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I work on Mac with high Sierra 10.13.2 with adobe CC 2015, 2017 and 2018.
I have been working with Adobe for 25 years and therefore know the subject color management settings & synchronization.
In Photoshop I have a color set made up of ECI RGB and ISOcoated v2 and other parameters such as rel.fartric with TK, etc.
Then I synced with the bridge the suite on this set. Photoshop and AI do not accept this set but InDesign does. The error message comes:
"Some parameters of the color settings file could not be used. The default values are used."
I have created a new color set from Indesign with eciRGB v2 and ISOctd v2 and get the same problem as prescribed.
Have already tried everything, even the whole Adobe cc package uninstalled and reinstalled again.
It did not help. In the 2015er and 2018er version, the indesign color management works flawlessly. Only with the 2017er version hooks it. If you create a new document after restarting the program, it will always be created with sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and Coated Fogra39 (ISO 12647-2: 2004). Only when you go into the color settings, and unchanged with ok confirmed (the settings are all right in there with eci rgb and isocoated) created indesign the new documents with the eci rgb and isocoated v2 profiles. I will despair soon !!!
There are no umlauts in the name in it. Have also tried several times to reset the profiles and save again. Then the error message always comes as described by clemens. Although it saves the file in the Setting folder, it does so in conjunction with the complete path.
The file that Indesign stores as a color settings file is as follows:
/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Color / Settings / Test.csf
(this long line is the filename !!!)
The file was saved in the Settings directory under:
/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Color / Settings
As already explained, the correct information under the color setting is in it, but after a restart of the program only active when you call color settings and again confirmed with OK. And only in Indesign 2017!
If you open a new page right after the restart, ID will include the profiles sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and Coated Fogra39 (ISO 12647-2: 2004).
When opening existing files, no message box appears on "Deviation from profile or policy".
I have still tried the folder writing rights repaired or re-adjusted
In addition, I have the plate still run on the first aid in the hard disk utility.
Unfortunately, the error still exists.
What I have to say about this problem is that this error exists in three workplaces.
I think it's a bug in Indesign.
Have already discovered 3 or 4 cases on the net, but also with older Indesign versions,
but all with the same mistake. Unfortunately, there was nowhere a solution for it.
update: for some reason, without any further change from my side, CMM now seems to be back to work in CC18. When I open a document, ID asks me if I want to change the document to the (different) working color space -- as expected.
I think that the ID start up script now does the job, but didn't yesterday.
Let's see what happens tomorrow 😉
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You might find this online video tutorial useful (you can get a 30-day free trial):
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The file that Indesign stores as a color settings file is as follows:
/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Color / Settings / Test.csf
(this long line is the filename !!!)
Have you tried renaming the .csf file from the finder? The .csf file getting a file path as it’s name isn’t normal.
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Yes, I've tried that several times. Only Indesign 2017 stores this long file name like this
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Hi Steve, I didn't answer by mail and I didn't have an attachment with me.
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Sorry, I misunderstood your intent. It looked like you were attempting an attachment. My mistake.
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Does it happen with any profile combination? If you use AdobeRGB as the RGB working space and resave the csf do you get the same error?
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A few quick thoughts:
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It doesn't matter which settings I make in Indesign. It only retains them until the end of the program. After the restart of Indesign these will only become active when you go to color settings and confirm with ok.
This problem only occurs in Indesign 2017. Photoshop and Illustrator run flawlessly. Indesign does not accept Bridge synchronization either.
We use daily Indesign 2017 and 2018. is due to our customer base. Some of them do not want to have idml data either.
The funny thing is that it works fine under Adobe cc 2015 and cc 2018. Only in 2017 isn't possible. Can it be that it is a bug under high sierra?
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Oh, so it IS InDesign. OK. It definitely could be a bug in CC 2017 under high sierra.
Have you tried rebuilding your preferences yet?
If you want to make the ICC profiles available and put a link here, I can try selecting them in CC 2017, and we can see if I have the same problem.
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Have already discovered 3 or 4 cases on the net, but also with older Indesign versions,
but all with the same mistake. Unfortunately, there was nowhere a solution for it.
I've seen other cases here's one
If resetting prefs and caches doesn't fix it it would be possible enforce a color setup via scripting on startup.
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Hello David and Rob,
Thank you very much for your support.
I have deleted the cach and the preferences, but there is no improvement.
It is also not due to the ICC profiles. I have tried several times, everywhere the same mistake.
Unfortunately, I have no experience with scripting how to do this. Do you have any instructions on how to enforce the color settings?
