Hi everybody,
I've got problem with lightroom 4.2 with book module.
I had sent a book to blurb and I have a problem on the back cover. Blurb support recommends me to contact Adobe support.
Here is the problem description:
I apply a graphic background (the first choice of graphical backgroup in wedding tab) on my standard landscape and the back cover has a text area on the center of the page. I centered my text on my page.
When I received my book, I noticed that the graphic background is not centered with my text area.
I had a some contacts with blurb support but they can not solve the problem because they informed me that the problem comes from lightroom.
You can see on my screenshot that the text and the graphic background isn't centered. I suppose that the template of the front and back cover have a problem. The text area is centered with the bleed page and the graphical background is centered with entire page.
I hope you will be able to help me and blurb to solve this problem !
Cheers !