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P: Unable to advance to the next photo

Participant ,
Oct 12, 2023 Oct 12, 2023

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Why no one writes about the fact that in develop mode, after any manipulation with a photo, it is impossible to go to the next photo in the feed? You go, but the photo remains the same as it was, you have to go back and only then go to the next photo. This is a global problem!!  Anyway, I did some research and I realized why many people are silent about it, because this problem occurs only when using the +\- buttons on any keyboard, even on macbook !!!!. If you use only mouse or touchpad, there is no problem with photo transition. That's why many photographers don't pay attention to it, because they don't use the keyboard. Therefore, ADOBE does not react in any way.

Bug Fixed
macOS , Windows




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Nov 30, 2023 Nov 30, 2023

Greetings all,


The Lightroom Classic Team has just released version 13.0.2 with a fix for this issue. 

(Note: this release contains no additional bug fixes or new camera/lens support.)

If you do not see the update in your Creative Cloud application, you can refresh the app by hitting [Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ].

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your update to be available in your Creative Cloud app.


We thank those who’ve v

Status Fixed


replies 395 Replies 395
New Here ,
Oct 13, 2023 Oct 13, 2023

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[sorry, that should say that I can't re-render previews as I don't have the raw files]




New Here ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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I did the same, it doesn't help anything, ADOBE do something this is getting tragic, instead of speeding things up you slow them down




New Here ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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Since the new release of LR 13 and also 13.0.1 there is a discrapancy in the photo that is shown in the develop window and the filmstrip. Sometimes, when using the cursor keys, the photo in the filmstrip advances to the next. But in the main window the previous photo is still shown. 

My workflow is that i select a photo in the fimstrip and click Auto in the basic panel and use the cursor key to advance to the next photo.





Community Beginner ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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Hello again! I finally got round to resetting LR's preferences - but that hasn't helped either. Also since this issue has apparently been around for years, plus I've had it on more than one Lightroom iteration, and on more than one different PC - I don't think this is the answer. It "feels" to me like a programming thing... something is getting "stuck" when switching between photos in the develop module




Community Beginner ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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I have the same problem with the latest update of 13.0.0 then after few days another smaller update came so I thought oh great they prob will fix that with this update 13.0.1. No. the problem is still there... 

It's really annoying since I edit around 1-2k pics daily in LR and this slow down my work.

Please Adobe fix this!





Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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Why adobe lauch this crap ? And the 13.01 still have the same problem. I return to 12.5 build my catalog and now turn to 13.01 and the same issue. 

I`m on Mac mini m1 base . And only working with .jpg in 3200px. Its impossible to work like that.




New Here ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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Edited a couple more jobs since yesterday. It appears to be related to Smart Previews in my case. Working on 3 different catalogues, local raw files were fine and I edited as normal. Other jobs working on smart previews all had the same issue. Sometimes after editing a file, it would not advance correctly to the next file. Quickest workaround is two steps forward, one step backward. ie hit the right cursor twice, and the left cursor once, to advance by one file.
What makes it even more of a pain, is that it's seemingly random, and only affects some files.




Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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Adding my experience to the conversation as it does seem to differ slightly from other reports in some ways.


I can't reliably replicate the issue, but I am having trouble advancing from one photo to the next with quite a bit of frequency. I'd say something like every 5-10 photos. It happens when I'm in the Develop module and, using the arrow keys to change images, the Filmstrip will advance, but the image display area does not, instead holding the previous image. Going back or forward and then returning to the desired image will fix the issue, and I'll be able to work again. Switching to the Library Module and then back to Develop will also temporarily fix the issue.

I hadn't been using Smart Previews, but read that it was potentionally part of the issue. Doing a small test, I found that images with Smart Previews resulted in no stuck images, but the loading of each image was noticeably slower. When rendering Standard Size Previews instead, I still experienced the issue, as well.

Making a change to the image settings didn't necessarily trigger the behavior. I made plenty of changes and had no issue advancing ot the next image. However, I don't recall the issue ever happening if I didn't make a change to an image, and there did seem to be some issue with advancing super-quickly after making a change, but again, this was inconsistent. Tried to replicate and couldn't reliably.


