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Suddenly the text stops filling a text box; a large part of the box remains empty, no matter what I do.
The work around is to fit to text and flow to a new text box which I've put in place, but this may cause extra problems if the preceding text has to reflow. There is no page break I can find (and I deleted them all when I brought the text in from Word).
I am making corrections to this complex document, and this problem just started occurring.
I am attaching a screen capture and the original document. The problem is on page 30 (and others).
<Title renamed by moderator>
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Is there "No Break" applied to any unrevealed text?
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Do you have Keep Options selected with the paragraph. That can force a new paragraph to jump to a new column or page.
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No problem for me:
but I don't have your fonts...
Maybe play / turn off KEEP LINES TOGETHER:
You also have empty Story under your main text:
And someone has overriden Running Header and page numbers TextFrames:
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All these paragraphs are set to
Keep With Next 1 Lines:
Which means they will stay with the next line
Change it to 0
and they will pull back
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All these paragraphs are set to
Keep With Next 1 Lines:
By @Eugene Tyson
Yes, but I don't thinks that's a problem - it would be a problem if all next paragraphs would be one-liners.
As per my screenshot - there is no gap there.
But I suspect the problem is with the next pair - 2+2.
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They all don't have Keep with Next Line 1
only some of them do
Which is why it looks like it's breaking in strange places.
It's definitely that setting - 100%
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They all don't have Keep with Next Line 1
only some of them do
Which is why it looks like it's breaking in strange places.
It's definitely that setting - 100%
By @Eugene Tyson
What do you mean "not all"?
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Only some of the paragraphs have this set like this
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