry. We're not selling T-shirts anymore. We've gone to a subscription-based business model. This is a big step forward for us. The stockholders love the idea.
You really should take advantage of it. You're just being foolish by resisting. I'm confident you'll eventually come around.
I mean, where else can you acquire and start wearing right away a professional-level current-event satirical commentary T-shirt for a mere $3.95?
Tell you what: If you go ahead and pay for a year's worth of wearing pleasure in advance, I'll give you a 10% discount. Hurry. Offer good until end of next week.
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JETalmage wrote:
Tell you what: If you go ahead and pay for a year's worth of wearing pleasure in advance, I'll give you a 10% discount. Hurry. Offer good until end of next week.
I still have a few questions:
- If I don't wish to rent my t-shirts are there still options to own my t-shirt without subscription like was officially declared 1-2 years ago?
- If not then why was I told to iron all my other t-shirts to prepare for this new version?
- You used to offer tank tops and sleeveless versions, now I see I can only get a full regular t-short, why is this?
- What happens if my t-shirt loses contact with my skin, will my subscription stop working?
- Sometimes my girlfriend wears my t-shirts if I change girlfriends do I first need to de-authorize my previous girlfriend before installing the t-shirt on my new girlfriend, if not does this go against the user agreement and terms, how many girlfriends are allowed?
- If the t-shirt image fades are me and my cloths washer liable or are you?
- My entire town wants them do you offer community options at reasonable price points?
- Are the advertised "services" included such as storage options (front breast pocket), tag-less embedded labels, moisture wicking, sweat collection (finally), etc., in that price as added value features for the subscription only members, or is that extra. If so why are they not included with the non-subscription t-shirt?
- Also I have been a long time wearer of more basic t-shirts, do you offer upgrade prices for loyal customers?
- Should I choose to cancel my t-shirt subscription, will the fonts used on the shirt continue to work?
- If I decide to cancel my t-shirt subscription after 30 days of wearing the t-shirt but still have not washed it yet am I eligible for a full refund?
- Can the laundry detergent "service" be added as a premium service at extra cost, or is that only available to enterprise customers?
Sorry for all the questions I first tried phone support and the online chat option but I still did not get adequate answers to my inquires.
You may wish to improve your customer support to avoid so much confusion.
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All of your questions have been routed to our online Wearer-To-Wearer Forum.
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JETalmage wrote:
All of your questions have been routed to our online Wearer-To-Wearer Forum.
I feel like my voice is not being heard, I already tried that before posting here, the staff skipped my question, I really need help. I have been a t-shirt wearer since childhood, why cant I get better help as a longtime existing loyal wearer? If you don't get your act together I will go shirtless.
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Your question has been routed to our online Wearer-To-Wearer Forum.
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In case I sink into poverty, would you then be as gentle as Martin of Tours?
Or would you only donate the sleeves? Or at least a small part of the seam?
I did a search in your wearer forum, but couldn't find anything there.
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I can tell from your post that you are obviously a beginner T-shirt wearer. As everyone knows, our T-shirts are meant for professionals.
So of course that puts you squarely dead center of our development strategy! That's why all our new features over the past few decades have been of the whiz-bang instant-gratification type, designed to entice the hearts and souls of beginners like yourself. We have only now to capture your wallets. Remember, these are very professional T-shirts.
We very much appreciate your feature requests. After all, it's beginners like you who direct the development of our professional T-shirts. But our records do not indicate having received your subscription payment. Please be sure to submit your payment and take advantage of our special introductory pricing so that you, too, can start continuously renting a T-shirt at vertical-market prices, just like a real wearing professional.
Meanwhile, if you have any other questions, feel free to visit our Wearer-To-Wearer Forum, where other beginners like yourself can advise you on wearing our industry leading professional T-shirts. As soon as we receive your payment, then you can visit our Online Community Help system from where we can redirect your comments and questions to our Wearer-To-Wearer Forum. (Remember; help is not a document.)
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In the Creative Cloud forum myself and others are now seeing the following message:
"Please note, your reply will need to be approved by a moderator before it is posted in the forum."
This is absurd, I have also had multiple posts deleted (aka censored).
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hmm...I just posted in the mentioned thread in the CC forum and did not get that big brother warning.
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CarlosCanto wrote:
hmm...I just posted in the mentioned thread in the CC forum and did not get that big brother warning.
Hi CarlosCanto, I never actually mentioned a specific thread, it was actually this thread
My message was since allowed to be posted and showed up, however now my message has been removed 8 hours later. Maybe post in that thread and see how Big Brother treats you. 😉
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due to your heartless and deceptive business attitude my shirt's already gone with the wind. Right into your own dark clouds. A crying shame.