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I wonder if it's because you are running multiple versions of ID. Something like this came up awhile back where CS6 color settings were changing CC color settings—unfortunately I can't find the thread.
The Color Settings only affect future document setups and not existing documents (unless an existing doc's CM Policies were set to Off on creation), so sync'ing is a bit overrated.
If you can successfully load your saved CSF, a simple startup script could automate that on every InDesign startup. A more complex script could set the Working Spaces and Policies, but it doesn't sound like you need that.
So this AppleScript saved to your /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2017/Scripts/startup scripts should work.
Open AppleScript Editor and paste the code below into a new file. Change "Your CSF File Name" in the first line to the name of your saved color settings—the name is case sensitive and has to be inside the straight quotes. Click Compile and save as Script Format into your scripts startup folder.
set cs to "Your CSF File Name"
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
make event listener with properties {event type:"afterOpen", handler:setCM}
end tell
on setCM()
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
set CMS settings of color settings to cs
end try
end tell
end setCM
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Hi Rob,
thank you very much for your script.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work either. Even though the color settings in Indesign are set correctly, they only get active after starting the program when you open the color settings and confirm them with ok.
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Even though the color settings in Indesign are set correctly, they only get active when you open the color settings and confirm them with ok.
I don't think I'm following that. If you start ID and make a new document without first opening Color Settings, the assigned document profiles listed under Edit>Assign profiles... are not your ISOcoated v2 and eciRGB_v2?
You ave CC2015, 2017, and 2018 installed. Does the problem persist if you restart your computer and only run launch one version?
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That's the truth! When I create a new document, it embeds the srgb and fogra coated39 profiles into the document - although eci rgb and isocoated are set in the color settings. Only when I go to the color settings and confirm with ok, as already mentioned, does he create new documents with the correct profiles. I have e. g. only Indesign 2017 and 2018 running on a computer, there is also the same error. After a restart of the computer no indesign is active, I always start only one version.
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Did it happen before your upgrade to High Sierra?
The startup script could also force Color Settings to open:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
make event listener with properties {event type:"afterOpen", handler:setCM}
end tell
on setCM()
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
invoke (item 1 of every menu action whose id is 32262)
end tell
end setCM
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Hi Rob,
Thank you for your tireless help.
The script doesn't seem to work.
The following error message appears after creating a new page:
An attached script caused the following error:
"Aobe InDesign CC 2017" has received an error: The
request cannot be processed because a modal
dialog box or a modal warning message is active.
Do you want to deactivate this event handler?
I don't think it can have anything to do with High Sierra. I was on the phone with a customer today. It has the same problem on all computers under the Mac OS 10.10 operating system.
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Sorry, I didn't test. There's no need for the event listener.
Quit InDesign and copy this into the startup scripts folder. Make sure you trash the other versions before restarting. Opens Color Settings, but only once after launching ID.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
invoke (item 1 of every menu action whose id is 32262)
end tell
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Hi Rob,
I see a benefit in using an event listening mechanism.
But I would do listen for "beforeInvoke" of the menu item that does a new document.
And then start to show the menu for the Colormanagement Settings.
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I don't think Axel wants Color Settings opening with every new document creation? I think he's saying the problem goes away by simply open Color Settings once after an ID startup and clicking OK—if that's the case no need to listen.
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Copied wrote
I don't think Axel wants Color Settings opening with every new document creation? I think he's saying the problem goes away by simply open Color Settings once after an ID startup and clicking OK—if that's the case no need to listen.
Hi Rob,
I thought about the possibility that Axel is working with several versions of InDesign open at the same time.
Changing Color Settings in one version would do that for all versions. So it might be a good idea when switching to a new project that the dialog comes up every time before doing a new document.
FWIW: I handle this exactly this way for all my versions of InDesign and got used to see the Color Settings dialog before doing a new doc.
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The latest script doesn't actually change the color setting it simply invokes the color settings dialog, which solves the problem of the wrong profiles being assigned to a new doc after a 2017 restart. Do you have 2017 installed and are you seeing what we described in #17&18?
I'll try an install on my test drive and see if I can replicate the bug here.
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Copied wrote
… Do you have 2017 installed and are you seeing what we described in #17&18? …
Yes. CC 2017.1 installed. Together with CS6, CC 2014.2, CC 2015.4 and CC 2018.
No problems with the Color Settings dialog. OS X 10.11.6. German system.
But I must confess, that I never synched Color Settings with Adobe Bridge. Never.