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I'm trying to change the dimensions of the second page in my indesign document so it's a custom size, but not having any luck. Is it even possible. What would be the method?
Hi @davidn5918184 , Look at the page resize() method:
var p = app.activeDocument.pages[1],
w = 400,
h = 700;
//the resize method expects points unless you set the 6th parameter to true, which uses ruler units
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Hi @davidn5918184 , Look at the page resize() method:
var p = app.activeDocument.pages[1],
w = 400,
h = 700;
//the resize method expects points unless you set the 6th parameter to true, which uses ruler units
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Awesome, thank you!
var secondPage = app.activeDocument.pages[1];
var newWidth = 1080;
var newHeight = 1920;
// Resize the second page
secondPage.resize(CoordinateSpaces.INNER_COORDINATES, AnchorPoint.CENTER_ANCHOR, ResizeMethods.REPLACING_CURRENT_DIMENSIONS_WITH, [newWidth, newHeight], true);
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Hello @rob day
I recently tried to do the same operation, but the values are still treated as points by InDesign. However, the ruler units are already in millimeters. Do you have an idea?
app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.PAGE_ORIGIN;
var W = 210;
var H = 297;
var Var_1 = CoordinateSpaces.INNER_COORDINATES;
var Var_2 = AnchorPoint.TOP_LEFT_ANCHOR;
Masters[2].pages[0].layoutRule = LayoutRuleOptions.OFF;
Masters[2].pages[0].resize(Var_1, Var_2, Var_3, [W, H], false, true);
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Not sure. There is this from the page, which seems to imply the parameter might not work for page resizingâparameter has no effect unless the reference point is specified relative to a page
You might have to convert points to MM, something like this:
var p = app.activeDocument.pages[0]
w = 210
h = 297
var m = 2.834646
p.resize (CoordinateSpaces.INNER_COORDINATES, AnchorPoint.CENTER_ANCHOR, ResizeMethods.REPLACING_CURRENT_DIMENSIONS_WITH,[w*m,h*m])
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It's probablymore straightforward to use UnitValue:
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Well dang, yeah that's convenient.
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You can also set your script preferences.
app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnits.POINTS;
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Hi @davidn5918184 , I think @Deleted User wants the new page dimensions to be resized to 210 x 297 millimeters not points. The resize() method uses points even when I set the scripting preferencs to millimeters. The 6th paramter, consideringRulerUnits, doesnât seem to work when the resize object is a page.
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Yes. Indeed, this statement from the API seems inaccurate: If true then a ruler location is interpreted using ruler units rather than points. Thank you for taking a look.
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(âŚ) The 6th paramter, consideringRulerUnits, doesnât seem to work when the resize object is a page.
The parameter consideringRulerUnits (in every method that supports it) only concerns the location or origin of the transformation (cf. Syntax of a Location), that is, the from parameter in the case of the resize() method.
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Maybe if the resize() method only uses points you could convert. So 72 points in an inch, 25.4mm in an inch, 72/25.4 = 2.834646. You could try Var W = 210; Var H = 297; Var P =2.834646; and then convert Var WP = W * P, and Var WH = H * P.
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I used UnitValue as @Peter Kahrel advised and it works well. I notice that resized pages lose vertical alignment with adjacent pages from the same spread. The origin point is set to SPREAD_ORIGIN. The bounds property of the page object is read-only. How can I realign these pages to 0, or better, avoid this shift?
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Have you tried setting the AnchorPoint to TOP_CENTER_ANCHOR?
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The problem seems solved with CENTER_ANCHOR.