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I am on a Mac and do not have Excel. So I Export to -> Excel from Numbers. I then want to import this Excel file into ID.
ID will not place the file. I get the error message:
It just won't place it. However, I can use this same file in other programs (FileMaker) without issue.
Can anyone out there use Numbers to produce an Excel file and then place it in ID?? Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Thank you.
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This is a common problem with fake Excel and Word files. The only fix is to open them in Excel and resave them. If you want to report it anywhere, report it to Apple.
If you only have one file, feel free to post it and I'm sure one of us can open and resave it for you.
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Thanks for the input. Just seems strange that FM, for example, can deal with the file but ID can't.
It probably won't be that big an issue - there are workarounds - but I was just curious.
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Some years ago, the workaround was to export XLS instead of XLSX, as per this thread from @SJRiegel from 2017. I have no idea if that is still current, but it's worth a try.
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It doesn't look like the XLS is an option. There's just save as Excel and it ends up being the XLSX variety.
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"I have no idea if that is still current, but it's worth a try."
Yes, it is.
"It doesn't look like the XLS is an option. "
It's there... it's just hiding a bit... : open up the Advanced Options
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OK. I see what you're saying, but . . . this is my "Export Your Spreadsheet" dialog box and I sure don't see any Avanced Options!
I have Numbers version 13.2 (7038.0.87), running under Ventura 13.6.5. Why would they be different?
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Just googled this. Apparently Numbers 12.2 dropped this feature.
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Aha! Interesting. Good to know. My Numbers is at 12.1 (I'm at Monterey on this system and that seems to be as far as it goes on that one).
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The XLSX format is basically a zipped folder of XML entries. What is causing the issue is that Numbers doesn't properly write one of these entries (app.xml) where it requires an entry for "Application". In a normal Microsoft Excel file, this would say:
<Application>Microsoft Macintosh Excel</Application> .
However, Numbers doesn't include anything at this spot (which makes some sense since it's not Excel), but InDesign seems to need something there (e.g LibreOffice will add <Application>LibreOffice/xxxxx</Application>) for the file to be importable.
So, again. the answer now, until Apple finally fixes this, as mentioned, is to export out as the old .xls format.
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> (e.g LibreOffice will add <Application>LibreOffice/xxxxx</Application>)
...and since you mentioned LibreOffice - which I also thought about - I wonder if @Chloe_Sunshine can just resave the file from LibreOffice?
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I was going to say that, but then they would have to get Libre up and running only to do that, when just simply exporting as .xls from Numbers would solve the problem. I don't think there's anything an .xlsx would offer InDesign over an .xls. {EDIT: apparently (thanks @Chloe_Sunshine !) Numbers 12.2 and up has removed the .xls export ability, so maybe the LibreOffice route is a possibility. That or actually getting Excel to resave the file)
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by the way: i just tested an .xlsx export from Google Sheets and it exhibits the same import problem. It also does not include the Application tag in its XML.