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Font shifting after changing Adobe accounts

Community Beginner ,
Aug 09, 2022 Aug 09, 2022

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I did some work on one Adobe account. Recently I had to switch accounts. On the new account, same PC, same fonts installed, when I click into documents I'd already created, the font Fira Sans now situates itself a noticeable distance from the top of the text box, knocking the next line of text off.




Specifically it's Fira Sans Book in these examples.


Any idea what's causing this? Everything has paragraph styles applied and no settings have changed at all, and no styles are being overwritten.

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Community Beginner , Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

I used Google Open Sans in a previous brand and I couldn't redistribute it - always just had to send people to the download page anyway lol. Or Adobe Fonts. Afaik there were no issues from that though. I HOPE this kind of thing is rare!


For now, for this, I've switched to Meta Pro, also out of Adobe Fonts. Having been let down, I'm immediately back for more. All I know is I definitely don't trust Fira Sans to work consistently across users and machines, if I have this issue on the same PC after



Community Beginner ,
Aug 09, 2022 Aug 09, 2022

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I do notice that there's a "Fira Sans" and a "Fira Sans 2" on Adobe Fonts. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I installed both sets on both accounts. I can't even tell which one is being "picked" from the InDesign list - I just wonder if maybe that has something to do with this issue. 




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Aug 09, 2022 Aug 09, 2022

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Compare the two font versions, but I'm wondering if it isn't a Type Frame Options Offset setting. Or maybe the offset setting will take care of it. 








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Aug 09, 2022 Aug 09, 2022

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It doesn't seem to be - it's Ascent, Min. 0. Doesn't change when I click into it, but this problem occurs. It's only if I actually make an edit - like I typed "Class A" again in the example. Cap Height roughly works as a workaround but I might just switch fonts at this point.


I see it's converting my ID files, so I must be on a slightly newer version than I was - currently 17.3 x64. Again I'm on the same PC, just switched Adobe accounts - already had ID installed, but it must've auto-updated me when I signed into CC with my new account. I was wondering how the switch would work, but I basically just had to get my "Adobe Fonts" fonts again - but having done so, I suddenly have this issue.


PC specs: i9-12900K, 32GB RAM, RTX 3080 Ti, Windows 11. But I mean, I just like listing my specs - it seems like it has to be something with the fonts. Same files, same PC.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Hi@John25589026ghrf ,

check if you are currently using Fira Sans Book from Google fonts:



The down-shift of the first baseline of a font could occur if you use the Google font file instead of the activated Adobe Font with the same name. A bug with first line position Ascent in a text frame.

Or the other way around. Where initially the Google font style was used, that now is missing and you substituted the missing font style with the activated version on Adobe Fonts.


Check the details with Type > Find Fonts… where all used fonts are listed and you can get the details of font version etc.pp. when you select the font style and go to More Info…


See a similar discussion where it happened with the Roboto font:


Problems with baseline shift when editing text boxes
Laubender, Jul 27, 2021


Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Interesting. That DOES look like the problem I'm experiencing, yet I know I downloaded exclusively from Adobe on both accounts - never had the Google version.


Now I DO remember this issue with a lower baseline occurring with some weights of the Fira Sans font even on my old account - but I built my style sheets taking that into account. It's only after I switched accounts that it's now affecting the "Book" weight of the font, which is causing major issues with my style sheets now and docs I've built on them.


This is why I wonder if it somehow has to do with there being 2 versions of the Fira Sans font on Adobe, for reasons that aren't specified. But again, I had both sets activated on my old account and my new one - everything SHOULD be exactly the same, yet this happens.


This is why I think I'll just cut my losses and switch to one of the billion fonts that look exactly like Fira Sans and hopefully don't have this weird issue. I have maybe 15 docs built out on my style sheets but I'd rather find this out now than later. Unless anybody has any other ideas...




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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More info. I actually am still able to access my old account. I just signed into that one, opened my doc, and it's fine. I clicked in and made an edit and it didn't shift the baseline.


Signed out of that account, signed into my new one, and the issue reappears.


I clicked on Fira Sans Book in Find Font and got the "More Info":




The information is exactly the same on either account. I just don't get it. It's fine on one account, but not on another, while evidently using exactly the same font.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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OK, one more thing. The screen cap above is from my old account. I looked at it again on my new account, and I'm seeing this:


Screenshot 2022-08-10 121042.png


I'm sure that info at the beginning has something to do with this. It's performing some sort of conversion. 




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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Odd, when I load Fira Sans from Adobe fonts, I get a different version # than yours (4.301, as opposed to your 3.111).

That being said, this could be a font cache issue combined with a version issue.

Many of these "open source fonts" that both Google and Adobe Fonts offer tend to tinker with their outlines over time, including repositioning their ascender lines, and then release updated versions along the way, so the version you're loading from Adobe today may NOT be the one you used to create the document previously. Different ascender lines can very definitely cause different baselines depending on what version you are using and sometimes what source (e.g Adobe Fonts usually serves out Postscript-flavoured OTF while Google fonts are usually TrueType-flavoured... sometimes with differently-defined ascenders).

