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InDesign Window Stuck on Second Monitor - Unable to Move or Resize Properly

Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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This problem just popped up today. I've been using Indesign since 2001, so a long time user and familiar with how it works.

Indesign was updated 18 days ago, so I doubt it was related to anything in the update.

I have two monitors: 43 inch 4k TV and a 23 inch monitor.

The issue is this: I made the indesign window moveable and moved it to the 2nd monitor. Suddenly the window is like glued to the right side and I can't move it back to the left. I can resize the window using the left side of the window left or right, but the right side is absolutely glued to the right and it is so far right that I can't see much of the window.

I changed the display settings of Windows to use only one monitor (the 43 inch), but it's the same issue.

In order to get back to something I can use, I have to restart Indesign and trash the user preferrences (CTRL-ALT-SHIFT). Then if I keep indesign in full screen mode, it works ok, but I can't change to a moveable indesign window or the problem starts all over again. BIG PROBLEM!

I have uninstalled Indesign, restarted the computer, and reinstalled it; but the problem is still there.

Maybe if I reinstall Windows from scratch, this might fix it? As far as I know, my copy of Windows hasn't been updated for some time, so maybe this is a virus problem. I have no idea, but I need to fix it asap. Any ideas?

I've never seen this issue in Indesign before for 23 years.



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Community Beginner , Jan 22, 2025 Jan 22, 2025

Looks like you guys fixed it with the newest update you put out in the last 24hrs as 20.1 no longer has this issue on single screens or dual screens that 20.0 or 20.0.1 had.


But just so you have the information for if this becomes and issue again, I'm on windows 11 with no special desktop management software. I could drag the window to lock into one of the preset setups that windows 11 has but could not drag the window around freely. One of the weirdest things was that If I had it locked to the



Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Thanks




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Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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I very much doubt this is virus-related at all; there are enough window-management-related preferences that it is mroe likely that this is merely a UI glitch, likely deriving from the InDesign preferences meeting up with Windows UI stuff.


When your InDesign window is glommed onto the hidden right edge of the window, can you move it around by using the Windows key + arrow keys? I've found that InDesign isn't the only app I have that has a hard time with this feature, but there are a few older apps I use that can't tell where the edge of the window is actually located. When I try to do those window-management tricks that Windows offers, like Win + up arrow to maximize, or WIn + right arrow to glom onto the right window edge, InDesign can't tell and winds up mostly offscreen. 


Win + up arrow is "maximize window" and that usually brings InDesign back into the visible screen space, for me. 




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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Thanks. Yes, the indesign window does respond to the Win+arrow keys: Win + up arrow maximizes, W+left gloms the window to the left, W+right> gloms the window to the right; however, it should not be "glomming" onto anything! I've never had this issue in 23 years of using this app. I want to be able to move the window wherever I need it, not being stuck to one side or the other. Why is this happening? Any ideas?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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Well, this is a Windows feature, not an InDesign feature, and I wonder how you have managed to avoid it for so long. It's called Snap (or "Aero Snap") and it's not hard to turn off in Settings. Here's a Windows 10 guide if you need one; I expect that the settings in WIndows 11 would be similar, but just different enough to require a different howto. 


What's odd, here, is that it's happening every time you maximize the InDesign window. Also odd that you can't simply grab it off the side it's been glommed onto, as the default behavior is to turn it into a free-floating window the minute you grab it. It really sounds like something wrong with Windows, except for the fact that you don't report programs besides InDesign exhibiting this behavior. 


Not really sure how that's happening, but it shouldn't matter if you simply want to turn the feature off globally. I've come to find it useful (if I have a very wide monitor, it's easy to side-by-side compare two documents in different apps, controlled entirely from the keyboard) but it took me years to come around on that. So probably turning off Aero Snap is your fastest way to keep this from happening again. 




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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Thanks Joel.

I did turn off snapping in Windows 10, but it still does the same thing. It did not fix this problem; so apparently it is not a Windows 10 problem. As far as I know, all drivers are up to date, so not sure what else I can do. I have also reset the Adobe workspace, and that did not help.

You didn't state the issue correctly. Using Win+up arrow, I can maximize the Adobe ID window, which is great, because it is a work around for this problem.

But the problem comes which I try to make Adobe ID a moveable window; then it gloms to the right or left side of the screen, and about 1/2 of the window is hidden off the screen (in both situations).

The Adobe ID window cannot be dragged and moved where I want it now. Thanks to the first answer above, I can now use Win+up arrow to maximize the screen and get to work; but I really need moveable windows again.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 04, 2024 Nov 04, 2024

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The one keystroke you didn't mention would be the Win+down arrow shortcut, which should restore your window to its non-maximized, free-floating state. I'm guessing that doesn't work, right? 


If I have this straight:

  • You've turned off Aero Snap and it still snaps to an edge, and you can't pull it off manually
  • Resetting your workspace doesn't change anything (it ought to remember your window settings)
  • Resetting your preferences does fix it, until the next time you attempt to restore your window to a free-floating state


This reminds me of issues I had the last time I seriously tried to use InDesign in a multi-monitor setup, and there were things I simply couldn't fix about the setup without a third party app. But this was maybe eight years ago, and in macOS, so my solutions from that era wouldn't be relevant here. 


Here are a couple of threads that have some possible kinda-grasping-at-straws-here fixes for you:





Scanning those threads makes me wonder if you have the Application Frame turned on? 




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New Here ,
Nov 03, 2024 Nov 03, 2024

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Sometimes, InDesign's window positioning can get stuck due to display configuration changes. Before reinstalling Windows, try a few steps:

  1. Reset Workspace: Go to Window > Workspace and select Reset [your workspace name]. This can help reset layout quirks without affecting preferences.
  2. Windows Display Settings: In Display Settings, adjust scaling or rearrange monitor positions to see if it frees up the InDesign window.
  3. Graphic Drivers: Update your graphics driver, as it might affect multi-monitor setups.
  4. Tutorials: Check out tutorials on resetting and troubleshooting InDesign's window management. For more resources, you can also {removed by moderator]for helpful tips and guides.

If the issue persists, it might be worth exploring a fresh InDesign preferences reset or reaching out to Adobe support. Hopefully, this resolves the issue without needing a full OS reinstall!




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New Here ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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I'm having the exact same issue, except the window is stuck to the bottom left corner of the left monitor (primary monitor of my 2 displays). Infuriating. Not happening with the other Adobe apps (Photoshop, Illustrator), just Indesign.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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Restart Indesign and trash the user preferrences: press (CTRL-ALT-SHIFT) immediately as it is starting up.

This will at least get your display (I believe) back to full screen.

I've given up on fixing this problem. I have two monitors and I am unable to move the Indesign window from one to the other monitor, no matter what.

Hit "Windows"+UpArrow to make ID go to full screen.

If the window is on the wrong monitor, use display settings in Windows (I assume that's what you are using) to only use the monitor that you want ID to be on and set that monitor as the only one. Then use Windows+UpArrow to make it go to full screen. Then you can reset display settings to turn on your other monitor and it should not go back to the other monitor.

This is a huge pain, isn't it! I hope Adobe figures this out soon. Take care




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New Here ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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I am able to get it to go full screen, just can't move it to where I want when I hit restore.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 12, 2024 Nov 12, 2024

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Hi @Wil31869212j6i2,


Thank you for sharing the details and video preview regarding your issue. To better assist you, could you please provide the following information:

1. Which version of InDesign are you currently using?
2. What version of Windows is installed on your system?
3. Are you using multiple virtual desktops in Windows? This could affect how windows behave across monitors.


To troubleshoot further, please try the following steps:

1. Launch Windows in Safe Mode to see if the issue persists. This can help determine if a background application or driver is causing conflicts. Here’s how to start in Safe Mode: [Start your PC in Safe Mode](https://adobe.ly/40CAOFQ).

2. Create a new admin user account and check if the issue occurs in that profile. This can rule out profile-specific settings causing the problem. Here’s a guide for creating a new account: [Manage User Accounts](https://adobe.ly/40CAPto).


Let me know how these steps work for you or if any additional details emerge.


Abhishek Rao




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2024 Nov 13, 2024

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I'm not sure which one you are asking, but here's mine:

Adobe Indesign 20.0

Device name DESKTOP-T0VPV7I
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable)
Device ID 13FCAFE8-F0DA-4B67-A599-348DDD3A2A88
Product ID 00330-80000-00000-AA666
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

No virtual windows; just two monitors: 43 inch 4k TV, 23inch monitor.

I will try your suggestions when I have time.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 23, 2024 Nov 23, 2024

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I found another work around for this problem.

So the Indesign window gets stuck on display #1 (along with the glitches previously described) and cannot be manually moved to display #2 by either dragging it or by using Win+arrow key. This is a point that I brushed over on previous posts, because it didn't occur to me at the time.

So if you want to put the ID window on your second display, change the display settings in Windows to make the second display the primary display and the first display the secondary. If you're like me, that's not an ideal arrangement, but for the sake of getting work done, it helps to resolve the problem temporarily.

Once that setting is changed, then make the ID window full screen (Win+arrow up) and use your secondary display as you wish. 

Also, I am going to upgrade to Win 11 soon anyway because Win 10 is going away. I have a feeling that this problem might go away also, but I don't know. Is anyone having this issue on Win 11 with ID? Would like to know. Thank you.

I wonder if maybe Microsoft is already starting to slack off on fixing bugs in advance of when they stop supporting Win 10 next year. Maybe that's why we are seeing this problem.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 25, 2024 Nov 25, 2024

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Hi @defaulth80fkinv2pe3,


Thank you for the update and sharing your workaround! It's great to hear you've found a temporary solution by switching the primary and secondary displays. While it's not ideal, it's certainly a helpful way to get work done in the meantime.

Regarding your question about Windows 11, it's possible that some issues present in Windows 10 may be resolved in the new version. However, since you're planning to upgrade soon, I recommend keeping an eye on how the issue behaves post-upgrade. Many users report that some bugs related to multi-monitor setups are often addressed with newer updates.

If you do upgrade to Windows 11 and the issue persists, please feel free to reach out, and we can continue troubleshooting together. I'll also be interested to know if others have faced similar issues on Windows 11.


Best of luck with the upgrade, and let me know if you need any further assistance!



Abhishek Rao




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New Here ,
Nov 29, 2024 Nov 29, 2024

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I have a similar issue ID version 2025 (20.0.1 latest update), but has been happening since the 2025 version.
With the program window sized to about half the screen, I can't move it over, it just snaps back where it was. I can size it, just can't move it.
I don't use Windows snap and it's only happening with ID.
I have 2 monitors, but only use one.
This is super annoying and really hoping for a fix soon.
Thanks so much for listening 🙂





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 29, 2024 Nov 29, 2024

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Thanks for your post. Are you using Win10 or something else?





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Nov 29, 2024 Nov 29, 2024

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Windows 11





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 02, 2024 Dec 02, 2024

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Hi @Joan31479116em8k,


Thanks for sharing the details. Could you please try running your system in Safe Mode and check if the issue persists? Here’s how: Start your PC in Safe Mode.

Additionally, could you share the make and model of your monitor? Also, please confirm if other Creative Cloud applications like Illustrator and Photoshop are working fine without similar issues.

Looking forward to your update!


Abhishek Rao




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New Here ,
Dec 03, 2024 Dec 03, 2024

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I was not able to open ID in Safe Mode -- couldn't verify account.
I tried disabling each monitor and had it set to use only one, and the issue was the same whether it was the laptop monitor or my larger monitor, Dell U2422H.
It only happens in ID, not the others.






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 03, 2024 Dec 03, 2024

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Hi @Joan31479116em8k,  


Thank you for the update and for testing the monitors. Since Safe Mode didn’t work, could you try the following steps to resolve the issue?  

1. Reset InDesign Preferences:  
   - Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or Command + Option + Shift (Mac) while launching InDesign.  
   - A prompt will appear asking if you want to delete your preferences-click Yes. 
   This will restore InDesign to its default settings and might resolve the issue. Reference

2. Create a New User Profile:  
   - Try creating a new user profile on your system and check if InDesign works fine under the new profile.  
   - Here’s how to:




Let me know how these steps work for you, or if the issue persists, we can explore other troubleshooting methods.  


Abhishek Rao 




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New Here ,
Dec 03, 2024 Dec 03, 2024

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reset prefs didn't help and I don't want to create a new user.
I should also mention that I have Recosoft PDF2ID plugin installed. And it takes a while to set it up so i don't want to try removing it.
Thanks for your help, I'll just deal with it




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 03, 2024 Dec 03, 2024

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Hi @Joan31479116em8k,


Thank you for letting me know. Since resetting preferences didn’t help and creating a new user isn’t an option, the issue might be related to the Recosoft PDF2ID plugin.

Could you try temporarily disabling the plugin to test if this is causing the issue. 

If the issue resolves after disabling the plugin, you may want to reach out to Recosoft support for further assistance.


Let me know if you’d like any additional guidance!


Abhishek Rao




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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2024 Dec 04, 2024

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Removing PDF2ID did not help. Also, one coworker has the same issue as me, and the other coworker does not (same computers, same Adobe products, but different 2nd monitors). I would think if it was a Windows setting, that more than just ID would be affected.




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 04, 2024 Dec 04, 2024

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Hello @Joan31479116em8k,


Thank you for the update. I understand how puzzling this issue must be, especially when similar setups yield different results. I’ve attempted to reproduce the issue on my end, but I was unable to encounter the same behavior.

Could you please share a screen recording of the issue? This will help us observe the exact workflow and pinpoint any potential triggers. Additionally, it would be helpful if you could include details about the following:

  1. The specific actions leading up to the issue.
  2. Whether the problem occurs consistently or intermittently.
  3. Any other differences between the setups of the coworker experiencing the issue and the one who isn’t (e.g., monitor configurations or specific external hardware).

Once we have this information, we’ll do our best to assist you further. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!


Abhishek Rao




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