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P: Crash (Mac and Windows) 8880536

Explorer ,
Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

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Since LR Classic v13.0 & 13.0.1, I cannot work in a collection anymore due to systematic crashes.

Bug Fixed
macOS , Windows




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correct answers 2 Pinned Replies

Adobe Employee , Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

Match poster's crash reports to existing bug. 

Status Investigating


Adobe Employee , Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

Greetings all,


Updates for the Adobe Photography Products have been released.  The February 2024 updates contain an update for this issue. 

If you do not see the update in your Creative Cloud Application, you can refresh it by hitting [Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ].

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your update to be available in your Creative Cloud app.


Thank you for being so patient.

Status Fixed


Community Beginner ,
Nov 27, 2023 Nov 27, 2023

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I was able to use Lightroom Classic by rolling back to the last release of version 12.  Of course, that means that there is a lot of pictures that I added after updating to version 13 that aren't available in the older catalogue.  This is not the solution I want to continue with.  Does anyone have any thoughts on how to get Adobe to actually respond to the problem?




Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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I have updated my operating system to Sonoma 14.1.1  When I opened LRC 13.0.1 it functioned for less than 30 seconds and then shut down.  Now I'm getting the same thing.  Open it and it opens to the image I was working on and then it shuts down. I've shut down my system - uninstalled LRC - shut down the system again - reinstalled LRC - shut down the system again and then upon opening it again - tried to access LRC - big fail.

I need to have access to my processed files that were created after I upgraded to version 13 - am trying work around using Bridge, ACR and PS but if that doesn't work, it seems I will likely have to cancel my subscription and move over to another tool.  Does anyone have any suggestions re possible alternative to LRC? No use paying for something I can't use.




Adobe Employee ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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There is no evidence to suggest this is the same crash you are experiencing. 

We’ve reviewed the email address you use with this forum and find no crash reports in our system.


Did you see a crash dialog?

Do you use a different email address when filling out the crash report?

Was the crash dialog Adobe’s? Microsoft’s? Apple’s?

I recommend you start a new thread with complete information about your system, steps, etc. 


Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org




Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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I tried to start a new thread and someone moved me over to this one. I
have never had cause to use the forum before so obviously don’t know my way
around it. Any help would be appreciated in doing that.

Also, I have submitted several crash reports (Adobe) with this same email
address included. What happens to them when they are sent?

The heading on the report form is “Error Report for “Lightroom Classic””

I just did an uninstall of 13.0.1 and reinstalled 13.0. (With appropriate
system restarts) and got the error again … have submitted the report again
with my email included.

Thanks for any help you can provide.




Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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valerie09876_0-1701208908957.pngexpand image

Here's a screen print of my latest crash report




Community Beginner ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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This morning I tried something different.  I have v13.0 installed and when I opened it, I elected to have it open v12 library (rather than the current v13).  It works just fine EXCEPT, of course, I don't have any of the new work that has been catalogued since mid October when I updated to v13 and created a new library.  Not sure if that makes any sense. But what it says to me is that the issue isn't with the application itself but rather with it's link to the version 13 catalogue ...




New Here ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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This issue is still happening and there hasn't been a fix in weeks. This is negatively affecting my business and causing me to miss deadlines due to all these crashes and losses in edtis to images before the crash. I'm finding that if I use Point Color corrections on an image, a few minutes later LR will crash. When I restart Lightroom (after sending an error report) if the image I was working on with Point Color correcrion is visible in Grid view or in a Collection then LR crashes. This behavior with Point Color used in a mask is 100% the cause of this to happenning to me. Every time, before I use Point Color, I'm fine. When I use it and try to view/edit the image again LR just crashes. I'm now quitting LR after every image edit to ensure my edits aren't lost. This is not a sustainable workflow. Adobe, please help! I've submitted multiple error reports under this email. 




Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2023 Nov 30, 2023

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I was happy to install the new 13.0.2.

Unfortunately, issues are still pending.

Crash after having worked (development module) on around 20 images in a collection, which is also a recorded book.

After this crash and a second one, I cannot work on the collection anymore as I immediately get a new crash...

I am afraid my book won't be ready for Christmas !

Situation is not acceptable anymore





Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2023 Dec 01, 2023

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Hi, I have a problem with 13.01 being unstable and crashing.  I have sent at least two error reports, sometimes I get the option, sometimes it just locks up and i have to reboot my computer, other times lightroom closes.  The error occurs when I am using the color picker tool on a masked section of a photograph.  It does not happen every time I do this, but it does happen frequently - like every 10th to 20th picture.  Once it happens, if I try to reenter lightroom, it will open up to the first picture I was editting in the last session (not that one it crashed on) and everything is fine until the preview of the picture I was editting when it crashed is in the grid view or filmstrip.  At this point lightroom will freeze up again, most of the time then closing itself.

I have found if I remove the photograph I was editting when it crashed from its folder in windows explorer and move it to a different location, and then relaunch lightroom and go to a grid or filmstrip with it, I get the photo missing exclamation point as expected, but the system does not crash.  I can then tell lightroom to remove the photo from the catalog, and then everything works for awhile again.  If I try to reimport the  copy of the photograph i had moved to a different location it will lock up again.  Luckily I use the copy option when importing photos originally, so I can go back and get the original file from a completely different folder and import it with no problem. 


I have read through the forums and tried everything I can to fix it, including uninstalling rebooting  and reinstalling - then waiting 5 minutes (this resolved earlier random crashes) including getting rid of my preferences.  If I go back to 12.5, or simply don't use the color picker - I don't have the problem.


The issue happens a lot - it is the exact same situation each time it crashes , and the workaround above fixes it everytime but it is obviously something I do not want to do regularly.  


computer info 


davidc73138693_0-1701436934022.pngexpand image

davidc73138693_1-1701436977422.pngexpand image


davidc73138693_2-1701437010862.pngexpand image


Please provide feedback 





Explorer ,
Dec 13, 2023 Dec 13, 2023

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Problem finally solved.

The catalogue was corrupted (probably during one of the numerous craches of the v13) and 4 JPEG pictures (out of 49,000) were corrupted.

Dicovered after 2 working days, re-importing from the corrupted catalogue to a new one sub-folder by sub-folder, then identifying the "corrupted" sub-folders" and down the corrupted images.

Currently working with v13.0.2 without crashe anymore.




Community Beginner ,
Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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Release 13.1 seems to have resolved my issue.  




Adobe Employee ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Greetings all,


Updates for the Adobe Photography Products have been released.  The February 2024 updates contain an update for this issue. 

If you do not see the update in your Creative Cloud Application, you can refresh it by hitting [Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ].

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your update to be available in your Creative Cloud app.


Thank you for being so patient.

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org
Status Fixed




New Here ,
Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024

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Bonjour je suis dansla même situation Lightroom 13.2 , plantages régulier et aucuns message 



