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Cannot Save Documents in InDesign CC 2018—Error When Working from Server

New Here ,
Jun 14, 2018 Jun 14, 2018

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Hello everyone,

I've upgrade to Indesign CC 2018 ( from CC 2017 and now everytime I want to save a document (new or existing)  the same error message appears.
"Cannot save the document. It may be opened by other aplications. Close applications and try again. You may also use Save As to save it into a new document."


The Save As option works fine, but for my worklow this is unacceptable. When I work localy, the problem doesn't present itself only when I want to work from a company server. I have permission to read and write on the server. I have no idea what the problem is.


Before updating everything worked fine in the 2017 version.


I know there already exist a topic about the same issue, but it was never solved and its already a few years old.

So i thought I open up a new one.


Does anyone have a solution??

<Title renamed by MOD>





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Community Expert , Jun 14, 2018 Jun 14, 2018

I suggest speaking to your network administrator to see if the network software being used has been updated to be compatible with CC 2018. Since you are still working on Windows 7 it seems likely that your network has not been updated and could be quite old. Aside from that I would suggest working locally and backing up to the server at the end of each work session.


Adobe Employee , Aug 01, 2022 Aug 01, 2022

Sorry for the delay in response. Please try the steps shared below: 


  1. First go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Accessibility -> Unlock in lower left -> Add desired Adobe Softwares -> Make sure they are checked
  2. Next, scroll in the left column to "Full Disk Access" -> Add desired Adobe Software -> Make sure they are checked
  3. Lock in the lower left
  4. If open, software will need to be quit and restarted for changes to take effect.


Let us know if this helps or if you need any further



Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2018 Jun 14, 2018

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What operating system are you running?




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New Here ,
Jun 14, 2018 Jun 14, 2018

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I'm running Windows 7 Professional; 64 bit.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2018 Jun 14, 2018

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I suggest speaking to your network administrator to see if the network software being used has been updated to be compatible with CC 2018. Since you are still working on Windows 7 it seems likely that your network has not been updated and could be quite old. Aside from that I would suggest working locally and backing up to the server at the end of each work session.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2018 Jun 14, 2018

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Are you saving these InDesign files to a cloud-based location? Or opening it from there on multiple computers?

I ask this because almost universally when you cannot save a file, but you can always save as with that file, it means there is a conflict between the previously-saved file and the InDesign-created temporary file which holds changes made to the document.

There are a number of reasons why that would be, as well as options for fixing the problem. Sometimes it's a conflict between file types/suffixes between InDesign template and document files. Sometimes it has to do with network file privileges and stepping outside those privileges when working with InDesign files. Generally, it happens by juggling InDesign files between cloud locations and local/network folders.

We'd need some more information from you to discern which situation(s) apply to your problem, because what you're doing to create the symptoms will determine what fixes will cure your problem. I've got my suspicions, but it's hard tellin' not knowin' your specific situation. With more information, we can help you find the cure.





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New Here ,
Jun 15, 2018 Jun 15, 2018

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We are working from a local server system with company wide access but with no outside access.

My department is the only one who works with the InDesign documents, and no two people at the same time.

I have no idea what I'm doing to create the symptom.

I'm just creating the document and when I want to save it the error message appears.

With the CC 2017 version everything worked fine.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 15, 2018 Jun 15, 2018

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Also consider "time stamp" problems of the open files on the server compared with your local machine: The InDesign document plus the corresponding idlk file that is generated when you open the document and will removed when closing the document.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 26, 2022 Jul 26, 2022

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I have the same issue--cannot save document- may be open in other applications- however I don't know where else it may be open. I work on a mac and save all my work on an external hard drive. So I don't know where to look to fix it. Help please!




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 26, 2022 Jul 26, 2022

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Hi @spookie2 ,


Sorry to hear about the trouble. Could you please try turning off the Time Machine for testing and then check if you're able to save the file or not. For information on how to turn it off, please try the suggestions shared here https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT201250#:~:text=Open%20Time%20Machine%20preferences%20from,Preferen.... and let us know if this helps or if you need any further assistance.







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Community Beginner ,
Jul 26, 2022 Jul 26, 2022

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Unfortunately, Turning off the Time Machine backup for this drive did not help. Any more suggestions?