But since you've said you have only used the Adobe Fonts version, something else is at play, and my guess it's font cache.

When you created the document on one System, using an older version of the font that was being served at the time (e.g v 2.000), the font is cached by your System/Adobe apps, and it will reuse the font cache version whenever the font is requested going forward to speed up rendering. If you open the document on a different System, that System also  creates a font cache version, using the currently available font (say v 4.000). So even if you've loaded the exact same version now, each System is going to use the existing cached version even if it's the same exact document.

What you can try is purge your font caches* on both machines and then try again and see if the difference still exists.


*if you use a 3rd party font manager they usually have a utility to purge font caches on an Application(Adobe) level and also System level. If you don't have one, you can still do it but it's more manual (you can find instructions by searching for "rebuild font caches")

example (this is FontExplorer X Pro):

Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 11.31.43 AM.png

 It's a good maintenance routine to clear font caches from time to time anyway.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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@John25589026ghrf said: "Unless anybody has any other ideas..."


Thanks John for the additional info where you compare the font Info of the two accounts. That's very important to know! Obviously Adobe changed the font version from 3.111 to 4.301! Perhaps your old account still has the old font version cached on your system? Something like that… ?!


This seems to be a new facet what can happen with activated fonts from Adobe Fonts.

Did a test and activated Fira Sans Book the first time on my machine and the version number clearly says 4.301.


From my German InDesign 2022 version 17.3.0 on Windows 10:

Fira Sans Book Activated Adobe Fonts Version 4.301.PNG



To avoid the shifting of the baseline I see only one remedy:

Do not base the first baseline on Ascent, but to something else! Cap Height could be the solution.

That has helped in other cases. Unfortunately Ascent is InDesign's default…


I would also raise the issue at the Adobe Fonts User Forum:



Also note, that on Google Fonts there is no Book style for Fira Sans.

So my assumption was wrong that there perhaps was a mix of Adobe Fonts and Google Fonts.

It's just an issue between two different versions of the same font with Adobe Fonts and InDesign's bug with the first baseline setting for text frames.


Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Oh man. What a pain. OK, I did clear and rebuild my font cache first of all - thanks Brad @ Roaring Mouse - but the issue remains. Worth a shot!


@Laubender - yep, I knew I hadn't even installed the Google version. What's weird is that even now, after having cleared my font cache, when I switch back to my old account, I still DON'T have this issue. It still finds the correct version of the font on my old account, but not my new one.


Forget it - I'm just abandoning Fira Sans. I don't have time for this nonsense. I will go ahead and raise the issue on the forum though. This will wind up costing me many hours of work and it really sucks. Thanks everybody for your help and I'm still open to suggestions.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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I said: "Cap Height could be the solution."

Perhaps not a good advice.

To avoid things like that in the future one could perhaps work with a fixed value for the first baseline.

Sigh. Not very flexible…


Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Yep, and @Barb Binder suggested that as well - and it would fix this particular problem, but I'd have the larger issue of a font that's known to do this and might keep creating problems once I have other people working from these style sheets etc. I just need it to perform the same across versions. Everybody's insight has been very valuable though, definitely at least helped me realize what the problem is.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Ok. Well, then you could abandon Fira Sans from activation on Adobe Fonts altogether and switch over to Google Fonts where you can download font files and install them on your machine. If you package an InDesign document the Google font files will be packaged as well to a Document fonts folder you can distribute.


Font files will never change in a sudden.


But before you implement font files for Fira Sans test if they have the amount of glyphs you need. Do not do that with the Glyphs overview at Google Fonts; only a subset of the glyphs is visible there. Instead install them on your machine and walk through the Glyphs panel in InDesign.


Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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I used Google Open Sans in a previous brand and I couldn't redistribute it - always just had to send people to the download page anyway lol. Or Adobe Fonts. Afaik there were no issues from that though. I HOPE this kind of thing is rare!


For now, for this, I've switched to Meta Pro, also out of Adobe Fonts. Having been let down, I'm immediately back for more. All I know is I definitely don't trust Fira Sans to work consistently across users and machines, if I have this issue on the same PC after changing Adobe accounts. Plus I just grabbed Meta Pro standard and condensed, it's a lot simpler than Fira, maybe inherently less trouble, and basically identical looking.


And Adobe Fonts just needs to work! I sort of get it that you could run into issues the old-fashioned way when there's 4 million versions of Arial floating around, but we're talking about everything coming right out of Adobe and there are version issues.




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Dec 17, 2023 Dec 17, 2023

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Just to further this conversation (for Adobe to hopefully look into) – I have the same issue with other fonts used through Adobe Fonts, specifcally Source Serif and Sans. All fully updated programmes, no conflicting font software.

I'm unsure what's happening, but it seems like the baseline shifts up or down depending on which day I use it, which is just unnacceptable when I've got a document ready for output to print, and suddenly making one change to a block of text shifts the baseline 2pts down only across the block of text I'm editting. Buggy buggy buggy.




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