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I think InDesign publishing is a great, low-key way to publish a document with a little bit of animation and some easy to digest analytics. Many customers like this approach. BUT for the last two documents I have published I cannot consistently see the analytics. It's all over the place. One day it will work, the next it won't. Once it displayed stats I knew were wrong and after cliking on the icon again, new stats appeared. Why would it need a refresh after just taking 15 minutes to load!!! With your fees going up and up at a time when the design community is being squeezed harder and harder, now is not the time to devalue your products. Please, please sort it out. Many thanks.
Thank you for reaching out. Documents published from InDesign 19.0 onwards will no longer support integrated analytics from the dashboard. You can integrate Google Analytics for document insights. For more information, please check this article.
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Hi Vanessa,
We're sorry to hear about your experience. I'll check with the product team about this and will update here.
Would you mind sharing the name of the browser you are using to check the Publish Online dashboard? Have you tried checking it on a different browser?
Looking forward to your response.
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Hello Ashutosh
I have tried 'Publish Online dashboard' in both Safari and Chrome, same
problem with both. My internet connection is high speed so I know it's not
Many thanks
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Any update on this?
I have the same problem and have tried it on safari, chrome, and firefox...
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Same problem i think ... the data never refreshes. Chrome and Safari checked.
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Same here. The data never loads.
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I agree I have the same issue. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. This is a great tool, If it would only work all the time. I don't want to have to purchase another software to be able to get the same thing I already pay for... Really disapointet ....
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Hi Ashutosh,
I swap between Crome and Safari to check the dashboard, with the same issue on both. Sometimes it works but mostly it doesn't. I have had this issue for at least two years and each time I try it I kick myself for thinking the issue may have been solved. A quick search of the forums shows how many Adobe users are having the same issue. If I am logged into my Adobe account, there should be no reason that I can't access the Publish Dashboard data.
I hope you can shed some light on this issue for all of us.
Many thanks
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And i have the problem, i dont think Adobe is going to fix this issue
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I also have this issue 10/14/21
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Oddly enough, I contacted Adobe Support, and while I was on the line suddenly my analytics started working. It was right after I tried to load Adobe's screen share software, which didn't load BTW because of the corporate firewall on my side. But it seems like too much of a coincidence that something attempting to get through a firewall happened just prior to my Publication Analytics magically and suddenly starts working. I'm not blaming Adobe or my company. I'm just wondering if this issue that seems to be so wide-spread and random is not being caused by end-user firewalls. Just a thought.
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I have the same issue (5 Jan 2022), tried all browers still loading very slow if not at all. It is clear after all these comments that Adobe is not willing to fix this... too bad
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I've spent some time on this today as it was really annoying me. So, this is what I did to fix the issue...
1. Update all apps through the Creative Cloud App
2. Update OS to latest version
3. Open the Creative Cloud App and sign out
4. Reboot system
5. Reopen CC app and sign back in
6. Issue was fixed.
Hope this helps everyone.
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Thanks for the tip. Will try and see if it works. I do keep all my apps and OS up to date, but I haven't tried the singing out, rebooting, signing in aspect of your fix.
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I have the same problem and it has been ongoing for YEARS! So frustrating
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Same here, I've tried Chrome and Firefox and it hasn't worked for years. It is quite annoying to say the least
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Here we go again...
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I have given up using it, so diassapointing.
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Hi kjankowski,
did you see that little message at the bottom of the Dashboard that says:
"Publication Analytics displayed has a lag of approximately 90 minutes" ?
I wonder if we must wait for about 90 minutes to see a result for analytics with any Publish Online project…
FWIW: I see the same as you when I click "Analytics".
Firefox on Windows 10.
Went back to the Dashboard after writing this all above and taking a screenshot.
Now I see my analytics. Took about two to three minutes to show up.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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Hi Uwe
I have tried the waiting game many, many times. It is erratic at best, bust normally doesn't work for me. Regardless waiting hours for any data to appear is not usable in my opinion. If it's only 3 minutes for you, then I am jealous!
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Here wo go again.
The best I could do was to wait for one hour, then i get a screen showing missing stats like "0 view / 0 read / 0:00 min spent, etc". Then i just had to close that little window, open it again and it worked immediatly.
But it's been months and that trick doesn't work anymore, and i'm stuck with no analytics, and with my boss asking for them. I feel like that publish online feature has been abandoned somehow, no interesting updates, nothing fixed, wich is kind of frustrating because it has been a fantastic feature so far.
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It seems that everything is working fine now !
Plus, we have the possibility to see the analytics for the last "7/30/90/+" days, wich is very usefull.
Thanks a lot for the update
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Its not working still for me. The update didnt solve anything. In fact its now worse for all our users. No datat at all for 'since published'.
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My published analytics only show the past 30 days. When I click on 90 days or more, an error message appears. It is essential for me to see all analytics since the published date. Please help.
Thank you,