Checking just Upright Mode, Straighten Angle, or Aspect Ratio doesn't work in Copy/Sync Settings or when creating a preset. The workaround for Upright Mode is to first check Transform and then uncheck the undesired sub-settings. This doesn't work for the Crop sub-settings though.
To reproduce:
1. Edit photo A, and in the Transform panel, select Auto.
2. Select photos A and B with A most-selected, and do Sync Settings, click Check None and then Transform > Upright Mode.
3. Observe that B has the Transform mode set to Off.
4. Select photo A, do Copy Settings, click Check None and then Transform > Upright Mode. Select B and do Paste Settings.
5. Observe that B has the Transform mode set to Off.
6. Edit photo A.
7. Create a preset, click Check None and then just Transform > Upright Mode checked.
8. Observe that the preset doesn't appear in the Presets panel. But in the presets folder, there is an appropriately named .xmp file for the newly created preset, but it contains no Develop settings.
9. Observe that each time you invoke Copy Settings, Sync Settings, or create a preset, Upright Mode is unchecked -- that is, LR doesn't remember that it was checked the last time you invokved the command.
Tested on LR 11.0 / Mac OS 11.6 and on Windows 10 after resetting preferences.