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"Populating Style Packs"?

Engaged ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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Background information:

  1. I routinely synchronize my InDesign files between my desktop and laptop computers.  Although the laptop is pretty powerful the desktop is more powerful. This allows me to take my work with me and work on my laptop while away (like today waiting to get my Land Cruiser serviced) and then sync back to my desktop with the better keyboard and monitor and bigger CPU and more RAM. It also serves as a regular backup every time I leave the house.
  2. I just upgraded from InDesign 19.1 to 19.2 yesterday.


So, when at the car dealer, did a bunch of work on a file on my laptop, everything went swimmingly. (Or sucking diesel as the British might say.) I synced my files back to my desktop, and tried to open one of my files. I got a crash notice, saying the file was corrupted, and telling me to do something to send info to Adobe which I couldn't do because the error message popup box, as well as InDesign, were frozen.



There was no button to click, so I couldn't.


I opened the file on my laptop, and it opened fine. I then again copied that file from my laptop to my desktop and tried opening again: >crash< >boom< InDesign locked up the same way as shown above. On the laptop, just in case, I saved my work in an .idml file. I then rebooted my desktop PC, and desinstalled and reinstalled InDesign 19.2, though saving my preferences an' 'at. This time, since my file was part of a Book File (Book Panel), I decided to open the Book Panel and then open the file from there.


InDesign then locked up with this on the screen.



I didn't even know about Style Packs until InDesign crashed this way. I reviewed all of the messages on the forum about them, and thought it was a cool idea, but my projects are complex enough that they are a bit too limited for me to want to use. (If you check out my post https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/cascading-book-panels-multiple-book-panels-for-a... you can see why in detail.)


Why is InDesign populating my Style Packs (of which I have created none) and why is it locking up my PC?


I closed InDesign, without having to resort to using Task Manager, just right-clicking on the TaskBar and selecting close.


I restarted InDesign and tried to open the same file got this error message:


I then closed InDesign again, copied the .idml file from my laptop to my desktop PC, and tried opening that. It seemed to open properly, recreating the file that was locking up InDesign before. I saved it under a new name. I exited it and InDesign again asked me whether I wanted to save. Sure, I said yes.


I then opened the Book File (Book Panel) of which the original .indd file was an included document.


It posted a message on my screen as shown and locked up:




I just spent quite literally hundreds of hours over the past several months dividing my too-big, too-complex four textbook volumes each up into several chapters, and getting them formatted appropriately. (See https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484.) Just yesterday I got Volume I all reformatted into six chapters, with a Front Matter "chapter" at the beginning. I got all the cross-references fixed. (I really liked how helpful the cross-referenc panel was in getting me through this quickly, kudos for whoever worked on that panel.) I switched from working on formatting and fixing cross-references to editing content today.


I thought 19.2 was minor bug-release with maybe a few new features and it would be safe to update to it.  Yes, maybe I need to roll back, but I would like to get the benefits of the latest version.


In case anyone would like to play with the file that seems to be clogging up InDesign 19.2's  cerebral arteries, at least on my desktop PC, it's in http://www.conovers.org/ftp/AppSAR-Source-Files/ and it's named AppSAR-6-Wilderness-First-Aid-1.indd.



Bug , How to






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , Mar 18, 2024 Mar 18, 2024

I got back from my trip and tried editing some of the files from my textbook, using my desktop instead of my laptop. The files locked InDesign on the desktop just like described above on the laptop.


On my desktop, I was able to bring up a file – one not from my textbook – that had not been edited since before I upgraded from 19.1 to 19.2. I was able to edit it and export a PDF with no problems.


I was wondering if this might have something to do with the Preferences file. So, I started up InDesig




Community Expert ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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I suspect the book file itself is corrupted. 


In this case I would start a new Book from File>New

and add the documents 1 by 1.


For the record, I only ever open files from within the Book Panel, I'd never open a file outside the book panel and make edits. I always open from within the Book panel. 


Try either removing all the documents from the book panel and readding them

Or creating an entirely new book file and adding documents 1 by 1 ensuring they open and don't crash etc. 



You did the right thing with the IDML

However, reinstalling rarely solves issues

Reinstalling rarely fixes everything - you can do a complete reinstall using the
Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html







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Engaged ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Thanks for the reocmmendations. I couldn't access the original Book Panel to remove files from it because it would crash before I could remove the documents from it.


