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Get signals from ID Main menu

Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2016 Jul 18, 2016

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II want to to get signals (events, or messges or??) from the Adobe Application main menu.

Is the ActionMgr retrived from gSession the own one for addig an own menu to the ID main menu (already done) and to get the signals from the multiple applications File-Save-item actrions?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2016 Dec 01, 2016

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The only changes I've made last time was concerning the UIEIObserver-class and its instanciation at the XCatSAXContentHadler-class.

But the UIEIObserver I excluded/outcommented out.

As two or three day ago the first error 'UIE.pln is conflicting with UIE.pln' was shown, it looked as as it was due to the today found number duplication failure, but the wording of the error was missleading.

Only some building attempts later the curreent 'invalid' error was shown.

That looked to me as an internal decission progress (allthough in the worng direction).

I did not change and codeline, working before, except my UIEIObserver releted issues.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2016 Dec 01, 2016

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Hi Markus,

I've further checked my file for duplication.

First I've set my MajorFormatNumber to 1 and the Minor-one to 0.

Is that right/possible?

Further I'v found two declarations at my UIEID.h-file with either duplicated keys or duplicated values.

I've canged it all and build my plug-in -> nothing changed.

Than I've deleted my preferences-> nothing changed.

Is there any chance to get information what is caausing InDesign to throw the invalid error.

The key duplication errors (if reuired) should lead to the fact, thaat the plug-in can't be build.

But it is build and fails to be loaded.




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi Jochen,

the format number 1,0 is ok. But did you check the verion number? Did you use the SDKDef defines for the expected app version?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi Markus,

here I'm lost.

I do not know what the version number is.

But these never touched/changed parameters should not lead to that desaster.

The only action I've taken last time, was the implementation of my UIEIObserver-class.

When I tryed to get an instance of that class at my XCatSAXConteentHandler::EndElement I incuded the UIEIObserver.cpp into that class.

Further I tryed different versions to create the cass instance.

Therefor I was forced to comment out serveral functionlality from the UIEIObserver-class.

After having that code clear I coul buil the plug-In again.

After that build I got first the 'conflicting' error and afterwards the 'invalid' error.

On my opinion that activity was causing the slightlyy confused errors.

But all of these implementations I'v commented out and have even excluded the UIEIObseerver.cpp from my project.




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi Jochen,

maybe there is old stuff anywhere. Clean the build, remove the debug and objd folder and the plugin in the InDesign Plug-Ins folder and the InDesign cache folder again. Start InDesign without the plugin, then rebuild the plugin and start InDesign again.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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ou mayHi Markus,

after doing all that the result is unchanged.

May you let me know, what is causing InDesign to throw that error.

The question is, if something at the plug-in is wrong orr the logik at ID plug-in validation is buggy.

The error shown before is definitly not right handeled

You may reach via jochen.seliger@flowcontrol.org or mobile +49 173 3294373




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 05, 2016 Dec 05, 2016

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Hi Markus,

I suggest that the Plug-in is generated by the SDK.

So that code is setting the text 'This programm cannot be run in DOS mode' to the plug-in.

May you connect me to the right persones for the SDK (in my case 4.0.2)?






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Enthusiast ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Jochen,

sorry, but I have never worked with CS2. I have starteted with CS3.

May be you use the wrong compiler? Remember to use always the recommended compiler to build plugins.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Markus,

I use the 4.0.2 SDK and the MS VS .NET 2003 IDE to build the plug-in and CS2 to load it.

Further more I could successfully biild and run that plug-in for several months.

After installing the XP SP3 wihtout any changes., I've inspected the build plug-in and found a ThrowException statemenent.

Here the snipped:

??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ ??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@ZD_CxxThrowExceptionMSVCR71.dll ??3@YAXPAX@Z ??1typ

May you give me a hint where to search for the causing code line?

It seems to me, that that is the reason for the invalid error.






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Community Expert ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Jochen,

It seems you run too fast with your experiments and don't follow the suggestions thoroughly. I see that you have had too much trouble setting up this project and implementing your features. I would suggest either you get someone experienced to resolve your problem for you, or if you want to do it yourself please follow the things mentioned below.

Lets take your current problem of invalid plugin. Now i take it as a fact that you are not able to load your plugin. As suggested before, the best way out for you would be to do the following.

