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InDesign CS6 Runtime error

Sep 13, 2012 Sep 13, 2012

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When installing InDesign CS6 on a 32-bit Windows 7 PC, opening the file gives the following error message:


Half a year ago or so I was told that this problem was acknowledged, but none of the updates has fixed it. The same holds true, but the way, for the Photoshop and Illustrator, which came with the Design Suite.

  The only way to get the programs to "run" is  "Open as Administrator," but several features don't work right. For instance, files cannot be dragged in.

  Is there any chance this problem is being addressed??




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Hi there!

I still have exactly the same problem on Windows 7 64bit and it does apply to several Creative Suite products, not just InDesign. Unfortunately, after issuing a support request, Adobe refused to flag this as a bug, so I doubt this rather critical issue will be resolved anytime soon. Overall, very disappointing, especially considering the costs of the Creative Suite.

Encountered problems

  • InDesign
    • Can only be launched in administrator mode, otherwise throws a runtime error
    • In administrator mode, files cannot be opened by double-clicking them or dragging them into the application
  • Photoshop
    • Copy + paste vectors from Illustrator does not work unless you run Photoshop as administrator
    • In administrator mode, files cannot be opened by double-clicking them or dragging them into the application (same as InDesign)
  • Flash Player
    • Fails to run any update, and says it requires administrator privileges. Still, just exists patch routine instead of requesting these privileges

Cause of the problem

I have a rather common system setup with an SSD as primary disc, which has a rather limited space though (60GB). Thus, I am installing applications to drive D: and have moved the Windows TEMP directory to that disc as well. For whatever reason (unlike older versions), Creative Suite 6 does not make use of the Windows %TMP% or %TEMP% environment variable and thus throws all sorts of errors related to not being able to store temporary files. Adobe support refused to see this as a bug, because that is an "non-standard" system setup. Which is a ridiculous reasoning, considering the TEMP directory uses an environment variable for a reason...




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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I activated and deactivated the CS6 Design Suite several times in order to try it on other 32-bit computers, both laptops and high-end desktops. In all cases, the results were the same. I have to wonder how this skipped the beta-testing process. Surely someone noticed this was happening with the major items in the suite...




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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I coach the student newspaper a the local community college. ID runs just fine there on 32-bit Windows 7.




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Could it be that the Suite is the problem? Or failing that, the fact that InDesign CS3 is still on the computer (as it is needed)? In any case, there are enough of us with the problem to ask Adobe to analyze the cause of it. For the past weeks we have wanted  to buy 2 more licenses for our Institute, but are afraid to move until this is resolved.




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Our college has the design and web suite package. No legacy versions, but I doubt very much that would be an issue. Each version installs separately.

I run Suites from CS3 through CS6 together in my office on Win 7, but the 64 bit version. Indesign, though is a 32-bit app, so I'm not sure it makes a difference.




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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I have CS2, 3 and 6 on my 64-bit machine and everything works perfectly, just as it should. But what do you think is causing the problems on our 32-bit computers?




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Sep 17, 2012 Sep 17, 2012

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I don't really have an answer for why it doesn't work. I didn't set up the machines at school, and the IT dept. there does some pretty weird stuff sometimes. I do know that all users have admin privileges (that's not new for them), and that they had to abandon remote profiles on the network when they moved to Windows 7 from XP.

It's not clear to me if you are in a heavily networked environment trying to have multiple users work with ID, or if it's just you. Is ID installed locally on each machine?




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Mostly, this kinds of error can be caused by two factors:

  1. 1.Runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries are missing.

you can reinstall the Runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries to resolve the problem.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)


For your convenience:

Clean Boot


  1. 1. Click Start, type "MSCONFIG" (without the quotations) in the Search Bar and Press "Enter" to start the System Configuration Utility.
  2. 2. Click the "Services" tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services" box and click "Disable All" (if it is not gray).
  3. 3. Click the "Startup" tab, click "Disable All" and click "OK".
  4. 4. Restart the computer and test the issue.

Note: Clean Boot is a troubleshooting step. If some programs have been disabled, we can re-enable them later. If you see the System Configuration Utility, check the box of "Don't show this message" and then click "OK".

Please monitor the system in the Clean Boot environment. If the problem does not occur, it indicates that the problem is related to one application or service we have disabled. You may use the MSCONFIG tool again to re-enable the disabled item one by one to find out the culprit.




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Forget to add the second factor ;-

Permissions  :-

You wrote ,

JWH-NIRC wrote:

  The only way to get the programs to "run" is  "Open as Administrator," but several features don't work right. For instance, files cannot be dragged in.

This is making me believe to be a a user account specific issue wherein you do not permission to access the required files or use the proper memory-dump.

Please also follow the Kb as it may also help ;-





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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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I am not sure I was able to parse the English properly, but I will at least try part of the solution you recommend.

   Incidentally,there is only one user registered and have full Administrative privileges.




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Does he face the same issue too ?




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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It's me.




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Sep 16, 2012 Sep 16, 2012

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Ohhhh...........I though you are working on a shared computer enviorment.

On Windows 7 there is a hidden admin account similar to root user account on Mac which indeed has full control.

