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Hi all,
I have a Table with cells that need to be split into multiple rows (see attached files). What is the best practice for this? I tried right click on cell --> split, but you can't specify the numbers, and the two columns become independant of each other. Is this a limitation in InDesign and I should find a script for? If so, does anyone know a script that works well for this kind of task? I.e. splitting a cell into multiple columns, based on paragraph break.
Sorry for being dense, but are you referring to splitting a cell? You can do that, but you have to manually cut-&-paste the text into the cell. (Technically, this feature simply adds a new row and merges the other cells automatically).
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Rows don't split automatically. I do not know if there is a script or not.
I went to get the link on InDesign User Voice to post the link and this feature was the first one listed:
Direct link to feature request:
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>> I do not know if there is a script or not.
this is just workaround.
Adobe is not implemented this feature many years and even top-1 request feature not helps ðŸ˜
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Hi thank you for your reply. I was talking about splitting a cell inside a table into multiple cell like Word can, not rows not splitting across pages, but yes I did have a problem with that too and I already commented on your uservoice link.
@Geоrge is that script available in English? I'm afraid I can't follow Russian instructions.
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Sorry for being dense, but are you referring to splitting a cell? You can do that, but you have to manually cut-&-paste the text into the cell. (Technically, this feature simply adds a new row and merges the other cells automatically).
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Thank you, that would work albeit I wish there's a script or native feature where you can convert different paragraphs into multiple cells automatically (i.e. the cell has 5 paragraphs, one click to make each paragraph into its own cell.
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That would be nice, but then again, it would make too much sense...
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If you can't find a script, and you have a lot of text to convert this way, see if this "brute force" technique might work.
1. Select the text in a cell
2. Go to the Table menu and choose "Convert Text to Table.."
3. The text will be converted to a table within that cell. Not ideal, but with the control of strokes, etc., it might be a partial workaround.
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Also, please do fill out the feature request as David Creamer mentions. 🙂
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Hi Diane, thank you.
I tried using your workaround method as well but I found it was just easier to go back to original Word document with the table and formatted it there. Inserting table within a table caused an issue with rows that were aligning on different columns no longer lined up and that would cause more workaround.
And I filled in David Creamer's feature request 😉
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Create a new empty table with the number of rows and columns you want (in this case, 3 and 3). Select the text in column 2 of your current table and convert text to table (Table > Convert Text to Table…). Select the cells of the table (in this case, three cells) then select the corresponding cells in the empty table. Paste. Repeat for other columns.
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Thank you Scott. How did you go from screencap 2 to 3? I.e. how did you delete the upper level table only leaving the inner tables?
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That's one screen capture with three tables in one text frame.
Top: My reproduction of your table.
Middle: The same table after converting the contents of R1C2 and R1C3 to tables.
Bottom: A table created using Table > Create Table with 3 rows and three columns. I selected all the cells in each of the subtables from the middle image and pasted them into the corresponding cells of the empty table.
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Just For Comment! …
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