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I have CS5. I'm working on a multipage document in InDesign and I want to bring in a multipage PDF document into that InDesign document. For some reason, when I do File>Place, it brings in the first page of the PDF (with perfect formatting) but the other pages do not come in. Is there some other setting that I'm missing to capture all pages of the PDF to transfer into the same number of pages in my InDesign document?
1 Correct answer
Hi all,
See (https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign/place-a-multipage-pdf-in-indesign/td-p/11343293 ) for a consolidated list of scripts and solutions to place multipage PDF in InDesign. Try the solutions and let us know if you still need assistance.
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When you choose File > Place, in the Place dialog box, check Choose Import Options. Then you'll be presented with a screen where you can choose the pages to place.
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thank you for the solution!
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Thank you thank you!!
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It's easy to miss that in the 'file open' dialog box there may be additional options, some of which are rather important - particularly if you're used to most software on Windows which never has any extra options there (don't know about Macs).
Top tip.
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Awesome shortcut! Thanks Steve.
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Thanks Steve!!
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GArshamA wrote:
[...] Is there some other setting that I'm missing to capture all pages of the PDF to transfer into the same number of pages in my InDesign document?
No, there is no such option. Steve's suggestion does pop up a dialog so you can select page 2, page 3, etc. -- and even "all" -- but InDesign does not create the pages for you, as it does with text.
Use Scott Zanelli's script for this: http://indesignsecrets.com/zanelli-releases-multipageimporter-for-importing-both-pdf-and-indd-files....

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there IS such an option
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Read the OP's question:
Is there some other setting that I'm missing to capture all pages of the PDF to transfer into the same number of pages in my InDesign document?
(my emphasis). Now please point out where you see that option in the dialog ...
Scott's script is the best way to do this.

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You can load your cursor with All Pages as shows above by tman, then just click to place... either in a frame or to margins (depends what you're doing I guess). Make sure you have set frame fitting options first.
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this question has been discussed to death on this forum... search the forum.
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Is there no way to bring all pages in at one time or do I need to click 69 times if there are 69 pages?
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There's a link to a script in response #2. Use it.
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To place multiple pages in Indesign effortlessly
Step 1: Go to file>>New>>Document, Fill in the number of pages and first page. (Do not mix up the number
of pages and the first page boxes). Also if you want single pages, uncheck the facing pages and
check the single page (make sure only one of these is checked)
Step 2: From Window (on the Tools Bar) go to Utilities>>Scripts
Step 3: In the appearing panel,Click Applications> then scripts>>then javascripts.
Step 4: Under javascripts scroll down to "placemultiplePDFpages and double-click it.
Step 5: In the appearing "choose File box" search for the pdf you want to place in Indesign and clck open.
You will see a message"place pdf in new document. Click OK, Followed by another OK( message
Indesign document) and relax to enjoy watching the placement being done for you automatically.
You do not have even have to touch the mouse.
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To place multiple pages in Indesign effortlessly (Using Applescript)
Step 1: Go to file>>New>>Document, Fill in the number of pages and Start page. (Do not mix up the number
of pages and the Start page boxes). Also if you want single pages, uncheck the facing pages and
check the Primary Test Frame (make sure only one of these is checked)
Step 2: From Window (on the Tools Bar) go to Utilities>>Scripts
Step 3: In the appearing panel,Click Applications> then scripts>>then Applescripts
Step 4: Under Applescripots scroll down to "placemultipagePDF.applescript and double-click it.
Step 5: In the appearing "choose File box" search for the pdf you want to place in Indesign and clck open.
You will see a message"Place pdf " Start page (enter start page and Click OK,
Relax to enjoy watching the placement being done for you automatically.
You do not even have to touch the mouse.
About using either the applescript or javascript: The applescript produced single pages, but the javascript
produced facing pages, even though the same settings were selected in Step 1. There might have been
some computer sensitivity.
A. A. Frempong
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Scott Zanelli's script is the best option. Create a new doc with at least one page in it. Run the script (see link above), fill in the right settings (where to start, offset left or right, transparent background ...) and click run. I use it to place sometime 300 pages in to a file. takes me less that one minute.
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I agree with Gert here. While the placemultiplePDFpages script that ships with ID will perform the task, Scott Zanelli's script goes above and beyond, letting users:
- place in logical or reverse page order;
- Allow the PDFs (or INDD pages) to either fit to page or scale proportionally to a user-entered amount;
- Choose the alignment point of the incoming files based on a 9-point proxy that can be rotated or offset;
- Choose the desired area box to use (trim, media, crop, bleed, art)
- Allows the incoming files to import onto their own layer

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Thank you for explaining specifically why this is the superior method.
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My fear is that an abode's customer relations or QA will read this thread and think to themselves "Well that problem is solved, no need to do anything about that" instead of "holy crap, this is a glaring omission from our software that is inconveniencing many and a couple of people have put together solutions in their bedrooms over a weekend why didn't we solve this 8 years ago?"
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Thank you! Thank you! I used to do this in CS5 and hadn't been able to find it or figure it out in CS6. This will save me some time.
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Perfect! I owe you an hour of my life that this would have taken me to do manually.
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Zanelli's script is light-years better than the one that ships in the samples. Used it myself two days ago to do a 4-up layout of a quarter-page format directory.
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<Removed by Moderator>worte:
To place multiple pages in Indesign effortlessly
Step 1: Go to file>>New>>Document, Fill in the number of pages and first page.
Good one but Creating a New Document and fill pages this is ridiculous. Just open up the Script dialog box (Press Ctrl+Alt+F11) and choose "PlaceMultiPagesPDF" and double click on it with no document open, no creating a new document.
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Brilliant! Worked perfectly on a 136 page document.