  1. Maybe the development environment on your machine might have gone corrupt. Now how do we rule this out? Take up any sample plugin from the sdk, build it and try loading it in CS2.
  2. Now if the above step results in a plugin that can't be loaded by InDesign, that means either you corrupted your copy of sdk, installation of VS or the OS has broken something related to the dev env. Try using a fresh copy of sdk, uninstall/repair or install the VS again. or try using a different machine for your dev and start from step 1
  3. If step 1 did result in a plugin that loads in InDesign, then there is something wrong with either your project setting or your code. In order to identify what is causing this, start adding your code to the sdk sample that worked for you, until you break and the plugin fails to load. If you reach a stage where all of your code is incorporated in the sample plugin project and all works fine, then we can conclude that the project setting has an issue. Match the project setting in your faulty project to the one from the sdk to identify what is causing the issue
  4. For the case where in you say that some prefix id's are clashing use the sample plugin id.h with its id's and just add your implementation, boss class declaration in it.

Please follow the steps mentioned above to get a resolution, statements like i did not change anything since last time does not help anyone sitting remotely to provide you a new path to follow. We can't see your code so we can only help you so much.

Also as suggested by Dirk, the best way out for you could be to rollback to a version of your project that was working for you. If you use a source version control like git, or SVN or something of this sort, reverting back to a version that you are sure worked earlier can help you pinpoint the issue.

If you don't use version control for your projects then leave everything aside and start using one.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Manan,

many thanks for your reply.

1. A newly build XMLCatalogHandler.pln is also rejected as invalid.

so 2. is the case.

I'll reinstall the SDK and will let yo know the result.

My failure was, that I've tryed only former build pln's (sucessfully).

I only want to mention that the failing plug-ins all are containing:


But that may be due to the broken SDK.

The reason for adapting the loadable plug-in, is the still missing solution, to get signaled from selecting the menus Main:&File;&Save and Main:&File:&Save As.

The formerly existing way th retrieve the ApplicationMenuManager from the AplicationWorkspace is no more available.

I'm not shure if IDocument with its Save-Methods will help me to solve that problem.

If you have any advices, please let me know.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Manan,

I've now deinstalled the 4.0.2 SDK and istalled it again.

Afterwards I'v build my plug-in again. But no success. I'ts still invalid.

The Plug-In stll contains the String _CxxThrowExceptionMSVCR71.dll.

What could I do?





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Enthusiast ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Jochen,

may be the library MSVCR71.dll is missing on your system (C:\Windows\System32)?





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Guide ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Actually Markus is up to something - there once was a time where we had to install some runtime lib for plugins that would not pick them up from InDesign's application directory. I think that was only for the debug build, though.

On the other hand there should be nothing about exceptions at all in your plugin as they could not be used within InDesign back in these days. Search the project for a global setting to disable them, it should also be off in the SDK projects. Also search your sources for dynamic_cast.

Also check you have the correct compiler, and other environment. Ah I see you mentioned them above


<OS> Microsoft Windows XP with service pack 1 or 2, or Windows 2000 with service pack 3.

<IDE> Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003.

When you launch InDesign from the IDE, do you see any debug output in the IDE?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Markus,

the library MSVCR71.dll is present at my C:\WINDOWS\System32 -folder.

Meanwhile I've, following Manans recomendations, reinstalled the 4.0.2 SDK -> no cchanges

                                                                                                   the MS VS 2003-> no changes

I'm quite lost.

The only information I found at the invald plug-ins is the statement '??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@ZD_CxxThrowExceptionMSVCR71.dll' nearly the end of the plug-in, followed by '? _inittermß malloc»_adjust_fdivL__CppXcptFilterñ_except_handler3.?terminate@@YAXXZk__dllonexit¸ _onexit„DisableThreadLibraryCallsKERNEL32.dll

On my oppinion that is causing the invalid error message of the plug-in validating/loading procedure ad ID startup.

The _CxxThrowException-method belongs to the MS Complier.

As the same information is contained in all the rejected Plug-In's, the reason seems not to be at my implementation.

But if the compiler is throwing an exception, the building of the plug-in's should not be succeed.

Do you have any suggestion, where to look at for further informations, or for the fixing of that failure?






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Dirk,

I've answered Markus some minutes ago.

The SDK and the VS Compiler plus ID CS2 I've used for several months and could load the plug-ins, I've build.

