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336 new pantone colors

Explorer ,
May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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Hi !

I have a problem: the recently released 336 pantone colors are not included in the latest CS6 InDesign pantone color libraries.

Does anybody know how to get thes new colors integrated in InDesign?

kindly, Jes




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

To all:

I have read with interest the 'thread' here concerning the 336 newest PANTONE colors, and thought I would take the opportunity to set the record straight.

The 336 newest PANTONE colors were introduced in April 2012, subsequent to launch of the PANTONE PLUS SERIES products in May 2010. 

While Adobe CS6 is the first version of the Adobe suite to provide native support for the PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries, this does not include the 336 newest PANTONE colors from April 2012.  These colors are



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May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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Try going to Pantone's website to see if they have an installer for this.

         - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)




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Explorer ,
May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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Tried that. Apparently, Pantones answer to almost everything is Pantone Color Manager software = 49 $

I have found no available download that adresses this particular issue.

Also tried http://forums.pantone.com  >>>  delicious 500 internal server error message. Swell.

I think this should be solved through Adobe, as an up-to-date Pantone library aught to be an integrated part of the CS package. There must be thousands of designers having this problem, so a solution posted here would be of preference. Or even better: problem solved through an Adobe update today.




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May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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What makes you think that Pantone is giving this to Adobe for free for updating all our software?

Apparently, Pantone's business model is to charge for the definitions!

         - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)




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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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Dov Isaacs wrote:

What makes you think that Pantone is giving this to Adobe for free for updating all our software?

Apparently, Pantone's business model is to charge for the definitions!

Maybe Adobe can rent them for a cheap monthly fee.




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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013

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Thanks, Jongware. Now I have to wipe coffee off of my screen. <g>




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Explorer ,
May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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To all:

I have read with interest the 'thread' here concerning the 336 newest PANTONE colors, and thought I would take the opportunity to set the record straight.

The 336 newest PANTONE colors were introduced in April 2012, subsequent to launch of the PANTONE PLUS SERIES products in May 2010. 

While Adobe CS6 is the first version of the Adobe suite to provide native support for the PANTONE PLUS SERIES libraries, this does not include the 336 newest PANTONE colors from April 2012.  These colors are supported within PANTONE Color Manager software.

PANTONE Color Manager was conceived in 2010 as a vehicle through which customers of Pantone could keep their digital PANTONE libraries fully up-to-date.  The software is distributed free of charge with purchase and registration of updated PANTONE color guides and books.  Each PANTONE publication has a unique serial number which when registered, becomes the activation key for a single-use activation of PANTONE Color Manager.  Thus, Pantone does not charge any additional cost to a customer for the libraries, over and above the cost of the PANTONE publications themselves. Customers who choose not to purchase updated books, or who may need additional licenses over and above the quantity of books that they own, can purchase PANTONE Color Manager for $49.00 per additional user license

The current release of PANTONE Color Manager, version 2.1, contains support for the 336 newest PANTONE colors in separate libraries, and allows users to export these for Adobe CS6 and earlier versions.  Customers who have PANTONE Color Manager installed but are missing the 336 newest colors, can either auto-update the software, or log into their myPANTONE account and download the latest installer free of charge.  Running the latest installer over the current installation will update the software to the latest release.

For detailed information pertaining to your personal situation, you may contact Pantone directly via e-mail to support@pantone.com.

I hope that the community at large will find this information helpful.

Best regards,

John Stanzione

Manager - Technical Support

Pantone, LLC




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Explorer ,
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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Thank you very much for shedding some clear light on this subject John – much appreciated. Now I know what to do in this specific and quite important situation. This does not change my view on the fact that these 336 new colors are missing in the CS6 libraries. I think it's a confusing mess. Either Adobe CS supports the Pantone system or it doesn't. And to bring on the trumpets, claiming that CS6 supports the Pantone Plus Series when this is in fact not true, that's where things become really critical in my opinion.

Adobe should integrate these 1 year old colors in CS6 urgently.

Thanks again for clarifying!

Best, Jes




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Community Expert ,
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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I can pretty well guarantee there will be no new features in InDesign CS6. There will probably be a minor update for compatibility between CS6 and InDesign CC. Any updates would happen in InDesign CC. Just the way it is.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 01, 2013 Jul 01, 2013

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This is apparently not fixed in InDesign CC or any of the other CC apps. I just checked because I need to use two of the new colors.




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Jul 01, 2013 Jul 01, 2013

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Fixed? There's nothing broken here.

Did you read all of the comments in this thread?




