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InDesign CS5 will not "save" or "save as"

New Here ,
May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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So I've been working on this document for about an hour and I went in to save it for the first time, which I know is bad, the "save" and "save as" buttons are grayed out. I've tried looking through the preferences, and I've tried looking through the different modes I'm in but nothing is working.

The file is a web document and there is nothing special in it, just rectangles and a picture placed from a photoshop file, which I suspect is the problem. But InDesign lets me create a new file, any type, but once I do anything to the new file I again cannot save it at all. Some other glitches have been going on too, such as the hot corners have been buggy (not working sometimes) and when I drag a rectangle, the whole document fills with the color of the rectangle, making it impossible for me to get the positioning I want.

Lastly, I've been reading about clearing the preferences' cache and other things similar to that but I don't know if that is the solution. Also I would like to try to not restart InDesign before trying other ways because I've bee working on this file for a while. But if that's the only way I can get it to be working again, I do it.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

Can you export to .idml? if you can, do it and close ID and reset the preferences, then make a new doc to test and see if you can save before trying to work withthe.idml file.

If you can't export either, you've more than likely lost you work, but there's one more really drastic thing you can try, and that's force close InDesign (use Task Manager on Windows or Force Quit on Mac), then replace the prefs and relaunch ID. You should be asked if you want to recover, but it may just happen without aski



Community Expert ,
May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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Can you export to .idml? if you can, do it and close ID and reset the preferences, then make a new doc to test and see if you can save before trying to work withthe.idml file.

If you can't export either, you've more than likely lost you work, but there's one more really drastic thing you can try, and that's force close InDesign (use Task Manager on Windows or Force Quit on Mac), then replace the prefs and relaunch ID. You should be asked if you want to recover, but it may just happen without asking. Immediately try to save again with a new name or export to .idml.

Good luck.




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New Here ,
May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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thank you so much, it worked, sorry for a slow reply.

it worked!




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May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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Which one?




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New Here ,
May 23, 2010 May 23, 2010

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i exported to ".indml"

then force quit and opened the .idml file.




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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2010 May 23, 2010

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Did you replace the prefs as well?




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New Here ,
May 23, 2010 May 23, 2010

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nope. just restarted computer after I exported to .idml and force quit.




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New Here ,
Nov 25, 2010 Nov 25, 2010

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Hi I'm having this problem right now, as in I can't save or save as and I have a deadline.....aarrrhhh.

I have exported as advised, and I will now force quit and fingers crossed...

when you say re-set the preferences what do you mean, what should I reset them as. 

I did come across this problem before and just had to lose my work, this is the second time and I can't afford to lose it again....

can I sort this for good? otherwise the software does not work.

grateful for any advice.  MANY THANKS.





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Nov 25, 2010 Nov 25, 2010

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New Here ,
Jul 11, 2010 Jul 11, 2010

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I'm having a similar problem, I start working on a .indd file, all's well, but after a while when I try to save again, it's not possible anymore. I tried the trick with resetting the preferences, but it keeps reappearing, even in the session directly after a pref reset. Anybody any ideas?

Cheers, naine




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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2010 Oct 08, 2010

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This exact same problem happened to me last night -- it was very stressful !!

But I tried the solution that was recommended here and it worked, so I'm VERY grateful for your advice here.  None of my InDesign documents could be saved -- the SAVE and SAVE AS options were both greyed back.  So I exported my main document (that I had most recently worked on and didn't want to lose) as an idml file and quit InDesign.  I then restarted my MacBook Pro, and reopened the idml file, resaved it as an indd and everything worked fine!  My other documents opened OK and could be saved, etc.

My main concern now is that I'm worried that this problem might happen again in the future.  I work for a magazine a & had only just started on the next issue, so it wouldn't be a huge deal if I lost my new work.  However, if I had had 90% of the work done and was getting it ready for the printer, I would be extremely stressed.