You are the only user with the admin account that will not provide the complete permission to access all the resources , there will be a limitation from the Windows OS on it internally.

That's why i said , follow http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/troubleshoot-c-runtime-error s-products.html

and  reinstall the Runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries

Uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) from Control panel and then install it from

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9B2DA534-3E03 -4391-8A4D-074B9F2BC1BF&displ...




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Sep 17, 2012 Sep 17, 2012

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I already tried your suggested method, but unfortunately it did not work. For me, the reproducible issue remains that the Windows TEMP directory is on drive D: (because the primary SSD does not provide enough space). When I create a new user for instance, the problem ceases. But when I change the TEMP folder for that user, all the Adobe apps break again.




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Sep 17, 2012 Sep 17, 2012

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Your setup is not common ,installing the application on the different drive is done by various users and should work but having the TEMP folder on the D:/ itself , hmmmmm........I have to think

What if you change the location of the TEMP folder under the Enviormental Variable and make it default for the D:/ ,where it is actually present

What if you move the TEMP folder back to C:/ and then check , does applications run fine then.

Have you just moved the TEMP folder to D:\ or have moved the complete user profile on the D:\ ?

What was the method you used to move the User Profile (if done) on the D:/ ?

Hard to say it will work in this particular setup with restricted permission on User accout and that to with the TEMP folder and may be user account on different drive all together , but please answer the above question I will see what can be done.




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Sep 17, 2012 Sep 17, 2012

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Thanks for the reply!

To answer your questions:

  • Changing the environment variable is what I actually did from the beginning, otherwise no temporary files would be stored to D:
  • If I change the environment variable for TEMP back to "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp" (the default directory), all Adobe apps behave normal again
  • The user profile still resides in its original spot, I did change the location of the libraries to D: though (documents, photos, videos and music)

I can pretty safely say that it is all related to the TEMP environment variable. It seems to me that the glitching apps may use some hardcoded folders instead of using the system's environment variables. CS3 and CS4 did not have the problem. I can't say whether that issue was present in CS5 though, since I skipped that version.




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Sep 17, 2012 Sep 17, 2012

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Ok , I will test it out tomorrow on my machine and if able to replicate then will file the bug.




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Sep 17, 2012 Sep 17, 2012

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argosy_ops42 wrote:

  • If I change the environment variable for TEMP back to "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp" (the default directory), all Adobe apps behave normal again
  • The user profile still resides in its original spot, I did change the location of the libraries to D: though (documents, photos, videos and music)

So what drive is the user profile on? I moved my profiles to the D: drive (which in my case is a data drive -- I don't use an SSD and I install all the programs on C: along with the OS) because I back that one up every night and I don't want to lose what's in the profiles if for some reason I need to rebuild the system from an out of date image (I only image the system drive once a week).




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Sep 18, 2012 Sep 18, 2012

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@Peter: the profile itself resides in its default location on C: (C:\Users\ubisoft), which means that the AppData directory, contacts folder and others are present in that location. Only the libraries (documents, music, videos and photos) have been moved to D:. This can be done easily by right-clicking on the folder, selecting its properties and browsing to the tab "path". There you can move the library to any spot, in my case "D:\Users\ubisoft\Music" for instance. I'm not aware that there is any safe way to move the entire profile including its AppData folder around in Windows 7.




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Sep 18, 2012 Sep 18, 2012

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I set mine up when I installed Windows 7 about a year ago (and I don't recall that it was difficult at all -- I didn't use an unattended install, so it might have been the method here: http://www.windows7hacker.com/index.php/2009/05/how-to-change-user-profile-default-location-in-windo...). It's also possible to move a user profile AFTER it's set up using NTFS Junction Points, which seems a bit more complex, but may well be the only option once you've got a user established. You'll find plenty of information and directions for doing the move if you google move user profile to another drive Windows 7.




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Sep 18, 2012 Sep 18, 2012

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I have been following this exchange for the past days, but everything seems to be about "workarounds," some of which requires a lot more savvy than the ordinary user can call on. IF indeed there are users with problems running CS6 on 32-bit computers that are not caused by oddities particular to their configurations, then it seems to me that Adobe should make a "fix" available that an ordinary user can implement. In our case, the majority of PCs at the University are still 32-bit.




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Sep 18, 2012 Sep 18, 2012

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What workarounds are you seeing? I suggested to Argosy-ops42 that he should move his user profile, but I don't think that's a workaround, it's the right thing to do to make his sytem work the way he wants. His situation is very differnt from yours, I think.

Have you opened a support case with Adobe? I would imagine your school has a support contract.




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Sep 27, 2012 Sep 27, 2012

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It must be my stupidity that is the case of the problem here. I have no idea how to change the location of the "user profile." I am assuming you are referring to the whole Windows 7 profile, not to that of InDesign, but even so, I need to have my hand held.

   Since my last message I uninstalled CS6 and reinstalled it on a clean 32-bit machine (one that has no Adobe products installed) with only one use, the Administrator, but the results where the same.




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Sep 28, 2012 Sep 28, 2012

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Moving the user profile was directed at argosy_ops42. I think your issue is different, but I have to run out for an hour or so. I'll be back...




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