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InDesign CC scrolling slow

Community Beginner ,
Jun 20, 2013 Jun 20, 2013

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I have a document with about 30 pages varing in size from 2'x4' to 15'x15'. Most of the pages are around 8'x4'. In inDesign CS 6 I could zoom around the pages as fast as my fingers could scroll (using the 2 finger jesture on a magic mouse or track pad). The new inDesign CC is painfully slow. It lags and crawls. It doesn't matter what "display performance setting" I have it on. It shouldn't matter anyway because CS 6 could go super fast with "high quality" selected. I have a MBPr running OS X 10.8.4. I've already made too many changes to go back to CS 6 which sucks because it was sooo much faster than CC. I'm starting to regret the upgrade. I trashed the preferences and restarted my machine. Is there something I'm missing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!






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New Here ,
Jun 23, 2013 Jun 23, 2013

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I have found that setting the system display setting to "Scaled" has an effect on performance. I find that if set to "Best for Retina" the performance is ok. Its a pity because i find the indesign interace a little big, i would prefer more pasteboard.





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New Here ,
Jun 24, 2013 Jun 24, 2013

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I just upgraded to CC. It is painfully slow on my retina. When i duplicate a page it takes 3-7 seconds to render all the textfields. Srolling isn't possible at all (like 5 Frames per second) and moving an object sometimes takes 1-2 seconds to be rendered in place.

Photoshop and Illustrator work like charm!! Even faster than CS5 or 6.

@ Marc VerMulen

You mentoined that it might be connected with the retina resolution. I have to disagree. The graphic card is capable of rendering a lot more pixels than the 4 times of the standard MBP.

I'm running a Macbook Retina, 2,7 GHz i7, 16 GB Ram, Mountain Lion (latest).

I'm experiencing these problems with converted CS6 files and newly created ones.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 27, 2013 Jun 27, 2013

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Upon installing Indesign CC I noticed some of the very same lags and sluggishness that others have reported. Needless to say I was quite disappointed. What I discovered though is that that my Wacom Intuos 5 does not work well with this version of Indesign. The touch response is decently snappy but when trying to use the pen the response is very slow. As a side note I do have the most recent drivers installed for the tablet and am running on a Windows 8 pro system, 12gb of memory, i7 processor, GeForce GT 640m graphics card. For now I have set the tablet aside while working in Indesign to make it at least somewhat useable.





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New Here ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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I suffer from the same things. On my new Retina MBP, ID CC is unusable for me, whereas ID CS6 works great. Even when I deactivate the retina resolution (in finder, go to application, file information), ID keeps on being sluggish.





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New Here ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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I just upgraded to CC from CS6 and there's exactly the same problems as those described above. I don't even have a retina display and it still lags when I run the app in Fast Display that kills the images and blurs the text. Obviously nothing to do with retina. Quite disappointing... I'm running 2012 iMac, 3.4ghz i7, 32gb ram and latest mountain lion.





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Jul 12, 2013 Jul 12, 2013

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I have applied updates last night (Windows 8.1) and this morning (Mac OS X 10.8.4) that seem to have alleviated some of the problems.  No update of late for OS X 10.6.8, tho, so it still sucks.  I hope Adobe have got one in the works!





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Explorer ,
Aug 12, 2013 Aug 12, 2013

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This problem is not specific to Apple hardware or even notebooks, as I'm on a Windows 7 x64 desktop PC (16GB RAM, Core i7, nVidia GTX 550 Ti) and I experience all the above mentioned symtoms.

Also, as others have reported, InDesign CS6 was much faster with this same specs.

It's really frustrating to have all this firepower available and still see InD taking up to 5-10 seconds to draw anything on screen, even with "fast display" performance mode turned on.

I really hope Adobe adresses these issues as soon as possible, or it will be another nail on CC's coffin. It's bad enough that I've been paying the subscription since May and still no sign of their advertised Creative Cloud file sync with desktop or the offline TypeKit fonts. Both features are now annouced as "future update", but a few monts back they were among the top selling points.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2013 Aug 15, 2013

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The same here, CS6 is working fast and CC in really slow. I also work on Win7 64-bit with Core i7, 32GB RAM and Quadro 4000, so it's not OS related.