I'm using CS5 on my MacBook Pro -- I bought both of these within the past 2 weeks.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this problem and what users could do to prevent it from happening again?  I never had anything like this happen in CS3.






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New Here ,
Jan 11, 2011 Jan 11, 2011

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GreenDiesel-CNR wrote:

This exact same problem happened to me last night -- it was very stressful !!

But I tried the solution that was recommended here and it worked, so I'm VERY grateful for your advice here.  None of my InDesign documents could be saved -- the SAVE and SAVE AS options were both greyed back.  So I exported my main document (that I had most recently worked on and didn't want to lose) as an idml file and quit InDesign.  I then restarted my MacBook Pro, and reopened the idml file, resaved it as an indd and everything worked fine!  My other documents opened OK and could be saved, etc.

My main concern now is that I'm worried that this problem might happen again in the future.  I work for a magazine a & had only just started on the next issue, so it wouldn't be a huge deal if I lost my new work.  However, if I had had 90% of the work done and was getting it ready for the printer, I would be extremely stressed.

I'm using CS5 on my MacBook Pro -- I bought both of these within the past 2 weeks.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this problem and what users could do to prevent it from happening again?  I never had anything like this happen in CS3.



Dear Rob and others involved in this discussion. I am new to indesign and completely green. I have had Adobe Photoshop Starter edition, and I need to do the same, except I don't know whether I'd need to export to inDesign, to be able to retrieve my files. Will it work that way? Thanks for your input. I'm using windows




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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2011 Jan 11, 2011

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Are you saying you have a problem with InDesing, or with Photoshop Starter Edition?




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 11, 2011 Jan 11, 2011

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I'd expect it to happen again, again and yet again. In October 2010, I purchased new MacBookPro and invested in CS5 upgrade from CS3. I began experiencing the "can't save or save as" issue within 1 week of installing CS5. Peter's advise to export as idml provided the fix I needed the first 40 or 50 times it happened. Then every time I would attempt to export as idml or pdf (I'm a printer and constantly export pdfs to send to customers) InDesign would crash. I finally had our IT guy reinstall InDesign. It behaved nicely for a week, then the "can't save or save as" reoccurred. It would be nice if Adobe could find the problem and fix. Until then, export as idml and start again.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2011 Jan 11, 2011

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Your problem is so far from being the experience of most users it's like winning the lottery. You need to be looking at what else is running on your system that might be causing a conflct. Do you use a font manager? Many versions of Suitcase have been implicated in bad behavior, as have some third-party ID plugins. I'd check for bad fonts too, and maybe even do a virus check (yeah, they're really rare on Mac, but not impossible, and as a printer you expose yourself

to a lot of client files, I suspect, and you don't really know what sort of problems they bring with them).




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 11, 2011 Jan 11, 2011

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Font management software is Extensis Universal Type Client. UTC, CS5 and mail are only programs running when I have the problem. I have two computers - MacBookPro running CS5 and an older laptop running CS3. I have 3 designers working in CS3 and won't open customer files in CS5 because the designers would then be unable to access. Not a lot of virus exposure for CS5. I do export pdf files all the time for clients. I apologize. My reference to crashes when exporting pdf applies only to CS5 which I use at home -- at night -- working on extensive family history book. It's never happened in CS3. I was attempting to export pdf to send to cousin when crashes began. The "can't save or save as" issue has never occurred in CS3.

Universal Type Client cost approx. $1,200 -- a significant investment. If it's a problem, please advise and I'll go back to Extensis.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2011 Jan 11, 2011

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There were some issues with aplication hang (not an actual crash) exporting PDF as a background task in the initial release. Those that the engineers were able to identify have been addressed in the 7.0.3 update. Once in a while I still see the occasional report of a hang, though I have not had any myself, and those files that would consisently hang do not do so any longer when I try to reproduce the problem. Are you experincing something similar, and have you installed the 7.0.3 patch?

