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Different coloured strokes for different columns in InDesign

New Here ,
Nov 29, 2021 Nov 29, 2021

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Hi, I was wondering if I can get some pointers on how to create a table like this? I don't seem to know how to change the stroke colour just for the last column? 

I've tried looking at the table options, but can't seem to work it out. (I've downloaded this template online, and the original has been created in tables, but I can't reverse-engineer it, and I would like to be able to create my own from scratch.)

Screenshot (28).png

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Guide , Nov 29, 2021 Nov 29, 2021

When you select a cell or range of cells in a table, a proxy appears in the control panel at the top of the screen. I've circled it in this screen shot:


When you click on a line, it will either turn blue (meaning it's selected) or black (unselected). Select the lines in the proxy that you want to change to a different stroke weight or color and those are the only ones that will change. To do what you want from a default all 1-point black strokes, I'd select all of the cells of your table and chan



Guide ,
Nov 29, 2021 Nov 29, 2021

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When you select a cell or range of cells in a table, a proxy appears in the control panel at the top of the screen. I've circled it in this screen shot:


When you click on a line, it will either turn blue (meaning it's selected) or black (unselected). Select the lines in the proxy that you want to change to a different stroke weight or color and those are the only ones that will change. To do what you want from a default all 1-point black strokes, I'd select all of the cells of your table and change all of the strokes to no color. Then I'd just select the cells in the service section, click on the top and center lines of the proxy and set the yellow color and stroke weight, then select only the price cells and do the same with black strokes.




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New Here ,
Nov 29, 2021 Nov 29, 2021

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Thanks so much! This worked straight away for me. 🙂 




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