I'm not saving XMP files. I haven't tried disabling my GPU. I have restarted the program and my machine, and the behavior is unaffected. I was having the same issue on 13.0, as well.

Lightroom Classic 13.0.1

Build [202310121438-d2af310c]

Camera Raw 16.0


MSI GS66 Stealth 11UH-021
11th Gen Intel i7-11800H

NVIDIA GeForce 3080 Laptop GPU 16GB GDDR6
Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.7 GB usable)

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
OS build 22621.2134
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22659.1000.0




Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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I am now back on 12.5, hopefully new update that solves it will come sooner than later, but 12.5. works fine after returning back.




Participant ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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I understand that everyone who is on this page is still with this problem, which Adobe has not yet solved and whether it will solve at all, I do not see answers from experts here, there is no answer from Adobe itself. Are we now going to work on version 12.5 all the time ?




Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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I`ll not upgrade untill solve this. It`s a pain for me start a big new catalog and have to go back later. I work with school photos. And its almost the end of the year . Lightroom should be like Indesign that you can instal both versions.




Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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Yes I noticed the same thing.





Community Expert ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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I only see a slight lag for images where I used the new HDR edit. It's still fast though, certainly less than one second, but indeed noticeable. And it's only the HDR edit, not the rest of the edits. Like somebody needs to switch on the light.


-- Johan W. Elzenga




Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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I have the same issue. Was hoping the new bug release mind have fixed it!





New Here ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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Lightroom Classic 13.0.1

Mac Mini M1 2020

Mac OS X Ventura 13.5.1


1. In develop module if I'm advancing through my images in the filmstrip using the left-right arrow buttons on my keyboard, whilst having the mouse pointer hovering over the exposure slider, if I use the up or down arrows on my keyboard to adjust exposure and then advance to the next image using the right arrow on the keyboard it advances to the next image in the filmstrip but still shows the previous one as the large image.




Participant ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I still have a problem with the correct image not being displayed in develop mode, both pre LRC 13.0, and also with the new 13.0.1 update. 

When I move to the next image in the filmstrip with the cursor, usually the correct image is displayed. Occasionally however, around 50% of the time, the filmstrip selection advances, but the image displayed in the Develop pane doesn't. It's not a speed or lag issue, as I can leave it for minutes or hours, and it still wont show the correct image. 

The only way to get it to show the correct image is to move either back or forward one image, then back to the image you want to edit, and only then does the correct image appear. 

This doesn't happen all the time, I can get around 20 or so images through an edit before the issue appears, and then it remains sporadically through my workflow, I can't see a pattern. My mouse isn't hovering over sliders as others have suggested. 

I've reset preferences and done a fresh install, and also tested on a fresh small catalog of images. The only thing I have noticed is that it is collection specific, if I am in 'all photographs' I don't see the problem. 

I've also tried toggling graphics processor on and off, and trashing and rebuilding previews. 

I'll add any more patterns if and when I notice them, but it would be really good to have a fix for this, as it is seriously hampering my workflow.

I've noticed the following - 


It only affects some shoots, not all. if I switch between collections shot close together time wise, some are fine, others have the issue. Coming out of the collection doesn't make a difference, if working through images in the main catalog, the issue shows.
If I go back to a collection and start moving through the images, then the issue isn't there. It's only when I start editing again in that catalog that the problem appears. It is most common after applying a crop, but it doesn't always occur after applying a crop.




Participant ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I still have a problem with the correct image not being displayed in develop mode, both pre LRC 13.0, and also with the new 13.0.1 update. 

When I move to the next image in the filmstrip with the cursor, usually the correct image is displayed. Occasionally however, around 50% of the time, the filmstrip selection advances, but the image displayed in the Develop pane doesn't. It's not a speed or lag issue, as I can leave it for minutes or hours, and it still wont show the correct image. 

The only way to get it to show the correct image is to move either back or forward one image, then back to the image you want to edit, and only then does the correct image appear. 

This doesn't happen all the time, I can get around 20 or so images through an edit before the issue appears, and then it remains sporadically through my workflow, I can't see a pattern. My mouse isn't hovering over sliders as others have suggested. 

