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When working on and InDesign document, the status bar used to display at the bottom of the window even when the window was independent of the Application Frame (i.e. Application Frame was unchecked in the Window menu). Recently this changed, and it seems that now the status bar is only available when working within the Application Frame, which I don’t like because for me it’s just in the way – it’s a solid window that hides everything on my desktop behind it and stays there in the background as long as InDesign is running, even when I’m not working in InDesign, have no InDesign documents open, and am using another application.
I’m currently working on a MacBook Air, OS Sonoma 14.5, InDesign 19.4 (2024). How can I restore the status bar to InDesign documents without using the Application Frame? Here’s what I’ve tried so far, to no avail.
Please help!
Adobe: if the missing status bar is a bug, please fix. If limiting it to the Application Frame is a new "feature" please revise to make it available again without the Application Frame.
Thank you!
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I just compared your question to my install on a MacBook Pro. When I turn on and off the Application frame, the status bar remains visible either way.
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I agree with @Mike Witherell . In InDesign 19.4, the status bar also appears whether the Application Frame is open or closed.
His suggestion of restoring your preferences likely will help you.
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Yes, the status bar remains in the document if you close the Application Frame, but only while the document remains open. If you close and reopen the same document outside the Application Frame, the status bar is no longer there. When the agent at Adobe support couldn't help me he said he would investigate further and somebody would call me if there was an answer. To my great surprise they did, to tell me this "feature" was built into the latest InDesign update and that they've had multiple complaints about the issue. She strongly encouraged me to provide feedback on Adobe's User Voice site, and to tell anyone else having this issue to do the same.
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When working on and InDesign document, the status bar used to display at the bottom of the window
By @edie.m.w.
Are you referring to this bar:
If so, then I can't reproduce the issue with the latest InDesign. I never use the Application Frame and the status bar is still there.
Are you sure it's not just hidden as the window is slightly taller than the screen? This can happen occasionally.
Try to click the green window button to restore its normal size - will this reveal the bottom bar?
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Yes, I'm referring to the bar you show. I've tried changing the window size and making sure its bottom is showing but still no status bar there. I'm now on InDesign 20.0 and the problem persists. I found a workaround where I can open a window with the Application Frame in view but separate from my document window. Doing so reveals the status bar in the document window, and I can collapse/minimize the AF separately to get it out of my way. However, then I lose my tools and the control bar at the top as they're both attached to the application frame. I can separate and move the tools but not the control bar. Very annoying. Any ideas anyone?
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Just to make sure: have you tried all the troubleshooting steps listed here: