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I installed the new Indesign 2025 and it has been unsuable (I get the spinning beach ball everytime I try to scroll). So I have gone back to 2024 but now have issues with it crashing and I lost work. Anyone else having big issues with 2024 since the update of 2025? Or anyone know how to solve the 2025 issues so it is actually usable? (I am on a Mac, Apple M1 Max chip, 64 GB memory running Sequoia 15.0.1). Thank you!
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In case you still have that problem - my textwindows were moving and lagging every single time i clicked on/selected them and after hours of searching thorugh the fastness of the internet I found this in a forum:
"You won’t believe it but I traced the problem after even formatting the Mac… it was app called MAGNET when it was installed and working it’s messed up indesign I have no idea how but if I closed the magnet app indesign starts to work normally xD so maybe you are using app that is simila
Just a note about an M1 Mac...
With the latest OS update 15.3 and InDesign update 20.1, I am not experiencing any delay.
Hello everyone,
It’s clear from this thread that many of us are experiencing frustrating performance issues with InDesign 2025, especially regarding the constant spinning wheel on macOS Sequoia. To help bring this to the attention of the product team and prioritize a solution, I encourage you all to upvote and comment on the relevant UserVoice suggestion.
Your feedback is vital in demonstrating the impact of these issues and pushing for a fix. Let’s ensure our voices are heard!
...Hello everyone,
To help us further investigate and resolve the performance issue with InDesign 2025, could you please provide the following information:
1. Does the issue also exist with InDesign 19.5.0 or is it specific to InDesign 2025?
2. Is this issue only happening on MacBook Pro devices, or are users also experiencing it on iMacs?
3. Is the issue specific to macOS Sequoia, or does it occur on other macOS versions like Sonoma or Ventura as well?
Your input will help our team prioritize th
...Hi everyone,
Thank you for sharing the details regarding the performance issues you’re facing. In order to help the product team further investigate and identify the root cause, they’ve requested that you provide a spindump. This diagnostic report will help us analyze any potential factors contributing to the crashes and performance slowdowns.
Here are the steps to capture a spindump on your Mac:
Hello Everyone,
We wanted to share an update from our product team regarding a recent performance concern.
It has come to our attention that a combination of the Documents Fonts folder and the Contextual Task Bar may be contributing to slowness in some workflows. If either of these elements is absent, no performance degradation is observed.
The product team has outlined the following workflows to help confirm this behavior:
Workflow 1: Documents Font Folder + Contextual Task Bar
1. Open an
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By @RobFrease
Then you should downgrade to 2024.
There are a lot of serious bugs & glitches in 2025...
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Thank you, will do!
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Thank you Robert, InDesign 2024 19.5 working flawless. I am flying through pages right now.
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As a general rule, one should wait 6-12 months after any major software or OS release, especially on production units. And whatever you do, don't upgrade both in a short timeframe. Sequoia just came out in Sept. and ID 20 in Oct. Too soon for "prime time".
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La version Indesign Beta V 20.1 semble fonctionner
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Same problem here.
Opening one file seems okay only slight performance drop versus version 2024.
When opening two or more files, it is no longer workable and I get the wheel spinning continuously.
Running on iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020 with Sonoma 14.7.1 (23H222)
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Hi everyone,
Thank you for sharing the details regarding the performance issues you’re facing. In order to help the product team further investigate and identify the root cause, they’ve requested that you provide a spindump. This diagnostic report will help us analyze any potential factors contributing to the crashes and performance slowdowns.
Here are the steps to capture a spindump on your Mac:
This will provide valuable insight to the product team and help us resolve the issue more effectively.
Looking forward to your response!
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Hello Everyone,
We wanted to share an update from our product team regarding a recent performance concern.
It has come to our attention that a combination of the Documents Fonts folder and the Contextual Task Bar may be contributing to slowness in some workflows. If either of these elements is absent, no performance degradation is observed.
The product team has outlined the following workflows to help confirm this behavior:
Workflow 1: Documents Font Folder + Contextual Task Bar
1. Open any InDesign document (all fonts should be displayed, and no missing fonts dialog should be shown).
2. Enable the Contextual Task Bar.
3. Toggle between selecting a text frame with text (document fonts applied) and empty space in both GPU and CPU mode.
Expectation: Slowness should be observed.
Workflow 2: Documents Font Folder + No Contextual Task Bar
1. Open any InDesign document (all fonts should be displayed, and no missing fonts dialog should be shown).
2. Disable the Contextual Task Bar.
3. Toggle between selecting a text frame with text (document fonts applied) and empty space in both GPU and CPU mode.
Expectation: No slowness should be observed.