I don't use a font manager myself, and can only go on anecdotal evidence, but if it's possible to disable the Extensis plugins in ID and still have acess to your fonts, I would do so, at least temporarily, to see if it has an effect on behavior. If you see a change, you most certainly should contact Extensis. You might want to see if there are updates in any case.




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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2011 Jan 12, 2011

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hello Peter,

I'm guessing you were hoping not to hear from me again.  You might not remember, but I had the saving problem, managed to follow your instructions and it worked I was able to save again.... but after a week of working on a competition entry which was saving up until yesterday when it stopped right at the 11th hour ....

very stressful, i could not save and need to get to the printers and give then the file before my deadline.

i still have the doc open on my computer and will not shut down as I don't want to lose it, too much work.

So today i will try the process you recommended again.... but feel most aggrieved, this software was expensive surely we should get a re-fund r something  if I have to deal with this every time I try to create something.

you mentioned there maybe an issue with fonts?  is there something i can do to check that's not causing it... remember i'm not very computer literate and feel v. scared at the thought of deleting things, moving files etc. incase i damage something.

thanks again in anticipation of your advice.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2011 Jan 12, 2011

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Hi Emma,

Sorry to hear this has reappeared on your system as well as on Lonzo's. I find that very disturbing. For the moment, I can't offer any more suggestions for recovery than the previous method you used, which will hopefully get your project completed. As far as a refund, you'd have to take that up with customer service, and I suspect you won't have a lot of luck since more than 30 days has passed.

The bigger issue at this point is what might be causing this. What is your operating system? Do you know if you use a font manager?




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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2011 Jan 12, 2011

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thanks Peter,

I have a mac OS X

is that all the info you need re. my operating system?

sorry i don't know if i use font manager... the fonts are just there... if i would have to do anything in particular to use font manager i guess i don't.

thanks for raising the issue with adobe i hope they can get to the bottom of it.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2011 Jan 12, 2011

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Do you work for a company, or is it just you and your personal computer? if the former, you may indeed have a font manager, if the latter it's less likely (and you would probably know).

Did you get your file recovered again?




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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2011 Jan 12, 2011

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it's just me and my on laptop..

i'm doing a MA right now so my work is important though...

i haven't had the guts to try to close it down yet... i will do it tomorrow. I'd been up working on a competition submission through the last two nights as well as days so i'm super shattered... and yes the it was the last thing i needed.

will update u on progress tomorrow.  thanks or all your help and interest.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2011 Jan 12, 2011

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hang in there. I wish we could do more than offer reassurance that it will be OK...




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New Here ,
Jan 13, 2011 Jan 13, 2011

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Hi Peter,

I followed your instructions again and managed to re-open the file as a imdl and re-save !! hurraah!

thanks for your support.  I really hope we can get to the bottom of this as it's such a stress when you have so much work at stake to lose.

i'll follow the progress made.

Many thanks again.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 27, 2011 Jan 27, 2011

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Hi All,

Just to add to this thread - more data for you...

I just had this issue.  In addition to the inability to save, I noticed three other elements:

  1. Attempting to move a line segment (on a secondary layer) I noticed the position report (the delta x/delta y) in the info box indicating that the segment was moving at a rate of ~.25 inches/second - even though it clearly wasn't.  I noticed some display artifacts, too, like the selection indicator on the segment blinking, and the tooltip with the position/deltas flashing.  Weird.
  2. I noticed that when I moved an object (a placed image) there was no Undo available.  'Cause, you know, like everyone else I'll move things around and then try to move them back... but I couldn't do that either.
  3. In my case, all I did to fix my particular problem was not-save the document and restart InDesign.  I also had Illustrator open at the time, as I was placing Illustrator files in my InDesign document and I also quit AI just in case. 

Things seem fine now.  No lasting issues.  Save/Save-As and Undo all work.

(Mac OS (fully updated), CS5 (ditto), and using FontExplorer Pro.  No errors reported in the system log from ID at the time I experienced this problem, though there are lots of complaints from AI...  I hope this might help.




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