I did create an entirely new Book Panel, and started adding the documents to it.  I managed to add three, but when I added the fourth, this is what I saw:



(Actually, I was able to move the error message over so that you can better see the underlying Book Panel.) Again, as the error message did not display properly, and I couldn't click the "Report" button because it wasn't visible, I simply had to close InDesign. I was able to close it by a right-click on the Taskbar icon for InDesign rather than having to resport to Task Manager. At this point, I am going to call tech support and see what I can figure out.





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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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I am trying to get through to InDesign Support. I promised I would post what I found out. This is offered purely to help others needing help with InDesign understand how the process of getting help works.


Here goes, starting at 1209 hours:

(via the Chat help which is required before you can actually talk with a tech by phone):

Hi Keith, I'm the Adobe Virtual Assistant. How can I help you?

> I have two issues that are preventing me from using InDesign. I have posted both on the forum and advice there has not helped. I need to speak with a technical support human.

I want to make sure I understand clearly. How would you like to connect with an agent?

> On the phone

To get you to the right agent faster, please tell me what you need help with.

> InDesign crashing two different ways.

You need help with an app crashing on launch. Is that right?

> No

To get you to the right agent faster, please tell me what you need help with.

> crashing when using a file

I want to make sure I understand clearly. Which of these categories best describes your issue?

> Get help with InDesign

Tell me which app you need help with.

> INDESIGN111111

Our agents can call you directly. However, I don't see a phone number linked to this email (kconover@pitt.edu). Would you like to add one now?

Add my phone number

Please add your phone number so one of our agents can give you a call.
Country code
Phone number

> 412-XXX-XXXX

I want to be sure I understand clearly. Can you describe the issue more specifically?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quot-populating-style-packs-quot/m-p/14424016#M5...

I can help you with InDesign. Can you tell me a little more about what you need help with?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quot-populating-style-packs-quot/m-p/14424016#M5...

I can help you with InDesign. Can you tell me a little more about what you need help with?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quot-populating-style-packs-quot/m-p/14424016#M5...

I can help you with InDesign. Can you tell me a little more about what you need help with?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quot-populating-style-packs-quot/m-p/14424016#M5...

I can help you with InDesign. Can you tell me a little more about what you need help with?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

I want to make sure I understand clearly. Which of these categories best describes your issue?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

I want to make sure I understand clearly. Which of these categories best describes your issue?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484
Sent 12:12 PM

Let's find another way to get you the help you need. How would you like to proceed?

> Chat with an agent

Ok. I'll connect you to an agent who can pick up where we've left off.
We'll connect you with an agent as soon as possible. For a faster resolution, please tell us how we can help you today.
You are now connected to XXX, who is reviewing your account. If you need to share sensitive information, such as credit card number, please wait for your agent to give you steps to share it securely.


Hello, I'd be happy to help you today, let me first pull up your account information and access your details.

Thank you for your patience, I will be able to help you with the query.
Please provide your system details to proceed further:
1.) Application Version
2.) Operating System (Win or Mac)
3.) Operating System Version
4.) Contact Number (In case we get disconnected)
5.) Time Zone.
12:14 PM

> Win11 64 InDesign 19.2

412-XXX-XXXX eastern time USA
Delivered 12:15 PM


Thank you for helping me with these details, can you please tell me what exact issue you have been facing with the Indesign application?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

and: https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quot-populating-style-packs-quot/m-p/14424016#M5...

> I would appreciate your reviewing both threads and then giving me a phone call or vice versa.

Okay, I understand your concern, but can you please tell me what exact issue you have with the Indesign application?

> There are two concerns and both are document in the threads with screenshots. Please review those threads and tell me how to fix those two problems as the forum experts have not been able to help, and right now I cannot use InDesign.

Okay, can you please tell me if are you facing a crash on launch issue with the InDesign application, or facing a crash while editing the InDesign file?


Can you please share a screenshot with us, so I can see what exact issue you have been facing with the application?

> You are not reading the text. I have shared links with multiple screenshots. You just need to open both of those links to see lots of screenshots and detailed explanations of what is happening.

Okay, I understand your concern, you are unable to use the InDesign application and edit your projects.

> Can you help fix it? Can we chat by phone?

Okay, we can chat over the phone.

> Are you going to call me at 412-607-0400? Or should I call you? Thank you.

> Can you please tell me that issue you have been facing is it happening with the single or with the multiple files?

