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I would like to do this design completely inside InDesign (no illustrator).
How to do this ?
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Create the shapes/text frames on a parent/master page.
Create based on parent/master pages for each tab.
Cntl-Shift or Cmd-Shift click on the tabs you do not want on a given parent/master and delete them.
Make any changes to the original parent/master.
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About this design I create in the parent page : I have applied this design to left pages of my document.
On page "2", it is OK (I have this design created on parent page), but I would like that automatically the text on page 2 will not begin inside this design but around this design. How to set it inside parent page (design locked in parent page) ?
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You need to set this up as a "facing pages" document with a 2-page Parent Page and put the tabs in the correct postions on both pages.
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I have a parent page with 3 pages.
I have made a design inside parent page , but now if I put some text inside page 2 by example, the text in page 2 goes inside the parent page design : how to have this text automatically surrounding the parent page design in page 2 ?
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I appologize that I seem to have a bit of a problem understanding exactly what the document looks like. A screen shot of a full spread would help a lot. Maybe a sample file.
You might also want to try to explain this in your native language.
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Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec @Peter Spier . Peux-tu poster des captures d'écran du panneau pages de ton document ? Et je te propose de rédiger tes messages aussi en français.
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I try the most possible to write in english, to improve my english learning.
I have tried to do another more simple design in the parent page : a text block inside a rectangle. And I have grouped the text block and the rectangle in order to have a single bloc.
And I have found the way in order to have the text surrounding this object when I am by example on "page 2" : I have selected the object in the parent page and set "text wrapping" to 5 mm around this object.
And here is the result on page 2 :
On this page 2, I don't understand why around the object (created in parent page), I have not the same space around the object (I should have 5 mm all around the object) ?
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This looks like a case where the bottom of the frame you are wrapping around does not sychronize with the leading applied to the text and the added text wrap amount, so you wind up skipping an extra line. Adjusting the height of that frame (or reducing the text wrap on the bottom) should correct it. You may have to do both to actually get 5mm all around.
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I have tried to do another more simple design in the parent page : a text block inside a rectangle. And I have grouped the text block and the rectangle in order to have a single bloc.
@pierret18811376 The proper word is a frame, not a block.
One single text frame is enough: you do not need to create a text frame and a pink rectangular frame then group them.
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I try to do a more complex design :
I have created two frames that I want to join :
And when I try to move with the mouse the bottom frame towards the other, I have this design :
But I don't know how to remove the blue lines between the two frames (the lines at the junction of the two frames) ?
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I don't understand: if you join the 2 frames and remove “the blue lines between the two frames (the lines at the junction of the two frames)”, you'll get a rectangle? What is the final result you want?
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Here is what I try to do with InDesign :
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The blue lines are just the on-screen inicators of the frame edges and are not "real" in th sense that they do not show in output. You can even hide them on screen: View > Extras > Hide Frame Edges (Ctrl/Cmd + H), but then you won't be able to easily see empty frames or white-sapce around the frame content inside the frame. The don't show in Preview mode, either.
As they are currently configured, there is a gap between the frames. If you dont want to see a gap I suggest you add a colored fill to your shapes and zoom in so you can see when they touch. Another way to achieve this look would be to draw a single rectangle and use the Scissor tool to snip it into two pieces.
If you want an outline on the shapes you should add a stroke to the frame. A snipped frame can be stroked along the original outer edges of the rectangle without stroking the junction between the colors, or if you want a strok on all sides of the shapes select them and use Object > Paths > Close Path before applying the stroke, which should be aligned to center to stack the overlapping strokes.
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@Peter Spier You have said "The blue lines are just the on-screen inicators of the frame edges and are not "real" in th sense that they do not show in output. ".
Here is what I have (with colors) on InDesign :
But if I output this file by exporting it to a PDF, here is the result in Acrobat Pro (I have always a line at the junction of the two frames) :
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OK, the black lines you see are a stroke applied to shapes. Of you want to eliminate that go to the stroke panel and set the stroke weight to zero.
I'm guessing you have a stroke set by default. To fix that for any open document, with no object slected set the stroke weight to zero. To fix it for any new files set it with no files open. Exixting files will need to be fixed, if desired, one at a time when they are open.