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 01, 2013 Jul 01, 2013

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Yes, I read the discussion. It's broken as far as I'm concerned. The Pantone Plus color library contains 336 new colors. Adobe claims to support this color library but in fact does not. I can overlook the fact in CS6 because the new library came out after the software was released. It should be fixed in an update in my opionion but whatever. In the latest version of their software (CC), there is no longer any excuse not to add the new color library.




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Valorous Hero ,
Jul 01, 2013 Jul 01, 2013

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The 336 library is a separate Plus library.





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Explorer ,
Jul 01, 2013 Jul 01, 2013

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Dear Stuart:

Despite the fact that Adobe Creative Cloud is the newest version, the fact is that it is likely the development cycle for this product started long before the 336 new PANTONE colors were released.  As with all software companies, Adobe has a deadline date for inclusion of new features.  Most likely, the 336 new PANTONE colors were launched after this date which is why they are not supported in CC. (Any comments from Adobe on this point are certainly welcome).

Not to belabor the point, but this is the very reason for the existence of PANTONE Color Manager software - to allow our customers not to be overly inconvenienced by launch dates for new PANTONE colors that may not coincide with our software licensees' development schedules.

Best regards,

John Stanzione

Manager - Technical Support

Pantone, LLC




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New Here ,
Sep 17, 2013 Sep 17, 2013

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Hey everyone. Since Pantone is being rediculous on this, I'll provide a viable answer for all of you  loyal customers out there who dont enjoy getting the run around and being forced to provide a new income stream for pantone.

IF (this is a big one)...IF you have a previous version (before CS6) of InDesignIllustrator/Photoshop installed still, navigate to: applications>indesignCS??>presets>swatch libraries, there you will see all of the .acb files listed. Copy everything Pantone... that doesn't say Pantone+ to the same folder in your current copy of InDesign. You have to do this for each app you want them to appear in. Restart the app and you should see these new libraries listed below the rest of the pre-installed pantone+ listings in your swatches pallete add dialog box.

I had a previous set of libraries from CS3 and this worked to CS6 & CC...back up and running with my previously COMPLETE set of digital libraries again.

As for you Mr. Pantone...Pantone + seems to be a totally bogus. I have a color bridge and a formula guide swatch book sitting in front of me from 2005 that I paid you hansomely for...thankfully at the time the color bridge came with a digital version too if we registered on your site...I think...it was 2005 afterall. There are multiple colors in them that arent listed in your trusty new Pantone+ digital library included with Adobe's CS6 or CC...the whole page for 583 and numerous others is just one example. I'm not sure if you have your wires crossed or what, but the info you provided above saying only the newest of the colors since April2012's release aren't included in CS6 is COMPLETELY wrong. ...The advice to buy "this" and it'll fix it is a crazy thing to do to your loyal returning customers looking for support...especially after we've already made significant investment as a buy in to be able to use your product. To only be given the option of purchasing an addtitional Patone+ "something" to be elligable for a free download or to pay $45 to have access to something we've already paid for, used previously, and now realize has been taken away from us is crazy!




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Explorer ,
Sep 17, 2013 Sep 17, 2013

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To the community at large:

With respect to the post above from 'nolt4024' I would again like to clarify a few points.

If you read my posts carefully, you will see that at no point did I suggest that customers need to purchase anyting additional to get the 336 newest PANTONE colors.  The purchase and registration of any PANTONE PLUS SERIES product includes a FREE license for PANTONE Color Manager software.  The only purchase involved here is a purchase of an updated PANTONE guide, which presumably customers would need to do in order to have physical access to the colors.

Secondly, with regard to your PANTONE books circa 2005, all of the colors contained therein would be available within Adobe CS6 and Adobe CC apps. Keep in mind that the PANTONE PLUS SERIES products are ordered chromatically, not numerically, so that the PANTONE numbers in older books will be paginated differently in the PANTONE PLUS SERIES books, and thus ordered differently within the libraries in PANTONE Color Manager software.

I sincerely hope this clarifies both issues for all of you.

Best regards,

John Stanzione

Manager - Technical Support

Pantone, LLC




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New Here ,
Oct 04, 2013 Oct 04, 2013

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I didnt misread your clarification the first time before I wrote my post. And yes you are saying we have to purchase something! Either the software@$45 or a new Pantone+ swatch book@$239.

The fact still remains that you guys have changed the Pantone "numbering standard" that has been the same for YEARS...now with the numbering system change you guys have effectively made obsolete anyone's previous purchases of color books from you if they are using an Adobe product to design with (since Adobe software only contains the most recent palletes in their software now).