The SDK 4.0.2 I've repaired and at the MS VS .NET 2003 IDE I've renewed the 2. Visual Studio part without any success.

There seems a bug at the building-procedure.

If an Complier-exception will be thrown, the building shoud be scipped.

At all the rejected invalid plug-ins I find the lines:

??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@ZD_CxxThrowExceptionMSVCR71.dll ??3@YAXPAX@Z ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ¬ free? _inittermß malloc»_adjust_fdivL__CppXcptFilterñ_except_handler3.?terminate@@YAXXZk__dllonexit¸ _onexit„DisableThreadLibraryCallsKERNEL32.dll

That is indicating on my oppinion that the reason for that exception is based outside the plug-in-implementations.

I'll search for global settings first.

I'v never launched InDesign from the IDE.

If you haave some information, how to do that, please let me know.






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Hi Dirk,

where global setting can be found.

At the project properties I see only 'global optomization' aaat C++




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 07, 2016 Dec 07, 2016

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Hi Dirk,

I've some success.

After installing VS7.1sp1-KB918007-X86 the XMLCatalogHandler.pln from SDK samples may be build and load, allthough the plug-in still containes the line

_CxxThrowExceptionÅ _purecall

??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z ??1exception@@UAE@XZ ??0exception@@QAE@XZMSVCR71.dll

My own UIE.pln is still rejected as invalid.

Now I would like to know, where to find information, causing the 'invalid' status of it.

Could you please send me some hint, where to find information about launching InDesign from IDE.






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2016 Dec 08, 2016

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Hi Dirk,

I've now inspected the build logg of my UIE.pln.

There is logged twice the error PRJ0019. Once from prebuild event and once from postbuild event.

That seems to be the reason for the resulting invalid status.

At Microsoft I've found the recommendation to display what my custom build steps ar doing by adding 'add @echo' at the very first beginning.

May you please let me know, where to place that line.

I've tryed several classes/headers, but none worked.






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Community Expert ,
Dec 08, 2016 Dec 08, 2016

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Go through the following URL to understand how to set Prebuild and Postbuild commands in VS.Net 2003

Build Events, Common Properties, <Projectname> Property Pages Dialog Box




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi Markus,

I've deleted the whole 4.0-folder, holding the cache-data, but nothing changed.

Should I create and use for Plug-In-building another user.

But that seems to be not necessary after deleting the cached data.

Do you have an idea, how to go further?

May I use my existing VC++-project-file when copying my sources to another folder, or shold I start from scratch?

But that will be the worst case.

At my Plug-In I find several namings of 'Invalid'.


Problem with delimiter.Invalid dirID.Invalid path or filename.FSMakeFSSpec() failed.SDKFileHelperInvalid filename or volume name.UntitledOpen a File@§  Ш  PubFileFamily@­  Save As ±  @³  𺠠Choose a folder.

I use the standart SDKFileHelper,

May that failure lead to the invalid result?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi Markus,

the duplicated keys should lead to avoid the building of the plug-in, if they are crusial.

What chance I will have to get clear with the given error and the signaling, I'm looking for?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi Markus,

my Major number is set to 1 and the Minor one to 0.

I'v a question concerning the build tool setting at the properties of my project files.

My header-files aaare set to 'user defined build tool' and the cpp-files to 'C/C++ compilertool'.

Is that right, or should I use other settings to overcome the given error?




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Advocate ,
Dec 01, 2016 Dec 01, 2016

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Conflicts can also arise if multiple IDs refer to the same value.

E.g. you copy-pasted a line in your ID.h and forgot to assign a unique value.

E.g. you mix up ID spaces, so that an implementation ends up in ClassIDs.

Regarding the Diagnostics plugin, it may have been part of the ITK package that was only available to members of the silver and gold tech/solution partner program. Unfortunately the partners website was recently replaced with a very short notice and all legacy archives below CS6 have not been migrated, so that is no option any more.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2016 Dec 01, 2016

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Hi Dirk,

thanks for your mail.

The conflict error was the first one some day ago.

I'll check the ID-duplications.

But 10 or 15 minutes later the invalid error was thrown.

That error is blocking me now.

But the reason for additional implementation was the need to get signaled from the selections of the Main:&File Save and Main:&File Save As menues.

Therefor I have'nt yet the solution.

May you give me a tip how to implement that communication.




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