What bugs me the most is text selection. Selecting text, adjusting font or typing text is just to slow for words. Come on, waiting for text to be typed or selected, that's just one thing that needs to be really fast on a DTP program. Also scrolling between pages, opening, moving photos is so slow. I'm glad I still have CS6 still installed. Please fix this issue asap Adobe





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Explorer ,
Aug 16, 2013 Aug 16, 2013

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Strange thing is even knocking the display resolution down to 1920x1080 and dropping the detail to fast shows no improvement at all. I'd expect if it was getting lag on 2560x1440 that reducing pixels and therefore the stress on the card id see some change.

Also checking Activity Monitor the CPU% is never getting above 45% whereas with CS6 its pushing close to 80% when im moving around the pages.

Guess something else is going on somewhere.





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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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Just returned to work after a three weeks off, checked for an update with eager anticipation ... nothing!  This is on my OS X 10.6.8 machine at work (home machines (WIndows 8 and OS X ML) each got an update in that time.  Looks like it's CS6 for my biggest project of the year -- Jon.





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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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Hi Jon, I found turning off info panel helped a lot, plus displaying pages without all the bleed etc (short key W) helped even more. However, I have recently upgraded to Mountain Lion 10.8.4 and it's now working really well. Worth a go upgrading - it's made the mac run faster too.






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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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In my own experience updating the OS to Mountain Lion made no difference to the slow down problem. All i got was a mouse cursor that disappears randomly (lovely bug) but that seems to be an OS issue rather than CC.





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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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Unfortunately the disappearing cursor bug is not OS specific. I'm on Windows 7 x64 and this annoying thing is driving me crazy as well. Whenever I type something, the cursor disappears completely and only comes back after I hold the Ctrl key and click somewhere else.

And this sluggish performance is not helping to ease my anger either... it takes almost a whole second just to the UI acknowledge a simple object selection.

I'll be going back to CS6 as soon as possible.





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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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Thanks, Gina!  I never did experience the info panel slowdown, but working in preview mode certainly helps.  Alas, my work machine won't upgrade to Mountain Lion!  Time for new hardware, but that will have to wait -- Jon.





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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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Hi Jon, Very pleased to have helped, if only a lttle bit, but hopefully will get you through your projects quicker! Yep, save those pennies/cents for the all new Mac Pro when it eventually get released! It looks and sounds like it will be amazing. But guess it will be a small fortune.





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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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I'm also experiencing major sluggishness in InDesign CC. 12 Core Xeon MacPro with 32GB RAM, 1GB Radeon. Running 10.6.8.

Exporting the same file to an IDML and opening in CS6 result in quick, smooth scrolling and interactivity. I guess it's back to CS6 until this is resolved.

Yesterday I discovered that Photoshop can't open quicktime movies any longer (on SL). After Effects CC doesn't run on my system. Bridge was gutted, and just got it's output functionality back. I'm really at a loss now for why I had my organization purchase the CC update.


After closing all my apps, rebooting and restarting InDesign CC, the sluggishness mostly went away. Not sure why it was performing so poorly while CS6 operated well under the same conditions, but there you go.





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Contributor ,
Aug 23, 2013 Aug 23, 2013

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I noticed that there was finally an update to InDesign CC (v9.1) today, which I had been eagerly awaiting. I downloaded and installed, then rebooted my Mac Pro just for kicks. The application is still painfully slow. Judging by all these posts (which i easily found by Googling "InDesign CC is slow"), it seems that the problem is happening on all variety of hardware setups and operating systems.

I wonder how many of you are using Extensis Suitcase for font management, and what version. Also, how many of you are still using old Adobe Type One fonts (relics from the 1980s)? I wonder if Adobe has inadvertently stopped supporting one or the other.

It doesn't seem like it should be too hard for Adobe developers to figure out what is different between CS6 and CC, then determine which changes are making it so slow for everyone. I eagerly anticipate version 9.2 and any further discoveries.

In retrospect, I regret having jumped onto the InDesign CC bandwagon until any bugs had been worked out. Strangely, none of the other CC programs (Illustrator, Photoshop) seem to be slower than their predecessors — just InDesign. The page layout program should be faster than the illustration and photo editing applications. That's the point. InDesign is where you put everything together — it needs to be fast.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 23, 2013 Aug 23, 2013

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I've jumped on every update hoping that this would be the one that fixed the sluggishness. None have corrected this. I am using Font Explorer X to manage my fonts and I'm not sure if I have any legacy fonts or not. I don't think this should be a problem though considering that CS 6 was rock solid. The only reason I even upgraded was for the HiRes display support, unfortunately I am still using CS 6 for most things. I use CC sometimes and there are a lot of things to like about it, but anything that is really important or a large document I'm still on CS 6.