Secondly, what you said about my previous books is also exactly what I'm talking about. Yes the colors may still be in the library somewhere but I have no way to reference their new numbers to adobe's software because my books don't match up anymore. ...get what I'm saying yet? The only option I have is to buy your new software or new pantone+ swatch books if I want to use what's provided in adobe's software now because I have no way of physically referencing a color any longer.

That's why it's obviously a new income stream scheme for your company and also a slap in the face of everyone who's been a loyal user for years. Don't bother clarifying anything else if there's no solution your willing to provide other than, "Buy this and it'll fix it". At the very least you should offer your customers who've previously bought your products a backwards compatible workaround...and that's why I did it for you above.

Finally, here's an example for you just in case it still doesn't get thru: I can no longer look up 583 in my 2005 color bridge book (which is still perfectly fine and has been cared for very carefully since I bought it) or any previous color swatch book that isn't a pantone+ version and expect to find that same color when I go to Adobe InDesign and try to pull in a corresponding color into my swatches pallete using your new Pantone+ Color Bridge library...THAT fact effectively renders my physical swatch book useless because the indexing system has been changed.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2013 Oct 04, 2013

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Great. Just what we need. Another whiner complaining about a company making money.

Take it up with Pantone somewhere else please. This is not the place!




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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2013 Oct 04, 2013

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You can reload the old books into ID and Illustrator...

See Pantone Plus color libraries and read the workarounds.




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New Here ,
Mar 23, 2014 Mar 23, 2014

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Dear John Stanzione,

I find your response obtuse. I'd rather boycott your colors than allow myself to be gouged by your company.






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Community Expert ,
Mar 24, 2014 Mar 24, 2014

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You can install the PANTONE Color Manager as a demo, which lets you install the 336 libraries.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 09, 2015 Nov 09, 2015

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Dov (or Anyone Who Can Help), I registered my Pantone+ color guide and downloaded/installed the free Pantone Color Manager from your website but the PCM software does not have all the features working. Nothing at all shows up under View/Fandeck and no window appears with a Fandeck icon in the lower right corner. Nothing shows up under the PANTONElive menu item except a greyed out "Check for Updates." I can, however, check for updates under the PCM menu item, but doing so results in the message that I have the most recent version. Because of the nonfunctioning menu items, I am unable to load the new colors into my Adobe products in the manner instructed on your website. Also there is no "PantoneLIVE" folder under Application Support (or anywhere). It's as though the PCM download file was not all-inclusive. Please advise how I might get my PCM to function correctly. I am really trying to finish a project! Many Thanks.





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Explorer ,
Nov 09, 2015 Nov 09, 2015

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What platform (Mac or PC) are you using PCM?

What operating system version (Windows 7,8,10, OSX 10.8, 10.9, 10.10)?

Are you an 'administrator' of your computer?

This is what I see running PCM on my Mac (10.9.5):

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 2.07.58 PM.jpg

Have you tried a reinstall? Make sure you have their latest version. Also, you could email their support as they are responsive in providing a solution. It might even be possible that their servers or connect is down. I believe that happened to me once.

I will tell you this, it is NOT easy to update the color libraries. You might want to read my original post to assist.

Pantone Library Updating

Hope this helps and good luck!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 09, 2015 Nov 09, 2015

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ToxicTool, thank you for your reply. I am using Mac OSX 10.8.5; 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor. I am the administrator (and only user) of this computer. I am trying to use the PCM file I downloaded on Friday from Pantone's website, after registering my Pantone+ Color Bridge guide. When I launch PCM, I see the top level menu items only and do not get an application window at all. When I look in my HD Applications folder, there is no Pantone folder there, only the PCM application icon floating by itself. I wonder if there should be a Fandeck folder or a PANTONElive folder, and if that is why the submenu item Fandeck shows no list and nothing is under the PANTONElive menu item except the greyed out "update" text. I did redownload/reinstall the PCM app from Pantone on Saturday with the same results. I have restarted my computer several times. I did read your original post and all the posts in this thread and have tried many things, but most instructions require being able to select menu items, etc, that I'm not able to access. I did, however, manually install the color files via the following page:

PANTONE Colors in Creative Suite – manual update | Hjælp mig nu

With that, I am able to open in Illustrator the PANTONE+ Color Bridge Uncoated.acb swatch panel, but many of the colors I need are missing. For example, 2033 and 2035. So, I believe this .acb file is not the one which includes the 336 new colors. All the other instructions I might try seem to require a properly functioning PCM ...  Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 09, 2015 Nov 09, 2015

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The Dropbox link David posted in #95 might be easier in the end. The last zip file in the list (PMSacbLibraries.zip) has all of the libraries combined.




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