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I have a AI file with 36 graphichs on ONE layer, I want to separate save into 36 single SVG files.
1. choosed released to layers (build) from LAYERS WINDOWS
2. now have 36 sub-layers (as pictures)
Now, how I can save these 36 sub-layers into 36 different SVG files ?
I tried MultpleExporter Script from gibhub but it CANNOT export sub-layers.
Anyone have ideas to help me on this topic ?
Select the first sublayer, hold down the Shift key and click the last sublayer.
Drag all the sublayers above the toplayer and delete the empty layer.
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Select the first sublayer, hold down the Shift key and click the last sublayer.
Drag all the sublayers above the toplayer and delete the empty layer.
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Thanks very much, works like a charm!!!
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Good to hear that helped.
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this doesn´t work for me :(((
when i drag the sublayers above the layer, then apper a bloqued symbol
can you help me?
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Hey, Laura
Have you found a solution to this? I am currently trying to accomplish the same goal as you are.
I noticed that you have the layer titled : nyt_exporter_info.
I assume you attempted the method found in this youtube video as well :
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Why do you need layers? Export for screens is not an options?
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Thanks very much, will try this option see if faster, thanks
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Is there a method to include relative position using "export for screens"? I'm using 2018 verison of Illustrator, so I am not sure if this is inlcuded as a function for Illustrator 2021
When exporting, the image dimension is cropped/ minized to only show the asset/icon. I know this is useful and handy in other situtations and is especially true for UI/UE design.
But for someone that is lazy like me. Is it possible to export the sub-layer image with a preset dimension or retain location in artboard?
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Did you find an answer to this by chance?
I would also like to export the sublayers as individual files using the size of the artboard for each one and not the size of the object itself.
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Unfortunately I have not found any answers to this.
But today, as I was going back through this thread. I thought, "what if you group assest with a invisible square/rectangle with preset dimension. In that case, would it make it so you export the icon but with fixed relative position"
So I went into illustrator and did exactly that. It solved the issue. But this work-around will eventually increase file-size by a lot. Also would mean for EACH asset, you have to produce a respective frame, therefore increasing time spent on the project. So I dont know how effective this method is.
For small projects, this is probably very effective.
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This script doesn't clip to artboard?