It's all in the forum threads linked above. There is not a simple answer to your question.

Just allow me a moment so I can look into my resources and help you in a better way.

May I know what workflow you are using while creating your InDesign file?

> It's in the forum threads you should have reviewed, with pictures and everything.

(It's now 12:53 PM. Luckily, I have the whole day off)


Okay, can you please tell me what exactly you are trying to do with the forums, and which particular thread are you referring with the forum?

> https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/quot-populating-style-packs-quot/m-p/14424016#M5... and

> And: https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/three-documents-freezing/m-p/14416194#M561484

>The problem is not with the forum, the problem is with INDESIGN!!! i HAVE DOCUMENTS THE PROBLEMS IN THE FORUM!!!! [whoops, should have proofread but I'm getting a bit punch-drunk at this point, should have typed "documented."]


Please let me know the exact issue, that you are facing with the InDesign documents on forum.

> I should have said "documented" on the forum. I have DOCUMENTED THE PROBLEMS ON THE FORUM AND YOU NEED TO READ THOSE TWO POSTS I LINKED.


Okay, I understand your concern, as I can check your forum, there might be some issue with your fourth InDesign document.

> I think this needs to be elevated to the next level of tech support. [I have now been chatting for an hour.]


So, if you want we can connect over the remote session, or you can wait for someone to reply on the issue that you posted on forums.

> I have already waited and nobody on the forum has been able to help. Let's do a remote session.



1.Click or Copy the link and open it in a new browser tab.
2. Download, Save, and then Run the Bomgar setup on your machine.
3. Agree to the License Agreement and Screen Recording.
4. When the Bomgar window opens, click on "Allow" to start sharing.

The tech did try to blame what seems to be some increasing corruption of my files on my using Directory Opus, a very nice replacement for Windows File Explorer, which I have been using for 20 years, and I refused to believe this could be corrupting files. After about another hour of remote access, now with multiple files causing InDesign to crash, the tech arranged for a more senior tech to call me on my next day off. I will update this thread in a couple of days.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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> it's in http://www.conovers.org/ftp/AppSAR-Source-Files/ and it's named AppSAR-6-Wilderness-First-Aid-1.indd.


Well I can confirm that your file crashes InDesign 2024 on my Mac (on attempt to open the file).


Not only this, but after your file crashed InDesign twice, I started experiencing the issue similar to the one you described earlier on the forum: when I opened my files in InDesign, their windows didn't appear on the screen. I could force them to appear by triggering the Open dialog (Cmd-O, the opened windows appeared just after the dialog showed up).


After restarting InDesign several times, this issue went away and I can open my documents normally again.


So yeah it appears that your document is seriously corrupted.


If anyone else is thinking of trying that document, my honest advice is: don't. It appears that it does more damage than just crashing InDesign.





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Engaged ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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I have incremental backups of all of my old files, courtesy of Infrascale nightly online backups, so I should be able to revert to an older version. Was that InDesign 19.1 or 19.2 that you tried to open the file in?


Based on other experiences before – those which led me to break my volumes up into separate .indd chapter – this may be more a function of the size of the .indd file, not just in MB but in terms of number of embedded files and cross-references. While this might end up corrupting the file, we need to figure out the root cause of the crash in the first place.





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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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> Was that InDesign 19.1 or 19.2 that you tried to open the file in?







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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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> While this might end up corrupting the file, we need to figure out the root cause of the crash in the first place.


Adobe should definitely investigate your file. 





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Engaged ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Thank you, Leo. Background before I answer your question: I have been having problems with too-big .indd files ("volumes") locking up InDesign for several months. However, this never caused file corruption, just lockups. I was able to reopen the files, save them, divide them into smaller "chapters," organize them, and continue working on them. However, ever since I upgraded to 19.2, and it tried to start "Processing documents" by "Populating Style Packs" is when I started getting corruption. I think I made the mistake of saving such files. However, I suspect I may be able to recover files from my Infrascale backups before February 14 when I upgraded from 19.1 to 19.2. So, if others want to take a lesson from this: maybe don't upgrade t9.2 if you are using Book Panels. I was just now, in 19.2, able to open one of the "too big, locks up InDesign" files from the Taskbar Jumplist and save it under two different filenames, and start deleting stuff from each of them to make it into two chapters. No problems. But when I tried to open InDesign by itself from the Taskbar, without picking anything from the Jumplist? It tried to open the new Book Panel I had started creating, as well as one of the corrupted files, and locked up. I closed it from the Taskbar, then opened it again, and it gave that corrupted error message and I had to close it from the Taskbar. I tried opening it again and it showed this dialog box:


I told it "No" as recovery efforts always have failed since upgrading to 19.2.  I was then able to open one of those two chapter files I created and start editing it.





