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InDesign Crashing When Opening Story Editor - Mac M1

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Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Indesign crashes every time I open Story Editor. Why? I have the most up to date version for 2020 Macbook Air, Apple M1 chip, 8gb memory.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

Hello - I have you your own thread. 

It's best to keep issues separated to ensure that you get the help specific to your issue and not someone elses.


Try resetting your preferences:
The easiest way to reset everything is to delete the InDesign preferences: as soon as InDesign starts to boot hold down Shift, Alt, Ctrl (and Apple/Cmd if working on a Macintosh). A dialog will appear asking to delete the InDesign Preferences, select 'Yes' on this dialog.
Further info and instructions here if needed:



Community Expert ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Hello - I have you your own thread. 

It's best to keep issues separated to ensure that you get the help specific to your issue and not someone elses.


Try resetting your preferences:
The easiest way to reset everything is to delete the InDesign preferences: as soon as InDesign starts to boot hold down Shift, Alt, Ctrl (and Apple/Cmd if working on a Macintosh). A dialog will appear asking to delete the InDesign Preferences, select 'Yes' on this dialog.
Further info and instructions here if needed:


You can always try the creative cloud cleaner tool https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html





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Explorer ,
Feb 03, 2022 Feb 03, 2022

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If I trash my preferences, then I have to reconstruct my workspace, right? 





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Mentor ,
Feb 04, 2022 Feb 04, 2022

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Yes, you are.



Remember, never say you can't do something in InDesign, it's always just a question of finding the right workaround to get the job done. © David Blatner




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Mentor ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Are you have this bug with every documents or with only one exact?


If this is only one strange indd with that behaviour then try to save as idml this file, open this idml and save as new indd. Is it helps to you?

Remember, never say you can't do something in InDesign, it's always just a question of finding the right workaround to get the job done. © David Blatner




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New Here ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Thanks very much, you were right!




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Explorer ,
Feb 03, 2022 Feb 03, 2022

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I use the same template for each monthly edition of my news magazine. Do you think I need to reconstruct that?

I also get a notice every time about a plugin I stopped using YEARS ago. I have never been able to figure out how to make that stop. "The document "Untitled" uses one or more plug-ins which are not currently available on your system. Do you want to open anyway?" 
The plugin was Font Reserve for InDesign. I was never able to make it work for me and the support was all German.




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Explorer ,
Feb 03, 2022 Feb 03, 2022

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Okay, I tried saving my template as IDML and then re-saved it as INDT. Then I opened a new document from that and tested opening Text Editor and so far so good, and I didn't have the annoying plugin popup. Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed. I'm doing my monthly all-nighter to get the file to the printer by morning because, well, I procrastinate. (http://cedarmillnews.com)




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Explorer ,
Mar 01, 2022 Mar 01, 2022

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I have solved both of my problems (Story Editor crashes, obsolete popup warning) by saving my template as IDML and then again as INDT. Then I started a new document from the template, and it opened without the warning, and hasn't crashed with Story Editor.
It was certainly easier than trashing preferences or completely rebuilding the document.




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Explorer ,
Apr 01, 2024 Apr 01, 2024

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Happened again with my April issue. I saw a suggestion about disabling anti-aliasing in Story Editor preferences, and it seemed to protect me for a while but after working for about another 40 minutes, and getting sloppy about constantly saving, IDD crashed again when opening Story Editor. I tried all manner of things: making a copy of the file, "saving as" and giving a different name, "saving as" and replacing existing file, and so forth. I just reset my prefs AGAIN, and I'll test it now that the issue is finally done.
I don't understand why Adobe can't fix this bug.
IDD  13.9 on a Retina 4K, 21.5" 2019 iMac running Sonoma 14.4.1




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Community Expert ,
Apr 01, 2024 Apr 01, 2024

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I don't have any issues at all with Story Editor - never have. It can't be a bug if it's working for most people. 


What version of InDesign?
What are your system spec and version of OS?




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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I hear you brother and I have a feeling it has nothing to do with your machine, you have the one of the best Apple has available. I don't remember ever having this many problems when the Adobe products were purchased and owned outright on disc or stand-alone pieces of software. It seems the more cash we fork out, the more frustrations and problems we have. Mo Money/Mo problems!! 