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 27, 2022 Jul 27, 2022

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Thanks for trying. Is this happening while saving the file locally? Try to save the file on the desktop and let us know if that works?




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 28, 2022 Jul 28, 2022

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It always works when I save it to the desktop. Problem in that is I keep all my files on an external hard drive, so I have opened it from the external hard drive, but it won't save back to it--even when I tell it to replace the old file.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 01, 2022 Aug 01, 2022

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Sorry for the delay in response. Please try the steps shared below: 


  1. First go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Accessibility -> Unlock in lower left -> Add desired Adobe Softwares -> Make sure they are checked
  2. Next, scroll in the left column to "Full Disk Access" -> Add desired Adobe Software -> Make sure they are checked
  3. Lock in the lower left
  4. If open, software will need to be quit and restarted for changes to take effect.


Let us know if this helps or if you need any further assistance.







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New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi all, I am also having this problem. However I am on a network running Windows 10 Enterprise. 

Hoping you can post a solution for my operating system.






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Explorer ,
May 06, 2024 May 06, 2024

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We also see this problem randomly in Windows 11 Pro using InDesign v19.2 x64

  • An existing document is opened.
  • Some changes are made.
  • We try to save BUT instead receive error message: "Cannot save the document. It may be open by other applications. Close applications and try again. You may also use Save As to save it into a new document. "
  • (We make certain it is NOT open in other applications - not even Windows file manager.)
  • Would be nice just to save and update the document like normal. We don't want to be creating multiple copies to have floating around everytime we want to save the progress of a current document.
  • What a nuisance.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 07, 2024 May 07, 2024

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Hi @RLChris121,

Sorry to hear you are unable to save the document. Would you mind trying updating to InDesign current version, i.e 19.4, and let us know if the issue still persists?


Please also let us know if it's happening with all documents or with a specific document.


We will try our best to help.







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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2024 Aug 20, 2024

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Been a few months since last post on this topic. Various InDesign documents work and save fine until a random SAVE error appears, throwing up error " Cannot save the document. it may be open in other applications. Close applications and try again. You may also use SAVE AS to save it to a new document."

Currently using the latest and greatest InDesign 19.5 on Windows 11 Pro 64.

Shouldn't have to keep saving the same document to never ending "Save As versions" deleting the old file and and renaming the nw one back to the original file name every time I want to save progress. This is nuts! - Some docs are used in InDesign Book files and names need to match the document name in the book file.


As I am the only person opening, using and editing this document - I should be able to easily and reliably save my work and progress without ERRORS! Normally use CTL "S" or Save command from the File dropdown menu.  Just happened again minutes ago, twice this day. Sadly I do not see that this issue has been remedied after 6 years. The initial post was in 2018. It is now 2024.


The only temporary solution that I have found is to close the document (after using Save As to another file name to retain my progress.) - close Adobe InDesign and REBOOT the computer. And work normally with the latest "Saved As" version of the file until another random Save Error happens again. Very disruptive to the work day.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 20, 2024 Aug 20, 2024

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Hello @RLChris121,


Thank you for providing the detailed information. Would you mind telling us if the file is being saved locally or to a remote location(in your case)? Also, is the issue specific to a single file or happening with multiple files? 


Please go through this reference article and update if it helps: Troubleshoot damaged InDesign documents (https://adobe.ly/3Mdfz4Z)


We will wait for your response. 


Thank you, 

Abhishek Rao





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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2024 Aug 20, 2024

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Happens to multiple documents at random.

Just happened to a Photoshop document today as well as InDesign twice this afternoon.


Docs work and save normally for a while - sometimes days or even weeks. Then - with no warning and randomly - will throw save errors, when no one else is accessing the documents or photos. Save often, so if you have to close down Photoshop and reboot, you won't loose too much work progress.


Thankfully this is prevalent only with Adobe Creative suite products. Saving a file should be a reliable command. It's more a roll of the dice these days.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 20, 2024 Aug 20, 2024

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Hello @RLChris121


Thank you for your response. However, could you let us know where you are saving the files—are they being saved remotely or locally?

In the meantime, as a potential workaround, you might try saving a copy of the file when the error occurs. Reference article: Save documents in InDesign (https://adobe.ly/3Maqht7)


I hope this helps, but please let us know if it makes a difference.


