Cannot Open InDesign file... Need to upgrade plug-ins?
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I know there are previous threads on this issue, but none of which have solved my issue.
My computer crashed last week, so I am having to re-install everything onto my new one, including the Adobe Suite CS5. I am using the disk I purchased in 2015(?), but now none of my files will open. I am getting the following screen whenever I attempt to open a file.
Unfortunately, there is no way for me to open the files and save a different version or as an .idml file. I only have the original .indd files. It also will not allow me to update the programs or plug-ins for some reason. It just keeps telling me there was an error and try again later.
I am stuck... PLEASE HELP!
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Your new computer most certainly has Windows 10. CS5 is not supported for Windows 10 (especially after its last upgrade). You can try running the computer in compatibility mode with an earlier OS or you can get a subscription to Creative Cloud and upgrade to the latest version of InDesign.
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BTW CS5 was already five years old in 2015.
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Step #1 would be to make sure your old files are actually CS5 files, and not from a newer version. Which, I must add, certainly looks to be the case.
Try my script in [Ann] Identify Your InDesign File and report what it tells you on those non-opening files.
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I have no idea if I did that right, but this is what came back
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Here is another report after I unpacked it. I am including both pages
Page 1
Page 2
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Good; you have successfully downloaded the script. Please run it, and select one of your files.
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Run the script or InDesign? I ran indesign and it took me through the same screens. If I run the script and try to open a file in the script, it asks what language and file type I want to use. Please specify
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Just put one of the files in a dropbox folder and give us a link. Someone will open it and give you the file history.
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Drop Box Link - Thx Bob!
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That file was saved using InDesign CC2015.
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Hi Bob,
Did a check with Werner Perplies' script WpsIndFileIdentifier.jsx.
Result of the history the script was able to read out without opening the document with InDesign:
WpsIndFileIdentifier.jsx - © 2017 by Werner Perplies, EDV-Anwendungsberatung, email:
Datei: Book_2015.indd
Zum Öffnen dieser Datei wird eine InDesign-Version >= CC2015.0.0(72) benötigt.
Sie können die Datei mit der benutzten InDesign-Version CC2018.1.0(76)
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.1 - InDesign-Version: CS5.0.4(553) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.1 - InDesign-Version: CS5.0.4(553) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.1 - InDesign-Version: CS5.0.4(553) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.2 - InDesign-Version: CC2015.0.0(72) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.2 - InDesign-Version: CC2015.0.0(72) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.2 - InDesign-Version: CC2015.0.0(72) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.2 - InDesign-Version: CC2015.0.0(72) - Version:
bearbeitet mit Betriebssystem: Windows, 6.2 - InDesign-Version: CC2015.0.0(72) - Version:
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Thanks for checking on that Bob, but overall, what does that mean? I HAVE to upgrade in order to open the program? I don't want to spend $600 per year on a set of programs that I already have. There is no way around that? I guess I don't understand why all of this happening. I am using the same disk to install the program that I used on my old computer. I don't know how they could now be two different versions. I appreciate everyone's help.
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The problem is that your new computer will have come with Microsoft's latest version of Windows installed. When Microsoft and Apple update their operating systems they do so with no regard for the compatibility of older programs. The code that is used for the new operating systems did not even exist when CS5 came out in 2010 (8 years is like a century in computer years). If you had been able to keep the old computer with its older OS then this would not have been a problem. If running your PC in compatibility mode to an earlier OS doesn't work for you then perhaps you might want to buy a used PC from eBay with an older version of Windows where you can install and run CS5. Otherwise creative cloud is your best bet.
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But the evidence clearly shows that you already have used a newer version – CC2015 – than the one you claim to have used – CS5.
(Also Bob earns a dollar. It really adds up.)
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The paradox appears when you look at the OP's original screenshot which shows the CS5 opening screen. Did you possibly have two versions installed on your old computer?
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The OP installed CS5 and found that INDD files wouldn't open. When we checked one of those files it was obviously saved with InDesign CC2015. It's all guess work on how that happened, but the evidence is irrefutable.
The only choice this person has is a subscription to Creative Cloud. End of story.
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I can assure you I did not have a newer version of InDesign installed. I have been the only one that has handled that file, and there was no other version installed on my computer than the disk I have. I did not have a subscription to Creative Cloud...THAT is what is so confusing about all of this.
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Mccnkya wrote
I can assure you I did not have a newer version of InDesign installed. I have been the only one that has handled that file, and there was no other version installed on my computer than the disk I have.…
CC 2015 may be never installed on your computer, but maybe someone on your shared network (my assumption!) opened and saved the document with CC 2015?
The history of the posted document is showing that it was saved 5 times with InDesign CC 2015.
The last time at Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 8:09 PM.
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Mccnkya wrote
I HAVE to upgrade in order to open the program?
You can open the program (as long as you remain on an old operating system) but you cannot open files created / saved with a newer version.
Mccnkya wrote
I don't want to spend $600 per year on a set of programs that I already have.
Unfortunately for you, that's irrelevant. The cheapest way is to subscribe to InDesign for one month and find every single INDD file on your computer and save it back via IDML. Be prepared for some headaches when you re-open them in CS5 as text will likely reflow and any new features will be lost or badly mangled.
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Thanks Bob, I didn't think of doing a month subscription just to change the file type back. This is a nightmare...
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Keep in mind though that if you are on a computer with the current update of Windows 10 installed then your CS5 is completely unsupported. This means that if it runs at all then it will be poorly and with Windows 10 continual automatic upgrades it may soon cease to function at all. If you are going to use your new computer then creative cloud is your only option. Otherwise consider the alternatives in my post #13.
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Bill is right that it will be unsupported however, it may well run just fine. But, it will be a ticking timebomb. I can tell from your screenshots that you haven’t moved to 1803, yet (no timeline icon in the taskbar). No telling what that will do.
I would definitely set the EXE to run under Windows 7 compatibility mode and be prepared for the whole thing to crash and burn. I seriously hope you’re not using this for business purposes because if you are, the expression “penny wise, pound foolish” certainly applies.