There is a good chance it is just that particualr file as I went through a similar scenario. I was able to get around this by totally uninstalling InDesign (used that Adobe Cleaner app these guys go on about) and reinstalling the latest version of InDesign but I rebuilt the file again in a fresh document. However, the file I was rebuilding was a one page flyer that I could mimick from a PDF reference layout of an almost identical flyer. Can you do that or is the file you are working on too big and complex to rebuild again? 


If it is, try the usual fixes that are suggested in most of these threads. (IDML export, Delete preferences, Uninstall with Adobe Cleaner, etc. etc) The file got corrupted somehow, I don't why (which is part of the frustration) but it did. Clients don't care about the reason either so you just have to do whastever you can to get back on track. 


I also suggest investing in a punching bag as there will be more frustration to come. It is a lot cheaper and quieter than punching your screen or screaming obscenities.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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I hear you brother and I have a feeling it has nothing to do with your machine, you have the one of the best Apple has available. I don't remember ever having this many problems when the Adobe products were purchased and owned outright on disc or stand-alone pieces of software.

By @dtrayne

Firstly, it might be the best Apple have to offer, but it's not the best out there. It's a good machine and matches performance of a lot of mid-high range processors in the Intel and AMD range.


Do you remember having this many problems before you got a Mac with their own M1 chip? Maybe that's the problem? Just a guess.


You never owned the software out right - it was always licensed. The only change is that it is a yearly fee now rather than an upfront payment. The pricing model is very sustainable for most people. 



It seems the more cash we fork out, the more frustrations and problems we have. Mo Money/Mo problems!! 

By @dtrayne

Have you spoken with Apple support - for all the cash you forked out? 



There is a good chance it is just that particualr file as I went through a similar scenario.

By @dtrayne

There is no indication it's even remotely related to the issues you faced (and were able to salvage thanks to the help from the forum of Users - who are just Adobe users like you - we do not work for Adobe.


I was able to get around this by totally uninstalling InDesign (used that Adobe Cleaner app these guys go on about)

By @dtrayne

Great to hear that you were able to fix the issue this way - it may not be the same for the OP. And this Cleaner Toll that 'these guys go on about' is a tool supplied by Adobe we are simply pointing in that direction. 

There's a whole support centre that you can use


And in the bottom right is a chat icon to get in touch with Adobe support.



If it is, try the usual fixes that are suggested in most of these threads. (IDML export, Delete preferences, Uninstall with Adobe Cleaner, etc. etc) The file got corrupted somehow, I don't why (which is part of the frustration) but it did. Clients don't care about the reason either so you just have to do whastever you can to get back on track. 

By @dtrayne

These are the usual fixes - and work well in most scenarios. 

File>Export and Choose IDML - open in InDesign and save as a new file name.

Adobe Cleaner Tool is a last resort or when multiple issues are arrising.

The other fix is to reset preferences - all mentioned already.


Corruption can occur in files from outside sources. A damaged image file supplied. A font supplied that is damaged. Or 

An unsupported colour profile, or an unsupported image compression. Files with complex compound and clipping masks - or far too many paths copy and pasted into a document. 


There are so many reasons outside of Adobe why files can get corrupted.


And while I want to remain impartial and on the fence as why these occur - I have to say - in the last year I've seen more and more people who are switching to M1 Macs and having issues. 


Yet the blame is squarely on Adobes shoulders? I suggest you take up some of the issues you're having wite the M1 Mac with Apple.


InDesign has worked perfectly well for me for over 20 years on Intel based Windows machine and also an Intel based Mac (that's about 9 years old now).


I am not upgrading to M1 Mac until all the issues are resolved. And it's absolutely a general consensus that you don't upgrade to a new platform or a new version of software until you see a lot of kinks ironed out - usually about 6 months.


However, it's been about a year since M1 Macs and the issues still persist. I will hold off on this 'amazing' mid-high end ranging machine that costs 3x the amount of a computer that performs just as well - no, better - than the M1 Macs that have so many issues.







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Oct 27, 2021 Oct 27, 2021

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Hi there,


Sorry to hear about your experience. Please make sure you have the latest version of the app & OS. You may follow the suggestions to install the latest version of Adobe InDesign 2022(v17.0) here

In addition to the suggestions shared earlier, you may also try the troubleshooting steps provided on this community post. Hope it helps.