Thank you, 

Abhishek Rao




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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2024 Oct 08, 2024

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I have 2 Creative Cloud users on Mac that are not able to save files to a shared drive.  I made sure they had correct permissions under Sharing - File Share and it's not the same file.  

Getting the cannot save this file error but this folder is only accessible to this department and these users.  

Am I missing a setting or permission? 

The Macs were domain joined and the uses are local admins. 





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 08, 2024 Oct 08, 2024

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Hi @Jackie260092319ai1,


Thank you for reaching out! I understand how frustrating it must be for your team to encounter saving issues, especially when permissions seem correct.

Based on your description, we would like to suggest:


1. File Path Length: Sometimes, long file paths can cause issues. Try moving the file closer to the root of the shared drive and see if that resolves the problem.

2. Server Permissions and SMB Settings: Even though permissions seem set correctly, there may be issues with how InDesign communicates with shared servers, especially if you're using SMB. Ensure that the server is set to use SMB 3.0 or later for better compatibility with macOS.

3. Temporary Local Save: If this issue persists, a temporary workaround would be saving files locally and then moving them to the shared drive. This is not ideal for the long term but could be helpful while investigating further.


Please let me know if any of these steps help, and feel free to update with more details if the issue continues. We're here to help!



Abhishek Rao




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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2024 Dec 06, 2024

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Save errors keep occurring randomly and just happened once again on another document. Good grief!

Don't have these issues with other vendors' software with similar filenames and paths..


I am able to "Save As" and usually add the date to the end of the filename and save it in the same exact location as the original refuses to save to. (This renaming makes the filename and path even longer) and it saves fine.


Funny how I can open and work on the file, and at any random time after I have alread been working on it -- without warning the Adobe file refuses to save and the Adobe product gives the same old error.  This is a persitant and recurring problem with various Adobe software. (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator.)


Why does it say file may be opened by other applications, when I am working on the only file available to any user? I can save the file to another filename as the Adobe error suggests, and then I can open it also. (I'll give you a nickel if you can guess what happens when I try to save it?)


Never have similar issues saving my work using software products from other software manufacturers using same computer, network, file folders, etc.  Saving is a basic necessity and I would imagine an important part when choosing software to create files and invest dozens of manhours to complete projects with.


Saving work seems to be problematic as this error was reported in this thread 6-1/2 years ago in June 2018 and it is still causing same errors at the end of 2024.




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 09, 2024 Dec 09, 2024

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Hi @RLChris121,


Thank you for providing detailed feedback and sharing your ongoing experience. I completely understand how frustrating and disruptive these saving issues must be for you and your team, especially given how long this has been persisting.

To address the issue you're encountering, please consider the following steps:

1. Long file paths can sometimes cause saving errors. Try moving your file closer to the root directory of your shared drive (e.g., /SharedDrive/ProjectName/) to reduce the path length and see if that resolves the issue.

2. Even if permissions look correct, compatibility issues with shared servers can trigger these errors. Ensure your server is configured to use SMB 3.0 or later, especially if you’re on macOS. This can improve communication stability with InDesign.

3. As a quick test or temporary solution, try saving the file locally on your machine first and then moving it to the shared drive manually. This can help rule out server-related communication issues.

4. While rare, conflicts with background apps accessing the same files can trigger this error. Ensure that no other applications are trying to access the same document, even indirectly. Restarting your system might help here.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could share additional information about:

  • Your operating system version (macOS, Windows, etc.) and the version number.
  • How the file is stored (e.g., on a network server or local drive).
  • Whether you’re experiencing this issue with specific files or all files.
  • Screenshots of the error message(s), if possible.

Please let me know if you can try these steps or provide the requested details. We’re here to support you and will do our best to get to the bottom of this issue.


Abhishek Rao




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 16, 2024 Dec 16, 2024

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I'm having the exact same issue as RLChris121.

  • I'm using Windows 11 24H2 - Indesign 2023
  • Stored on Network Server
  • Happening to all files, not every time but is becoming more frequent in last few weeks.
  • The way our filing system works, I cannot bring file closer to server or change length of name by much.

Very frustrating situation, as RLChris mentioned, it's temporarily fixed by Save As in same place with new name and then re-saving as the original name. However that's very disruptive to the workflow when saving every hour or less.




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