I've reset preferences and done a fresh install, and also tested on a fresh small catalog of images. The only thing I have noticed is that it is collection specific, if I am in 'all photographs' I don't see the problem. 

I've also tried toggling graphics processor on and off, and trashing and rebuilding previews. 

I'll add any more patterns if and when I notice them, but it would be really good to have a fix for this, as it is seriously hampering my workflow.

I've noticed the following - 


It only affects some shoots, not all. if I switch between collections shot close together time wise, some are fine, others have the issue. Coming out of the collection doesn't make a difference, if working through images in the main catalog, the issue shows.
If I go back to a collection and start moving through the images, then the issue isn't there. It's only when I start editing again in that catalog that the problem appears. It is most common after applying a crop, but it doesn't always occur after applying a crop.




Participant ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I'm not sure how relevant this is, but when the issue occurs, if you hit the R key on the keyboard to activate crop, then the image in the develop pane (which is  not the same as the one in the filmstrip, so not to the one I want to edit) is activated. However, if you press delete on the keyboard, then the chosen image in the filmstrip is deleted, not the one which shows in the develop panel. If you change the colour rating with keys 6, 7, 8, 9 etc, then they are applied to the chosen image in the filmstrip, but the develop module is displaying a differernt image.  So some keyboard actions work on the chosen image, others don't. 

If I have only green rated images selected, and it is showing the wrong image, then changing the colour rating makes the chosen image disappears from the filmstrip, then pressing Cmd Z makes it reappears, then Lightroom shows the correct image when it reappears. 




Community Beginner ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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Same issue here. My experience is this:
Unedited photo selected - can arrow to next photo no prob
Freshly edited photo without waiting a second for the change to be reflected in history - will not advance without going back and then forward again w/ arrows

Freshly edited photo after waiting 1 second for the changes to be reflected in history - WILL advance to next photo w/ arrows




New Here ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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Yes, doesn't appear to have quite been fixed in the new bug release as of 10/16/23.  The duration of the lag time can vary, depending on the image time, number of masks, etc. 


IF I turn Graphics Processor under Preferences > Performance to OFF, this eliminates the problem.  But having Graphics Processor set to Auto was not an issue in prior releases. 




New Here ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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After updating to 13.0.1 I'm experiencing abysmal performance across lightroom, everything from menus to editing, but especially when editing in the Develop Module.

After editing an image and moving to the next image, I experience a ~1s lag, followed by the unprocessed image, and another ~1s later the current processed image pops in.  This is bad enough and causes me lost time.  

Worse, there is a major issue.  After editing an image, moving to the next image simply continues to display the current image, and I have to go back one image and forward one image to get the proper image to display.  Edits made do not apply to the selected image while this happens.


This needs to be fixed immediately.  For now I'm reverting to 12.5 until this is resolved.


MacOS 12.5 Monterey

MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021)





New Here ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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Same issue here.  Made a separate post about it but I'm having the same issue.  Advancing to the next photo 75% of the time stays on the current photo.  Performance across the board is slowed down dramatically.  Rolling back to 12.5 until this issue is resolved.


This cost me a whole workday, because I culled a 2000-image event to 260 images and then spent hours editing them because I had to constantly go back and forth between blurry, bugged images.  This should've taken me one hour and instead took almost four.  I'm really frustrated.  




Community Beginner ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I have the same issue in Develop mode. 

I am moving to the next photo but is still showing the previous one.

please fix it




Participant ,
Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

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Anyway, I did some research and I realized why many people are silent about it, because this problem occurs only when using the +\- buttons on any keyboard, even on macbook !!!!. If you use only mouse or touchpad, there is no problem with photo transition. That's why many photographers don't pay attention to it, because they don't use the keyboard. Therefore, ADOBE does not react in any way.




Participant ,
Oct 17, 2023 Oct 17, 2023

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@DdeGannes  @AxelMatt    Now try in development mode when processing photos, use not the mouse and slider, but the +\- buttons on the keyboard on several images and go to the right arrow in the feed and you will understand what the global problem is for those who process a lot of photos!! You won't be able to move to the next photo the first time, you need to go back and forward again