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Explorer ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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I'm having the same problem. I've tried all of the solutions here, and nothing helps. Sometimes if there's an update to InDesign or MacOS that I haven't installed yet, it's fixed for a while if I install the update, but then it starts happening again. Support people aren't helpful. I tried using the chat, and that person thought an acceptable solution was to put all of my InDesign files on the desktop. 😞 


I no longer have any hope that Adobe is ever going to fix this problem, so I'll have to get used to not using the story editor. It's a hard habit to break. 




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Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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You're resounded to it being an Adobe issue. 

Could it be something else? Anti virus? Third Party Apps? Any plugins? Any peripherals? Anything else going on?




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New Here ,
Mar 01, 2022 Mar 01, 2022

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I am having the same problem. Very annoying. Long magazine, so I really don't want to have to redo the entire publication. Everything else seems to work, and I can (work around) strip in edits on the galleys rather than use story editor, but I've gotten used to story editor over the years. Keeps it focused, I can see my stylesheet applied.


Was on with tech support (Adobe) for two hours yesterday. We found a work around - package the file, open that version, and no further problems.


That was yesterday. The problem is back today. The same technique doesn't work. It won't save as IDML (or PDF), same was true yesterday. 


So, now more questions, and still no answers. The tech - a nice soul - suggested it might be because I'm saving routinely to the cloud (Apple's, not Abobe's Creative Cloud - lot of clouds out there...). So I backstopped by saving to a local disk.




While I appreciate perspectives and opinions on whether it's Adobe's fault, or Apple's fault, or the best system to buy etc etc, under deadline pressure I get pretty impatient with that. I'm looking for practical solutions (or tried-and-true work arounds) to a specific problem. Yes, it's nice to have lots of complex options in a way. But my shopping from now on will focus on simplicity and reliability. Just saying. My apologies for digressing. Anyway, I'm having the same problem. 2018 Mac mini, MacOS 12.2.1, ID 17.1





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Explorer ,
Mar 01, 2022 Mar 01, 2022

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This is so frustrating! I've done all of the troubleshooting steps that were suggested, updated my OS and Adobe apps, and this is still happening. Adobe Support has not been helpful at all. It's mainly in one document. We do the same publication every month, so I can't recreate it from scratch every time. I created a completely new document and it was better for a while, but now it's happening again. 




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New Here ,
Mar 01, 2022 Mar 01, 2022

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I hear you!

I'm re-doing my document now - I hope I don't face the same problem! Time
consuming, and frustrating!

Oh, well, maybe Adobe's business planners don't need customers like me.





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Contributor ,
Jun 07, 2022 Jun 07, 2022

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Glad to know I'm not alone.




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Explorer ,
Jun 09, 2022 Jun 09, 2022

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The "Correct Answer" doesn't work for me. I have been dealing with this issue for months, I've tried every solution that's been suggested, I have contacted Adobe several times, and it's still happening. It's so frustrating that no one at Adobe seems to care if their products are usable. I am so over this, I want to quit my job and open a bed & breakfast!




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 10, 2022 Jun 10, 2022

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Hi @melaniem44089580 ,


We're so sorry for all the trouble. I have arranged a call back for you and we'll try our best to assist you. I am also keeping a track of the issue and will keep you posted. 







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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2022 Jul 08, 2022

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I have been abandoned by Adobe Support, but I did find out something helpful. If I have the Control Panel open, InDesign crashes when I try to use the story editor. It's really sketchy that Adobe can't figure this out, and it's impossible to use two features of InDesign at the same time. I use the control panel a lot, and there are some things that are very difficult to do without the control panel. I'm coping, but I'm not happy about this situation. It seems like Adobe is determined to make InDesign more difficult to use. 😞




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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Hi @melaniem44089580,


We understand your concern, and we would suggest you, please submit your feedback on our InDesign UserVoice page, which will give it more visibility, and the team will look at your feedback. 


I will also make sure to share your feedback with the team.







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Explorer ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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I completely solved this problem by saving not just the file, but the template it was based on, as an IDML file. It was a lot less painful than many of the other suggestions here. Have you tried that?




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