Honestly having to pay $ every month for my main program not to work is rediculous! And it's not like the other CC programs have rock star features that make them worth the $ over CS 6. Not to mention Typekit has been advertised for over a year now and it's still not availabe! In what world does "coming soon" mean over a year and counting? I honestly do not like the direction this company is going. 





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Aug 23, 2013 Aug 23, 2013

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I'm using Suitcase Fusion 5 with no problems on Mac 10.8.4 or Windows 8x64.





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New Here ,
Sep 04, 2013 Sep 04, 2013

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Can you tell us if engineers/developers are still working on a fix? We didn't try new CC update1 since there are still complaints out there, and at our print company, we are trying to use only CS6, and not CC. At our company, we all need to be on 10.6.8 right now to be compatible with our Prinergy system and other softwares (outside of Adobe) that can't run on newest OSX. We are all using mostly old fonts, and Suitcase Fusion 2 (no need to update since our clients use old print fonts too), and Mountain Lion doesn't seem to like old fonts (? - not sure about this). Also 90% of our new projects are pickups from older projects converted from InDesign CS3-CS5.5, and even old Quark files - if any of that info helps. It does seem like new projects built from scratch run faster (?), but we don't have time to troubleshoot - and it wouldn't do us any good anyway. Please let us know if Adobe developers are still working on another InDesign Update fix, or if you have any further helpful info for all of us - thank you





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Contributor ,
Sep 05, 2013 Sep 05, 2013

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I hope the InDesign developers are working on a fix (v9.2). Reading all these posts, I doubt application's sluggishness has anything to do with fonts. However, fonts do not look as smooth on screen as in previous versions of InDesign. We have upgraded to Suitcase Fusion 5, which is nice, but did not help InDesign's performance. 

There are some posts which mention that Adobe changed the programming to accommodate the new higher-definition displays — yet even people with such displays are indicating the sluggish performance. It seems to me that the operating system would be responsible for accommodating new displays and video rendering. It doesn't make any sense that a page layout program would need to be re-engineered because of quad-HD (or whatever) displays. I have been working in electronic publishing on dual displays since 1989 and have never heard of any such thing.

Objects do not snap to guides as well as they used to, and I noticed that InDesign now rounds off the x/y coordinates to the nearest 100th while dragging, which I don't like at all. Many imperial measurements are three or four decimal places, and now I'm having to type those in for perfect accuracy.

Bottom line: InDesign is a page layout program and as such it should be FAST. As I'm working, the program cannot keep up with my hand movements, dragging/dropping, scrolling, etc. It's causing my hands to ache (really). The whole point of a page layout program is the ability to quickly composite various elements of a design. I hope Adobe hasn't forgotten this. If we are expected to buy the latest CPUs to accommodate the latest features, then they should raise their system requirements substantially (2012 systems or later). My system if fairly powerful, and it doesn't seem that a page layout program should bring it to its knees.

On a positive note, I am liking the other CC programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator.





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Explorer ,
Sep 05, 2013 Sep 05, 2013

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ShaneH-CreativeDirector wrote:

As I'm working, the program cannot keep up with my hand movements, dragging/dropping, scrolling, etc.

Exactly. The program simply isnt keeping up with me whereas CS6 was.





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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2013 Aug 24, 2013

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There's a bunch of complaints here about CC... but for me the lag is driving me crazy. ADOBE! Why launch it knowing that on a retina mac it's going to run this slow. Before I checked this forum I thought I'd been drugged and was seeing traces or time was slowing down... is there any plan at all to fix this and soon? If not I need to get all the guys in my studio to switch back to CS6 and never update.

Can anyone advise if this is the best thing to do?





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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2013 Aug 24, 2013

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And whilst I'm on the subject... has any noticed a loss of shortcuts especially ranging text left? (shift/apple/L). this seems to not be working on any of my machines.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2013 Aug 24, 2013

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Check your system preferences. I don't recall where but in ML some of

those keyboard shortcuts have been hijacked by the O/S.





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