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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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5 & 3 are also damaged.


2 & 4 look OK.

6 copy - is OK.






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Community Expert ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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You are a bit inconsistent with your "boxes"?


Odd pages:


Even pages:



Everything is sorted by "Pos X" and "Width" - so you can quickly separate ones that are on the left side of the page or on the right:


There is also Page Name and Page Index - in case you would like to locate those inconsistencies.






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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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All your "boxes" like this:



You have a Group + TextFrame - then in this Group a Rectangle + an empty TextFrame.


You can get the same "fading edge" effect with just Rectangle (Inner Shadow) and TextFrame on top:







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Engaged ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Oh, thank you, thank you! I wished I had known this 5-10 years ago when I embarked on this project. I just copied down those settings in a Word file called "Keith Style Guide" which documents all of the various settings I use for this textbook. I would suspect that changing them all by deleting one component of the group and modifying the other would make the files smaller and less likely to make InDesign choke. I wonder if there is any way to help automate this change? I was able to open an InDesign file (one of the new smaller chapters) and create a sidebar box this way. However, when I tried to check that I do have all of those box components labeled with a Group Style, I reopened InDesign and this is what I saw before it locked up:


It keeps trying to open some of those corrupted files and then locks up. Sigh. I think I'll give up for the night and start working on this more on my next day off. Thanks again!





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Community Expert ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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You are welcome. 


I don't think few extra objects in the groups is the problem - there must be something else. 


You should do IDMLing from all your files ASAP - just in case. 


Even with the free version of my tool you can analyse your files and quickly navigate to the right object.


But if you would like to try its full potential - I can give you access for free.






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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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One more thing - try this script - maybe it will be able to open your damaged files? 








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Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Just trying to be helpful.


It will be quite a book - congratulations - and you've put a lot of work, so I think it should be perfect.






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Engaged ,
Mar 05, 2024 Mar 05, 2024

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Robert, thanks for all your thoughtful replies. I will definitely follow up on all of your suggestions as far as the text boxes and ID-Tasker


However… I thought I had gotten this fixed. I ended up talking twice over several days with Shreya, one of the senior Adobe support techs. Unlike the chatbot or the entry-level tech, she was amazing. She "read the room" and quickly adapted to my level of expertise. She was very thoughtful and ended up contacting the development team and then calling me back. I was suspecting this had something to do with .idlk "lock" files that are zero byte files that indicate a file is locked, and them being synced between my laptop and desktop PCs. I ended up simply transferring all of my files to a new folder and then I was able to edit them on my desktop PC with no problems after doing that. Strange.


Then, today, I spent 20 minutes  or so working on my laptop on a file while sitting and waiting in a classrooom for the students to arrive for the class I was teaching. I closed the file and synced the files, no problems detected. And then when I tried to open it on my desktop, I got a message that said [file may be corrupted, do you want to try to fix it on our servers? Yes? Sorry, we can't fix it.] I tried copying it over from my laptop again, and this time when I opened it, I got this nonspecific error:


I then looked in Directory Opus (a replacement for File Explorer that I have had for decades and love) and saw this:

idlk files.jpg

I was going to move those .idlk files out and see what happened, but I needed to close InDesign first. Clicking the rop-right X in InDesign would not close it – ? if from the error popup blocking it –  and I was unable to close the error dialog box from that dialog box, but when I hovered my mouse over the InDesign taskbar icon, there was a separate popup miniature of the error message that I was able to right-click and exit it. This then closed InDesign as well. I moved those .idlk files out of the folder, Then, I tried simply opening InDesign again, without opening a file. I again got the error message and had to close InDesign. I moved the .idlk files back into the folder and tried opening InDesign again. It then gave me this message:


I said No. I then went to my laptop, saved the file on the laptop but in .idml format, copied it over to my desktop and opened it. Opened fine.


Again: WHAT IS GOING ON? I had been using this workflow, syncing files sometimes 3-4 times a day between laptop and desktop, without any problems. As soon as I upgraded to 19.2, things are a total disaster. Well, I'm going on a trip tomorrow for about a week and will only be working on my laptop, so I'll monitor this space in case anyone has any bright ideas!