Workflow 3: No Documents Font Folder + Contextual Task Bar
1. Open any InDesign document without the document’s font (missing fonts dialog should be shown).
2. Enable the Contextual Task Bar.
3. Toggle between selecting a text frame with text (document fonts applied) and empty space in both GPU and CPU mode.
Expectation: No slowness should be observed.
Workflow 4: No Documents Font Folder + No Contextual Task Bar
1. Open any InDesign document (missing fonts dialog should be shown).
2. Disable the Contextual Task Bar.
3. Toggle between selecting a text frame with text (document fonts applied) and empty space in both GPU and CPU mode.
Expectation: No slowness should be observed.
We would appreciate it if any users encountering this behavior could try these workflows and confirm the results. Your feedback is valuable and will help us further refine and improve the product.
Thank you for your time and support!
Abhishek Rao
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I haven't got time to do your job, I'm not in your R&D department.
What the hell is a Contextual Task Bar? is that a Cadbury's product.
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It's this useless thing. Window/Contextual Task Bar.
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Sometimes it feels like they insist on aligning all the bad features across their software and keep the really useful features in the separate apps.
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Downgrading to version 19.0 worked for me
Wasn't Magnet. Noodled with Contextual Task Bar. No idea what Docuemnts Fonts Folder is. Wasn't the MacOS version. Anything later than 19.0 (19.4 etc) has same problems on Sonoma or Sequoia.
I used to sit a MacOS version behind to accommodate Indesign catching up, but I'd rather just use an old Indesign version.
Business is moving from linear, static media (Adobe's wheelhouse) to interactive, dynamic media (Adobe's blindspot) anywho.
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This is NOT the issue.
I have Contextual bar turned off and no Documents Folder >> still laggy and slow
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Workflow 4: No Documents Font Folder + No Contextual Task Bar
1. Open any InDesign document (missing fonts dialog should be shown).
2. Disable the Contextual Task Bar.
3. Toggle between selecting a text frame with text (document fonts applied) and empty space in both GPU and CPU mode.
Expectation: No slowness should be observed.
You cannot toggle anything with the missing fonts dialogue showing. That being said, click through missing fonts (SKIP). Toggle on/off Contextual Task Bar (not on for me by default), no Document Fonts folder, still lagging. Quitting & restarting ID will speed back up but at some point will lag again necessitating restart.
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When I duplicate my work folder to my desktop, toss the documents folder, and open up the doc again with the fonts now missing, the slowness goes away. I then added the missing font into Connect Fonts from a different folder (not the one linked with the document from a collect) and the slowness was also gone. I hope this helps!
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Hi all,
I call Bologna on this 'solution'
I do often use a "Document fonts" folder, but I *NEVER* use the contextual task bar. InDesign 2025 is unusably slow on my main computer : a 2020 MacMini M1. (running macOS Monterey)
It's gotten to the point that if I need to use InDesign 2025, I go back to my "retired" computer, a 2015 iMac (Intel, also macOS Monterey). That is insanely backward. The only thing the iMac "has" on the mini is it's got 32 GB of RAM, and the Mini has 16 GB. (Adobe's SysReq's say 8 GB minimum, 16 GB is "recommended")
Same OS… same sofware version…same files. Comletely backward results. This screams that InDesign 2025 is not coded correctly for Apple Silicon. Intel Macs are no longer being produced. Time to get with the times.
Can "we" have a *REAL* solution for this?
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Hi all,InDesign 2025 is unusably slow on my main computer : a 2020 MacMini M1.
By @DynaGraphics Reno
Did you update to InDesign 20.1?
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And I did see reference to that, and checked both the version and if the slowness was happening immediately after posting. Still painful.
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I have reset preferences, tried saving as IDML, and then eventually uninstalled ID (20.0) and reinstalled. Nothing has worked. It has become unusable at this point. Every command or movement results in the spinning ball.
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A new OS (September 2024) and a new InDesign version (October 2024) do not make a good combo. Neither have been user tested for any length of time. Back down to ID 2024 for a few months.
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I have downgraded to 19 and uninstalled 20. I have run CleanMy Mac and I am holding my breath and only drinking water and coffee, but the problems have followed the file like a ghost …:
I cannot copy & paste without file crashing. Text on pages disappear. Illustrations disappear. Suddenly, some elements are visible on the page. And then gone again.
I have 90 pages with lots of text and illustrations that need to be ready tomorrow afternoon. This is so horrible!
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Try IDMLing - export as IDML, open, save with a new name - do not overwrite your original file.