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Community Expert ,
Mar 05, 2024 Mar 05, 2024

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There was a thread yesterday - about problems with syncing / transferring files using external drive - do you force "ejection" of the connected external drive - before you disconnect the cable?








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Engaged ,
Mar 05, 2024 Mar 05, 2024

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I am transferring from my laptop to my desktop via a gigabit Ethernet connection using GoodSync. So, no external hard drive to disconnect.


I decided to next rule out actual file corruption.

(I had to move the file into a new folder because its current folder name has spaces and certutil refuses to believe folder names are allowed to have spaces.)

Desktop PC > PowerShell > certutil -hashfile C:\text\AppSAR-16-Rope-Rescue.indd MD5

Which resulted in this checksum:


I repeated it on the same file on the laptop and the checksum was exactly the same.

Therefore, the file is not corrupted by moving it to another computer, it's just that InDesign 19.2 (but not previous versions) somehow senses it was edited on another computer and assumes, incorrectly, that it is corrupted. And then has a nervous breakdown.





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Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024

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Update: I tried editing that file – the one that has the same checksum on laptop and desktop, and that I had edited before with my laptop without issues before, and had then edited on my desktop without issues. It crashed InDesign on my laptop. The very same file that I had edited on my desktop without problems, after moving it to a new folder; the one on my laptop was also in a new, similarly named folder.


Somehow InDesign on my laptop knew that I had edited on my desktop and that therefore it refused to allow me to open it on my laptop.


I tried moving the file to a subfolder of the existing folder. After the usual InDesign lockup with a corrupted error message dialog box, and then Taskbar > "Close all windows", I then restarted InDesign, which started but offered the prompt "Do you want to start automatic recovery?… Click No to delete recovery for all documents" I said "No." I restarted InDesign, and it didn't crash.


I did have on my laptop the very same .idml file that I had used to recreate the .indd file on my desktop. I opened InDesign, closed it and the corrupted error message box, restarted it, and told it "No" meaning to delete any recovery files. (Whenever I say "locked up" presume that I got the same error message and closed from the taskbar and then said "no" to attempted recovery, restarting InDesign between each step.) I then tried to open the .idml file. There were progress bars marching across the screen as it worked on recreating the .indd file but then it locked up.


I then tried copying the file, not to a subfolder but a completely different folder with no relationship to the original folder other than being on the same computer. Started InDesign, opened file > corrupted error message > Taskbar: InDesign: close all windows > restart InDesign > corrupted error message > Taskbar: InDesign: close all windows > restart InDesign > corrupted error message > Taskbar: InDesign: close all windows > "No, don't try to recover files" > InDesign not crashed but at this point useless to me.







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Engaged ,
Mar 18, 2024 Mar 18, 2024

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I got back from my trip and tried editing some of the files from my textbook, using my desktop instead of my laptop. The files locked InDesign on the desktop just like described above on the laptop.


On my desktop, I was able to bring up a file – one not from my textbook – that had not been edited since before I upgraded from 19.1 to 19.2. I was able to edit it and export a PDF with no problems.


I was wondering if this might have something to do with the Preferences file. So, I started up InDesign on my desktop while holding Control-Alt-Shift, to trash the Preferences file. I then tried opening up one of the files from my textbook, InDesign still crashed as described above. So whatever is doing this is not in the Preferences file.


After restarting InDesign four (4) times, as needed to (a) get rid of the corrupted error message, and (b) to say "No" to two separate attempts at "recovering" this file (and one InDesign start, the third time, with no startup message, though the fourth time I got a generic "do you want to start recovery" without mentioning any specific file), I restarted InDesign with no startup messages. I then tried to open up a file in the textbook that had not been edited on the laptop.  This came up with no error messages, and I was able to edit it and save it with no major problems, although the performance was slow: taking a half-second or so of lag in displaying the changes after I typed a couple of characters. I'm planning to call InDesign tech support to re-open this case tomorrow. Now, I'm going to recreate my Preferences (which I keep in a Word file along with all the other tweaks I need to make when I reinstall my favorite software on a new computer).







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May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

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I was able to reproduce this multiple times. However, updating to verion 19.4 fixed this problem.


I did have to delete some style pack folders in some files that added style packs to my already-bloated list of paragraph styles.





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